The minister of Finance Michel Sapin – STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

Michel Sapin is overtaken by the justice. The minister of Economy and Finance may be required to return compensation of elected municipal charges levied in the past. It is in any case what was the decision of the administrative tribunal (TA) Limoges, enjoining the town of Argenton-sur-Creuse (Indre) to recover this compensation.

the amount of The compensation to be unreasonable, as perceived by the former municipal team, is estimated at a total of 80,000 to 100,000 euros for all elected officials concerned.

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as of 2009, a period during which the socialist Michel Sapin (until June 2012), and Michel Quinet (until march 2014) were mayors of the city (5.300 inhabitants), an increase of 25 % of compensation municipal was awarded to the elect. This increase was based on the provisions of the title of the cities so-called ” tourist “.

But, in 2014, the leader of the municipal opposition, Ludovic Livernette (DVD), had discovered that this status as a tourist town had not been confirmed by an order of the prefect for Argenton-sur-Creuse. He had, therefore, asked the new mayor, Vincent Millan (various left), to regularize the situation by asking Michel Sapin, Michel Quinet, and other elected representatives concerned to refund the overpayment to the municipality.

” The decisions taken at the time (…) set the amount of compensation payable to the elect at a lower level than that allowed, then the texts and so no real harm has been suffered by the commune of Argenton-sur-Creuse “, said Michel Sapin. It was” an error of a purely administrative and involuntary, “added the minister, adding that” in no case, the decision of the administrative court can be quoted and in no way it has not been ” convicted “, the term is misleading and defamatory, to pay any amount whatsoever “.

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The new mayor Vincent Millan was recognized the error, but, pleading the good faith of the elect of the time, it had been adopted by the majority of municipal a resolution waiving the recovery of these amounts to be unreasonable. It is this deliberation that Ludovic Livernette had contested before the administrative tribunal of Limoges. At the hearing, on September 15, the public rapporteur had concluded in the same sense that the elected opposition.

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