Monday, February 1, 2016

Taubira, free, is a danger to François Hollande? – Europe1

This is Christine Taubira inspired Catherine Nay this morning she reported last Wednesday that she was leaving the government

<. b> Wendy Bouchard: This is the forfeiture of nationality which would have pushed to leave. Taubira Christina wanted no forfeiture and his departure was, from this point of view, inevitable.

Note that this is not Hollande who asked him to leave so that it should have done before December, provided that their disagreement was public. It would actually tried to remember, but no compromise is possible, Manuel Valls presenting the constitutional revision in its place, it is hard to imagine silent on the bench in the Assembly. A scene humiliating scene, pitiful. I am leaving the government a major political désaccrod, she explained to the press before twitter: “sometimes withstand, is stay sometimes resist it go.” In truth, she had no choice. The next day, during his greeting to the press, Manuel Valls replied dryly, “resist not flee, making speeches, is to act.” And bed. Christiane Taubira will miss says – of course it yet, but the government coherence required that each draws the consequences, re-clack, adios, and that, without flowers or wreaths.

WB: And politically, Manuel Valls took advantage, obviously 66% of French believe that Christiane Taubira strengthens. However, this seems more complicated “to Hollande.

Yes, when Manuel Valls proclaims” this is the future of France that concerns me, not the future of the left “Manual thank you, because for him the future President Hollande is forced to worry about the left. Christiane Taubira weakens, how could he expect to win in 2017 if the wing failed him and plotting to slingers organize primary

WB:. Now that she’s free, do Christiane Taubira is a danger to the President

First? it must look at the polls, 73% of the French are satisfied with his departure, 65% believe it was not a good minister of justice, and in 2002 she was presidential candidate for the leftist radicals while it was not a party member, it totaled 2.32% of votes, figures that can only augur a leading role? But yes, it has a great will to the left of First, through marriage for all, she defended controversial project dramatically, great theater, and then when the slingers opposed the government’s economic policy, it has multiplied to them lovers signals.

WB: But is it enough to designate it as leader in 2017

It is distinguished the lot because it is a big mouth. Clivante, stinging, it is capable of enameling his speeches to make him jealous quotes a dictionary. You should have seen the current issues, which rubs picnic to, the arrested deputies did not lead off. Slaps, yes, she distributed them, moreover, I believe that men are afraid of her. What she likes is the castagne. Of its past independence of Guyana has held that it is only in the conflict even if we lose that one gains an additional dignity. The consensus is not part of his vocabulary, because it is soft and derogatory. “I always start by saying no and then I look, she told Michel Denisot”. If we abhor right, we love left because aggression allied to the talent has a great power of seduction. Free so

WB:.? And the policy, it will continue

She sacrificed his family life for her, she had even told Paris Match that she had left her husband because she had wanted to introduce in its place without warning. A pig’s character, she says. She spent four chiefs of staff in four years. “No, I do not wear, I exhausted,” she said

WB:. Too complicated to have a major political role, in your


To be number, surely, and then the presidential, it has already arrived. She claims to want to save Francois Hollande, but the left will need her to do theater. And you know, the stage, she knows! You saw how she’s gone!


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