Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Muslim prayer room destroyed by fire in Ajaccio – Le Figaro

VIDEOS – The criminal path is preferred. “No anti-religious act should not be tolerated,” said Hollande. The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has expressed its “solidarity with the Muslims of Corsica”.

A Muslim prayer room Ajaccio Saturday morning was ravaged by fire probably arson, said the prosecutor. Around 05:00, the incident has severely damaged the premises located at the entrance of Ajaccio Mezzavia in the district, said the prosecutor of Ajaccio, Eric Bouillard.

According to the prefect of Corsica Christophe Mirmand, “traces of hydrocarbons” were discovered during the first surveys of agents of the scientific police.

the prayer room, located behind the football stadium of the team Gazélec Ajaccio, is one of the two largest in the city. The building is regularly used to host youth for tutoring, told AFP a faithful, lamenting that “140 children” can not be received on Sunday.

“If the criminal is confirmed , its perpetrators will be quickly identified and convicted. No anti-religious act should not be tolerated, “according to a statement from the president passed by the Elysee.

In a statement, the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has expressed its” solidarity with Muslims in Corsica. ” “If the criminal is confirmed it will result in the active search for the perpetrators, who must answer for this unacceptable act to justice. The interior minister reminded the government’s determination to protect all places of worship, and to ensure freedom of worship throughout the territory, “the minister added.

” The damage are very, very important, “lamented to AFP Abdallah Zekri, President of the Observatory against Islamophobia, which” strongly condemns this act vile and hateful “. He asked the authorities “to shed full light on this event in order to avoid the escalation of violence.” “There are people who are desperate to undermine community life,” he lamented, while calling for calm.

The leaders of the island, President autonomist Executive Gilles Simeoni and independence President of the territorial Assembly Jean-Guy Talamoni, expressed in a joint statement their “dismay.” “To attack a place of worship is an incomprehensible and inaccceptable act contrary to the fundamental values ​​of the Corsican people, including the centuries-old tradition of religious tolerance inherited from Pasquale Paoli (philosopher and politician regarded as the father of the Corsican identity, ed), “they added.

the investigation for degradation by fire was entrusted to the judicial police and investigators to public safety.

loss occurs a few months after the racist and anti-Muslim outbursts that accompanied the protests that followed the attack firefighters lured into an ambush in the popular Les Jardins of the Emperor on Christmas Eve in Ajaccio.

“These young Corsicans who rekindle the flame of nationalism

a Muslim prayer room, located near the gardens of the Emperor, had been ransacked and including copies of the partially burned Quran. Slogans like “Arabi Fora” (Arabs outside, note) or “us We are in” were chanted during these parades in the popular area.

After the incidents of the Gardens of the Emperor some anti-Muslim acts were registered in the following weeks, including the filing of a boar’s body to a Muslim prayer room and graffiti “Arabs out” roadsides. “There had been a lull since the end of the year, unfortunately, some bad guys want to fire” regrets Abdallah Zekri.


Education: the income of primary teachers revised upwards – francetv info

The Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, announced Saturday, April 30 an annual increase of 800 euros gross for teachers of kindergarten and elementary school. Created by Vincent Peillon in 2013, the annual premium could triple from 400 to 1200 euros. A sum equivalent to the amount paid to their colleagues of the second degree for the past 27 years.

In his announcement on Sunday newspaper, the minister did not specify whether the catch will be held once or several years. The 330,000 school teachers are paid less, with 2210 gross per month on average, against 2,640 euros for those high school. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem promises a comprehensive review of the career path, with a revaluation at the end.

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Sid Ahmed Glam was he tapped from his cell? – The Parisian

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| Update:

Burr or clever maneuver? According to Le Figaro, Sid Ahmed Ghlam suspicion of having planned an attack in April 2015 against a church in Villejuif and be linked to the murder of Aurelie Chatelain, has continued during the first six months of his detention, communicate with the outside with a mobile phone from his cell in the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne).

Sid Ahmed Ghlam would thus exchanged thousands of conversations with the outside despite the attention he was supposed to be.

the man would be purchasing this phone with a fellow prisoner, understands TF1 this Saturday which ensures that the phone line was monitored by ISB in connection with another case. Consequently, according to TF1: “for nearly six months, the French intelligence services will therefore listen to all the conversations of young radical Islamist”, especially when he talks with his close its defense strategy. The prison administration would have instructed not to enter the phone. Contacted by AFP, the latter denied outright.

