Thursday, October 13, 2016

The number of deaths by 2015 has been the highest since 1946 – The Express

The new may seem alarming, but the explanation is mainly due to the demographics. In 2015, Insee has identified 593 680 deaths, or 34 000 more than in 2014, and especially the highest number since 1946.

The graph representing  the evolution of the death in France since 1946.

The graph representing the evolution of the death in France since 1946.

If there are more deaths, it is mostly that there was more to living. This strong increase is explained partly by the arrival of the first generations of “baby boomers” at ages where the risk of dying is higher. Before what are the age classes, so-called “off-peak”, born between 1915 and 1919, who arrived at the ages where one dies more, and the number of deaths had declined between 1985 and the early 2000s.

A peak of deaths in winter

However, the “economic circumstances” are also involved and make 2015 a “special year,” notes the Insee: the flu in the first quarter of 2015, several heat waves in July and August and a cold spell in October.

From January to march 2015, the number of deaths has been particularly important, ” continues the institute. The peak of deaths in winter, indeed, has been more marked than during the previous three years. 24 000 additional people have died compared to the same month of 2014.

83% of the people who died were over 65 years of age

In January and march occurred respectively 240 and 180 deaths daily additional. In February, in particular, 380 additional people died on a daily basis compared to the same month in 2014. After the war, the peak of deaths in the winter was strongly marked.

In July 2015, there were 60 people died per day in July 2014 and in October 2015, 117 more per day in October 2014. People aged 65 and over were the most likely to die in winter, according to these numbers. On the year as a whole, they represent 83% of the deaths.


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