Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Manif for all wants to weigh in on the presidential election, Le Figaro

COVERAGE – By parading in Paris on Sunday, the demonstrators have tried to force the candidates to take a position on the Taubira law, the LDCS and the GPA.

a few weeks of the primary right and centre, to seven months of the presidential election, the Manif for all wished to “be heard”. “Once elected, politicians quickly forget you!”, smiles a grand-mother bunch of stickers and flags pink and blue. So they came from all over France, in Paris on Sunday, to defend the traditional family: “between 23.000 and 24.000 people” according to the Prefecture of police, 200,000 for the organizers. At the height of the mobilization, in march 2013, they had gathered more than a million people, (approximately 300,000 according to the police.”We are still here, immeasurably many, launched the president, Ludovine de La Rochère, in his closing speech. Paris blue-white-pink, bet won!”

All along the route, in the Sixteenth arrondissement, the cars have been removed. In this context of a terrorist threat, the Manif for all has been particularly vigilant on security: upon their arrival, porte Dauphine, the protesters have been filtered and searched. Behind a stroller, carry a cane or even a wheelchair, all brandish, under a radiant sun, the posters and flags with the colours of the movement. As for the slogans, they know them by heart: “Four years we repeat!, highlights Aude, coming from the suburbs of paris. LDCS, GPA, we will not!”

medically assisted Procreation “without father” and surrogacy, avatars of the Taubira law, according to the Manif for all, are always in the crosshairs. But, over the quinquennium, there are added to the “hype tax”, the “case of the family policy”, or the “dissemination of the genre”… “In SVT, my teacher told us that sex could be different gender!”, is unworthy a student of Angers.

The repeal of the law on gay marriage is, for most activists, always a possibility, three years after its adoption. “You are president of the next alternation, in response to all of our voices, you will have no choice other than to rewrite the Taubira law to stop its abuses!”, launched Clement Borioli, responsible for the movement Common Sense of the Hautes-Pyrénées and member of the association homosexual Homovox. But almost all of the candidates in the primary don’t count back on the Taubira law. With the exception of the chairman of the christian democratic Party, Jean-Frédéric Poisson, the only one to demand the repeal, and, to a lesser extent, François Fillon, who wants a “rewrite” to prohibit the parentage exclusive of a child by two people of the same sex.

Paris, 16 October 2016, the Manif for all  débute Porte Dauphine.

Paris, on October 16, 2016, the Manif for all begins Porte Dauphine. photo Credits :

If the Manif for all has clearly announced that it would support no candidate, Common Sense, an offshoot within the Republican, for its part, has chosen to vote in favour of François Fillon. On Saturday, the former first minister also sent a message of “support” to the protesters, assuring that if elected, he would “carry the head of a european fighter” against the “human aberration that is the GPA”. A gesture that has touched some. Because at the heart of the procession, it ensures that the topic of the family will determine at the time of the vote. “It’s still an issue of civilization!, exclaimed Pascale, head of the company in the paris region. I would have voted for Fish, but I prefer to bet on Fillon, whose economic program is the best, and is the one to beat Juppé.”

others want To believe it: “I do not see that Jean-Frédéric Fish to take things in hand,” says Nathalie, part of paris. If everyone here voted for him, he will be able to access the second round! Look like he took the stuff from the first tv debate.” For mp of the Bouches-du-Rhone Valerie Boyer, it is François Fillon that he must trust: “in the Face of nominations of testimony, he was a statesman, and does not change with notice at the discretion of the polls,” she said. He has put the family at the heart of its project, either economic, societal or tax.”

“I want (…) to bear witness to my sympathy and my support to all those that will be mobilized for the family”

Some do hear of any other choice: “I am not interested nor to the primary of the right hand or to the left, you enter?”, launches a small redhead coming of Noon. A little later, other supporters lament the fact that the member FN Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, be invited on the podium, as “all political tendencies”, according to organizers. As for Vincent, he is betting on “Emmanuel Macron, more modern than some on the right that it has far too many suv’s”: “May-be going to-t-he vote against the Taubira law?”, does he want to believe. Very little success in any case for Nicolas Sarkozy, “which changes all the time mind, because it is cheap”, and even less for Alain Juppe, who is “not all clear”. After having supported the deputy of the Drôme Hervé Mariton, his colleague Philippe Gosselin rallied like him to Alain Juppé. What many activists find difficult to understand. “It should be “watchmen”, which remind candidates of the importance of these issues, attempts to be elected to the Sleeve. Alain Juppé will the leaders of the Manif for all ” in the next few days.”


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