Sid Ahmed Ghlam transferred to the prison Beauvais (Oise)

According to the prison administration (AP), supervisors of Fresnes prison got their hands on this phone chip Nov. 20, a week after the attacks in Paris after “targeted search”. Once the SIM card found, the AP who said they had not been aware of its contents, alert the floor of Creteil and “within two hours, the PC is sent to a search.”

An investigation since November 20 for “concealment of unlawful introduction of prison objects,” does one judicial source said, adding that the prosecution had divested Créteil “there are some days” in favor of that of Paris.

The existence of this investigation was not to be linked to the attacks of 13 November, “told AFP Mr Matthieu de Vallois, counsel for Sid Ahmed Ghlam. The 24 year old student now sleeps in prison Beauvais (Oise), which has a jammer portable




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various Facts

Sid Ahmed Glam was- he tapped from his cell?

Burr or clever maneuver? According to Le Figaro, Sid Ahmed Ghlam suspicion of having planned an attack in April 2015 against a church in Villejuif and be linked to the murder of Aurelie Chatelain, has continued during the first six months …

2016-04-30 1:59:00 p.m.

News News items, various Facts, National, 2016, sid ahmed glam, was he listening to cell


France-Hostage in a prison in Seine-et-Marne – Boursorama

 PARIS, April 30 (Reuters)  – A supervisor of Réau prison in  Seine-et-Marne southeast of Paris, was restrained  by two held late Saturday afternoon a-t- we  learned union source. Philippe Country, National  Secretary in charge of communication of the  National Union FO prison, told iTELE this hostage  did not surprise, reports of recurring tensions  linked to insufficient enrollment in French  prisons. “The supervisor is alone on his  passageway. The supervisor for a faction of six to  eight hours a roughly Management 100 to 120  inmates. How would you there is no frustration  from one side of other and we get to accidents as  unhappy today? “he he said. With a capacity  of 798 seats, the “detention center south  Ile” was commissioned in June 2011. (Myriam  Rivet, edited by Jean-Stéphane Brosse) 


Night stand and trade unions try a reconciliation – Le Figaro

Since its inception, the collective Night standing claims a “convergence of struggles.” After the strike of April 28 against the labor law, unions have been invited to discuss and explain their differences.

Since the beginning of the occupation of Republic square on March 31, Night standing calls for a “convergence of struggles.” After the fourth day of mobilization against the law Khomri El, the movement wanted to seal an alliance with the trade unions inviting them to discuss during daily movement AG. The CGT responded to this call. “We are for the convergence of struggles,” said loudly Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the CGT. “CGT values ​​are compatible with night stand,” said the union leader.

The Secretary General of the Montreuil station has also called for a mass demonstration on May 3 against the labor law and Night said that standing can count on the support of the CGT.

Behind the scenes, Philippe Martinez says that “this kind of forum is positive, it also helps to make known the CGT. We need a citizen movement much stronger, “forgetting, by the way, he did not sign the petition” Work Act, no thank you! “.

Before him, SOUTH Commerce, CGT McDonald, Info’Com-CGT, Taxis standing CGT Spectacle, SO CNT, CGT Air France … also spoke. Some even called for a “general strike”, greeted by the applause of the participants.

A call that the representative of the first union of France would not, however, relay. When the union leader speaks at the podium of the Night standing, participants hitherto placid, have quickly interrupted with cries of “General Strike!”. But the union with 700,000 members, “it is in the companies need to shout general strike.”

Philippe Martinez is not conquered territory. The questions and criticisms of the union representative and multiply. The participants regretted that the grassroots is not enough listening. He denies. Mocking, an organizer launches: “Warning, do not believe everything he says.” “The unions are not doing their job,” says another night deboutiste. “We expect announcements” sighs a young man.

And the coming of the union was organized in pain. “I wanted to come for a long time,” confesses the leader of the CGT. Why wait to participate in Night Stand? “It was necessary that the conditions are met. There was a risk of recovery, we discussed it and decided to come, “retorted Philippe Martinez. Before speaking Thursday night, the number of CGT had also met a delegation of Night standing and “received assurances”.

Side of Night standing union presence has also been the subject of lively discussion. The idea of ​​this gathering was defended by one of the initiators of the movement, François Ruffin, director of the film Thank you Boss! , but the fear of a recovery also hung on their side.

All the unions have not joined the movement. Force Ouvrière (FO) said “not having been invited. But even if we were invited, we would not have come. The topics discussed at Night standing well above the wage sphere, we do not associate the movement, “thus defending Michelle Biaggi, confederal secretary of FO. “We do not manifest with them on May 1, however, the CGT is scroll with,” said the union representative.

