AFP / ANNE CHRISTINE POUJOULAT The former MEP, Jean-Luc Bennahmias launched this Saturday, September 27th his new party, the Democratic Front. Here in November 2013 (Archives).
EELV and the modem have alternately distanced themselves from the executive, Jean-Luc Bennahmais him the challenge of alliance and assume: “The Democratic Front must participate in the reconstruction of a new social democratic majority ecologist , secular and republican assuming the choices made by François Hollande, and Manuel Valls,” said the Green and former ex-modem this Saturday, September 27 at the launch of his new party, the Democratic Front.
According to former MEP, his “training already allows the synthesis of progressive and reformist currents environmentalists.” Jean-Luc Bennahmias came off the modem Bayrou a few weeks after it has partnered with UDI Jean-Louis Borloo especially for the European elections last May.
Two left face to face
Present for the launch, Jean Christophe Cambadélis, he has the opportunity to appeal to a “progressive alliance”. “The left has two pillars, critical and radical left that has its reason for being (…) and another left that has always existed is more reformist, more European, more environmentalist ( ….), “said the First Secretary of the Socialist Party (PS). “We need these two left can dialogue and to organize themselves.”
Access to a political party be defined as fighting ‘Holland bashing’ (…) I dream in my own training.
Jean -Christophe Cambadélis, first secretary of the PS
PS will offer all its partners “will constitute a progressive alliance of all left reformists” to think “ At the moment, the future and the next elections ” Has he said. “We must work together even if we have differences that are extremely strong.”
“In the current period, see a political will defined as fighting ‘Holland bashing’, being totally agree with government policy I dream in my own training “Has he joked at the end of his speech.
In recent months, Jean-Luc Bennahmias made repeatedly visiting head of state. According to the Front Democrat, co-chair of the Green group in the Assembly, François de Rugy, rose to the launch on Saturday and the Green MP François-Michel Lambert.Writing recommends
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