Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The lesson of the bishops to political leaders – The World

In a general text on the political published  on Thursday, the permanent council of the bishops'  Conference of France considers that it is  necessary to

future presidential candidates will soon find in their mailboxes an address ” to the inhabitants of our country “, which sets a gloomy diagnosis on the health-policy of France, and attributed to the responsible public a substantial responsibility in this situation. It is developed by the ten members of the permanent council of the bishops ‘ Conference of France (CEF), an emanation of the general assembly of the catholic episcopate, which brings together around 120 French bishops.

Read the interview of Archbishop Pontier, president of the Conference of bishops of France : “Our society has become multicultural”

This permanent council publishes Thursday 13 October, a general text on the policy is presented as the most important of the last twenty years. It is entitled : In a changing world, find the meaning of the policy (Bayard, Cerf, Mame, 94 pages, 4 euros) and, being intended not only to catholics but to the whole of the population, it will be released in bookstores.

The bishops have worked there since the month of may, with the objective of make it look on the edge in this election year the major. They describe a country that came out in a pitiful state of changes of all kinds in recent decades, to the point to conclude that ” the basis of life in society is called into question “ today. the ” The social contract, the agreement republican to live together on the national territory, therefore, appears more self-evident “, summarize the bishops. There must now be ” redefined “.

” Absence of the project or long-term vision “

The primary responsibility of this failure would be the rulers. Words not required, speech managers, maneuvers, calculations, and especially ” absence of the project or long-term vision “ are set before them without mercy and are judged today ” reason “ and ” unbearable “. The prelates who, in particular through the network of associations catholic, have a wide perception of the social realities, seeing the ravages policies of the situations of exclusion and precariousness, but also of the economic marginalization of young people, in particular because of a future become a for many ” opaque “.

” In all these situations, the republican values of liberty, equality, fraternity, often brandished in a way mesmerising, seem to ring hollow for many of our contemporaries on the national ground. “

the most striking aspect of the work of the heads of the FED, and also the one who will be without a doubt the most debate within the catholic church, regarding their reflection on the nation, the identities, the citizenship, of the themes that are today central to the debate of the primary right and centre, but also to the left. The document of the episcopate takes up firmly and resolutely for a redefinition of ” of what it is to be a citizen of france “.

He notes that ” the idea of a homogeneous nation, political construction incorporated often by forced marches, by centralizing and unifying authoritarian “ and ” meant that the particularities of community, and especially religious should not be put before “ was ” shaken up by globalisation “. It should lead us to redefine the national pact so as to be able to ” managing diversity in our society “. This alone will allow the insertion, in the nation, the cultural and religious differences, and of persons of immigrant background who ” sometimes find it difficult to feel a part of the social contract “, but also the emergence of ” bonds of unity at the heart of this diversity “.

A first test for the reception of this document by the various families of catholicism could take place in November at the fall meeting of the bishops at Lourdes. There will be particularly the question of relations with islam, with the presence of cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the pontifical council for interreligious dialogue.


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