Tuesday, October 4, 2016

In Strasbourg, the rocket Macron still works… the diesel – Obs

after reading this article, you don’t know a lot more about the proposals of Emmanuel Macron. Proposals, the term still seems to be a dirty word in the mouth of the former minister of the Economy. For the moment, he consents only to speak of “ways of thinking”, or”working axis”. But the proposals not.

How, then, does last ? Has to hold the high dragee with his former comrades of the left in the polls ? The”hologram” – dixit François Bayrou – walking without an agenda, but it advance. To avoid stagnation, he used a way too outdated as it is effective : saturate the media scene. Evidenced by its move on Tuesday, in Strasbourg.

For a simple meeting, a candidate – that he is not yet – was in the habit of doing a round-trip in the end of the day. But with Macron, it is all the day shift. At each point of time, it is necessary to occupy, educate, pamper the caravan provided to journalists following the rising star of the political. And if it’s not him, it’s his staff who are responsible for this. And / or his wife.

“Arrogance astonishing”

Thus begins the said day, in the train of 9h25 at the start of the gare de l’est in Paris. The Point of”Emmanuel”, which remained all the way in his first class seat, instead of the “Brigitte” has not resisted to the call of the coffee… and the journalists present in the wagon-bar. Service before-sale, she assured him without a filter. She was worried about the sleep of her husband, to do too much “people” by moving to his sides, while defending the act Macron.


at the arrival, at Strasbourg, and it is man who takes the relay. Hardly has he set foot on the dock as a forest of cameras and microphones around him. Already, it promises that it is not there to deliver “a catalogue of 300 or 400 proposals”. Here’s the whole world warned. The time is the balance sheet of the ski lifts of the ground from the questionnaires collected by his famous “walkers”. Just loose there, as grist for the mill, a small sentence against the fierce Alain Juppé, in which he does not understand “the arrogance amazing” one who plays “the former Prime minister of distributing the good and bad points”.

Macron timer, prolonging the suspense on the background as on the form, but it is definitely the means to achieve its ends. As soon as the descent of the train, a shuttle bus waits for the journalists to go to the Palace of music and congresses. The team of “walkers” is very caring. They are recognizable by their young age and their t-shirts or hoodies signed “On”. As the name of the Wifi network.

“300.000 doors hit,”

a Few pretzels and kougelhopfs later, his closest advisors take the journalists to share. History of make a briefing… the briefing promised by Macron in the early afternoon. “Emmanuel is still in rehearsal, he joins us in a quarter of an hour.” The artist of the day, therefore, repeats his speech in the great hall where it should occur in the evening.

For the moment, it is a question of numbers and method. Already at his side at Bercy, Ishmael Emelien has supervised the works : “300.000 gates hit, up to 100,000 conversations, 25.000 questionnaires filled.” 200 experts then analyzed these. Sylvain Fort, joined more recently, explains the approach : “It is a return to the fundamentals and the first fundamental of democracy, is to listen and not speak.”

Patience, so. As Macron himself does not say something else a few minutes after. At the risk of repetition, it says :

“we must not only treat the symptom, swing measures in the face of the people, it should be traced back to the root of the evil.”

François Hollande is left for a tackle supported :

“I could tell you that I’m going to change the Constitution, I could even tell you that I’m going to give the right of vote to foreigners, and do nothing after !”

in the absence of concrete proposals, some ways of thinking are, however, mentioned in the report : a committee of citizens in charge of ensuring the compliance of the commitments of the campaign, a State more decentralized, with a dose of proportional representation introduced in the national Assembly… The candidate’s putative promises of the other in the evening.

“It is the moon

In the meantime, Macron share visit young people in civic service, without the media. To begin a little later a wandering in the streets of Strasbourg, this time surrounded by a network of journalists and objectives that it takes sometimes several minutes to a few metres. The few onlookers who are trying to enter into the cloud are for their costs.

“This is moon”, laments a member of that crowd. Another character is most at ease : Roland Ries, the mayor socialist of the city. Quietly, he explained that, yes, he appreciates the guest of the day, but, no, he is not a supporter :

“He brings a breath of fresh air to the political debate, but I am in PS for the last forty years, and I will support the candidate from the primary of my party.”

Emmanuel Macron alongside Roland Ries. (PATRICK HERTZOG / AFP)

Back at the Palace of music and congress. More than an hour before the start of the meeting, expected to 19h, a long queue is already formed. Here, curious but mostly a lot of supporters to the cause macroniste. All settled around a stage placed in the center of the room. The speakers will need to master figures to 360 degrees.

The first six are experiencing some difficulties. Six walkers, little accustomed to speak in public and yet in charge of égrainer ski field above. The exercise is sometimes interesting, often winded, but it has the merit to innovate compared to the traditional political rallies where the candidate comes, alone, put forth his truth.

“A criminal record”

The seventh speaker is the most applauded. For cause, he is called Emmanuel Macron. Spent the jingle on “the great impatience of the world’s political-media” who languirait to be able to read its program, the outgoing minister addresses the theme of the day, “the committed life”. Without surprise, he resumes his account of the desires found of more proportionality (in France as in Europe), less of accumulated mandates (helping the elect to come back into professional life).

A point raised more to the crowds : “Make access to the life elective in a criminal record.” And to quote the Book IV of the penal Code which provides for the case of”crimes against the public administration committed by persons exercising a public function”. Or those who “exceed the ceiling of campaign accounts”. Macron takes :

“How can we then embody the State, the authority ?”

This does not prevent him, a few moments later, to cheer Jacques Chirac… But this is Alain Juppé and Nicolas Sarkozy who were targeted, the kick is successful.

For the rest of the lift field, it will be necessary to visit the le Mans race on October 11, and then to Montpellier on the 18th of the same month, respectively on the themes of “daily life” and “life together”. As for the “transformation plan” as promised, it will still be a wait. The proposals, the real, the concrete, are planned in the month of November.

Julien Martin


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