As for the Sunday parade, the position of the CGT is less clear. If Philippe Martinez welcomes walk alongside FO, about a formal alliance Night standing unionist boot into touch “each in his place can contribute to the event.” Still, the path of the procession, set by the Inter between Bastille and Nation, will not pass through the Republic Square …


School teachers will be increased – Le Figaro

Manuel Valls will announce Tuesday an alignment of their bonus on that perceived by their colleagues of the second degree, revealed the Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

the government enough for the teachers who will be entitled to a financial boost. Manuel Valls will announce on Tuesday an alignment of their bonus to that received by their colleagues of the second degree, revealed the Minister of Education, Najat Belkacem-Vallaud in an interview u Journal du Dimanche.

the Prime Minister will specify the form and the planned timetable Tuesday in closing two days devoted to the school rebuilding of law, implemented in 2013 by Vincent Peillon, then Minister of Education. Teachers in middle and high school since 1989 receive an annual allowance of 1200 euros. In 2013, Vincent Peillon had introduced an annual bonus for teachers in schools of 400 euros. Their union demanded from an alignment of this premium on that of secondary teachers. “We are working on it,” says Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. He added: “In addition, we will review the career paths of all teachers by paying them better and accompanying”

With its two predecessors under President François Hollande (Vincent. Peillon 2012 to April 2014 and Benoit Hamon from April to August 2014), Najat Vallaud-Belkacem open on Monday Days of rebuilding the school of the Republic, intended to achieve a progress report on what has been done since 2012 and to consider possible improvements. “Since 2012, we incurred school in a Copernican revolution,” says the minister paraphrasing the head of state believes that the school “feeling better”.

The reform of school time is considered: 80% of children have an activity outside of school time. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem also recalls the special appreciation for teachers neighborhoods. “Because of our reforms, he will receive the Lifetime 85,000 euros more than in 2012″.

While the 2017 presidential approach Najat Vallaud-Belkacem criticized the opposition “the right has never addressed the issue of remuneration in the form of blackmail, promising to increase teachers provided to reduce their number. Our choice is more demanding: teachers both more and better-paying “, defends the minister. Before concluding: “We have the highest regard for personal without which our education reforms would be empty shells”



Yes to legal aid for Abdeslam – Liberation

The national law and popular morality may legitimately differ. And even face. The first does not bother feeling, when the second pulse to the rhythm of our dramas and often akin to that measure public opinion and grind pollsters. Everyone understands what may shock when you learn that Salah Abdeslam, only direct protagonist of the events of November 13 to have been captured alive, will receive legal aid – as every accused is entitled to the maximum win 1000 euros monthly. But how such a man, who does not deny his involvement in the barbaric attacks that targeted Paris, can it be supported in any way by the nation he helped bring grief? The temptation of a logic “eye for eye”, let alone after terrorist acts and so that the highest state authorities use the word “war” is understandable, if not legitimate. But the essence and pride of the rule of law is precisely to enforce it through. Leaving such any litigant benefit from a defense, whether rich or poor, a French citizen of the EU or abroad in a regular situation.

There are contexts where this is less easy . Where popular pressure and populist temptation mingle. But if we decided tomorrow to deprive terrorists of legal aid – which one recalls that it is for people in terms of law and whatever the facts established in the press or about this or such are innocent alleged – that public opinion would she then deny it? Rapists, killers, suspected fraudsters? It was also learned this week, Abdeslam, isolation Fleury since his transfer to Belgium, will be defended by Frank Berton, a Cador. This is also the lawyer said it had agreed to be paid through legal aid, the amount of which is not proportionate to the seriousness of the facts or their “media aspect.” But if M th Berton losing money in the judicial marathon that opens, it gains a sacred display, while showing connection with his conception of the role of advocate. Abdeslam will offer him a tenor at the expense of France, but it would almost know rejoice, keeping in mind the importance of judging in the best conditions in the name of our values. The other option is, as the lawyer and MP Marinist Gilbert Collard, to advocate the use of torture against Abdeslam. One can imagine what that looks like the view, stay-in rather the law.

Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen


The National Front wants a peaceful May 1st … but it is not won – Le Monde

Speech of the  President of the National Front Marine Le Pen  Place de l'Opéra in Paris on May 1st 2015.

Last station before presidential campaign. Sunday 1 st May, the National front gathered his troops for the traditional tribute to Joan of Arc. A final meeting before the start of hostilities for the presidential election of 2017, which will ramp up from the beginning of September. For Marine Le Pen, the event is to illustrate the sequence of communication that it has opened since January: the far-right party wants to “at work” – as right and left tear on the name of those who wear their colors in 2017 – and its president intends to embody a figure “appeased” , able to gather the French. The opposite of the clivante image that sticks to the skin, and prevented to take any executive in the regional elections of December 2015.

In terms of healing, 1 st -May organized in 2015, which saw the unwanted intrusion of Jean-Marie Le Pen and activists of Femen, is against the absolute model. The management of the National Front party has decided to end the show she organized for twenty-eight years, to be replaced by a banquet of 2000 people, Porte de la Villette, in Paris, after which Marine Le Pen will speak. The thirteen FN group chairmen in the regional councils will also be invited to speak. Beyond political considerations, the FN highlights security issues to justify this revolution. The organization Islamic state has indeed …


Murder Aurelie Chatelain: Sid Ahmed Ghlam have phoned in prison – Europe1

The alleged murderer of Aurelie Chatelain would he managed to get a cell phone in prison? According to information from Le Figaro , Sid Ahmed Ghlam suspicion of having planned an attack against a church in Villejuif, in April 2015, would have telephoned out for the first six months of his detention . Also according to the newspaper, phone chip discovered in his cell would contain “documents citing people involved in the attacks on 13 November.”

“Hundreds information.” Still in solitary confinement in the prison of Fresnes, Sid Ahmed Ghlam have exchanged “thousands of conversations” according to Le Figaro . These calls would have lasted until November 13, day of the attacks of Paris. According to Europe 1 information is an unannounced search that allowed to find a telephone chip on 20 November, a week after the attacks in Paris. This chip contained “hundreds info” alongside “Paper Documentation of charts and pedigrees of people left for Syria, and several names involved in the attacks of 13 November,” said Le Figaro , also reporting that during a second search, a new chip was found.

Weeks decryption. According to the daily, these documents were sent to intelligence services “for decryption that have taken many weeks.” The terrorism prosecutor of Paris could so far not found it necessary to pay these to the proceedings concerning the events of November 13th.


The Pays de la Loire (LR) suspends the grant of an LGBT film festival – Le Parisien




The Pays de la Loire (LR) suspends the grant of an LGBT film festival

the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire, chaired by Bruno Retailleau (LR) decided on Friday to suspend the grant of a film festival organized by the LGBT center (Lesbian gay bi and Trans) from Nantes, because positioning …

2016-04-29 7:44:29 p.m.×400.jpg

2016, region, country, of, loire, lr, suspend


A month later, Night is always standing in the square – The World

Hundreds of protesters involved in  discussions at an & quot; AG & quot; (general  meeting) held during the sixth night standing,  April 5, 2016 on the Republic Square in Paris This  movement, born. the occupation of the Republic  square after the demonstration against the & quot;  labor law & quot; March 31, attracting more and  more people every night around entertainment and  debate.
  • Who are the participants standing Night?

The Occupy movement in the Republic Square gathers quite diverse audiences, depending on the time of day. By late afternoon, passersby and curious residents are many, but in the day and late at night, a public activist, which includes sensitivities “to the left of the left” majority. The students form a good part of the audience of Night standing, but all ages are represented, from high school to retired

Read. Activists, curious revelers twenty-four hours with the Night participants standing

the Night of standing claims are still not clear, under the sentence issued by the economist Frédéric Lordon, the eve of the first occupation in the auditorium occupied the University Paris I – Tolbiac: “We do not claim anything. “ After a month of occupation, however, the movement is trying to avoid shortness of breath, to refocus on the law El Khomri, its primary action. This should enable the movement to ally with unions, fighting against the labor law. The “commissions” Night of standing have been working on many subjects, but they remain in the state of reflection, in the absence of management

Read the interview. ” A night stand, the quality of democratic debate is the priority issue “

  • What do the unions?
The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe  Martinez, speaks at a general meeting of Night  Stand, April 28, 2016 on Republic Square in  Paris.

individually , union members have paid close to the movement or participated. But unions in fight against labor law do not all have the same “official” position facing the movement. United, for example, is very close to Night standing and could provide logistical and administrative support to the movement. The CGT, first a little distant, decided at the Marseilles Congress to reach out to Night upright. Its secretary general, Philippe Martinez, came to meet on April 28, a delegation, then speak to the meeting. Workers Force, meanwhile, wants to stay focused on the fight against labor law

Read:. A night stand, unions receive a mixed reception

  • who are the organizers?

It is very difficult to determine who “leads” Night upright. The only thing we know for sure, it is the identity of the initiators. This is a small group of activists formed around Frédéric Lordon, economist, and François Ruffin, journalist, director of Thank you boss! and founder of the independent magazine Fakir. This small group had the idea to occupy the place after the demonstration of 31 March. It continues to offer directions to the movement, sometimes arousing the suspicion of some participants. The idea of ​​”convergence” evening on April 28 was born after the debate “So what? “During which François Ruffin called for closer trade unions. But we can not assign the “decision”. A night stand, everything is still to be voted commissions

Read. Overnight standing history of political UFO

The fees are the second element can draw an “organization,” although officially Night standing does not. They discuss projects and vote, because the General Assembly is not voting, participants have found that the public coming and going on the square could not be considered a stable voting meeting. Last week, tensions rose, some participants at the GA accusing commissions “become independent” to their detriment

Read:. The movement night stand suspended from its voting process

  • can night standing extend beyond the Republic square?

spaces occupations were launched in several cities in France, as in Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse and Nice. Overall, these gatherings are modest, with a few hundred participants, and do not take place continuously as the square of the Republic. Suburbs standing movements have been made in the Paris region, with mixed success

Read:. Movement standing barely Night to extend commuter

Read: in Marseille, Night standing is hard up against the reality of the northern districts

  • Do they threaten security issues Night standing
  • ?

Paris, Place of the Republic, April 13,  2016.CRS and gendarmes escorting the demonstrators  to the square of the Republic, after a small group  left support a & quot; friend & quot; in custody  in the 2nd district

overflows on the sidelines of movement occurred, especially in the evening of the event on 9 April and the following week. an altercation with Alain Finkielkraut, April 16, caused an uproar in the press, which has offended in the entire reserved Home Academician by some activists

Read. Alain Finkielkraut expelled from standing Night: facts

new overflows erupted after the demonstration on 28 April. that night, twenty-four people were taken into custody for degradation and violence. Two vehicles were burned. the police headquarters has warned night organizers standing, encouraging them to develop to a security service and facilitate the evacuation of the place to the end time of permission to demonstrate (midnight or 1 am, depending on the day). Following the movement could be suspended to that

Read. Night stand facing the risk of overflows

  • How do the policies Night stand?

Night raises overall standing benevolence left the government side and the municipality of Paris, despite some calls to order on the management of overflows. Right, installing the movement has raised questions about its compatibility with the state of emergency. After ten nights standing, the party Republicans requested the evacuation of the place, as the National Front

Read the summary. For a month, left and right are standing divide on Night


Friday, April 29, 2016

Law work: the injured protester has totally lost the use of his eye – Le Point

A young man seriously wounded in the eye by a projectile in Rennes Thursday on the sidelines of the demonstration against the labor law, has definitely lost the vision in his left eye, said the prosecutor Ille Nicolas Jacquet et-Vilaine Friday. “The pathologist who have seen confirmed the functional loss, total and irreversible, vision of the left eye,” he said. This 20 year old student in geography at Rennes 2 is still in hospital, he said.

The prosecutor of Rennes Nicolas Jacquet had announced earlier that it had entrusted to ‘IGPN an investigation to determine the circumstances of injuries of a youth who was seriously affected eye Thursday on the sidelines of the demonstration against the labor law in Rennes. “I opened an inquiry entrusted to IGPN to determine the exact circumstances of his injuries,” he said. The management of the University of Rennes-2, and a student who had attended his comrade had said Thursday just before the protester had lost the use of his eye, citing the family of the injured.

Thursday, after the union demonstration against the labor law, the security forces charged hundreds of young demonstrators from battle with the police prevented access to the very heart of Rennes. Shortly after this charge, a young student in geography from the University of Rennes-2, aged 20, was hit in the eye by a projectile.

“very violent police load”

“After a very violent police load close to the Parliament, it was going to flow back to the other side of the Vilaine and it was at this time that he was hit by a pitcher shooting shot in the eye. We were called to his side and we immediately saw that his wound was very serious. And this morning, he is blind, “said Hugo Poidevin, student member of the Mobilization Committee of Rennes-2 and student medical team in place for demonstrations.

According to the latest toll released by the prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine Friday, 22 people were arrested Thursday 9 policemen were injured slightly. The prefecture only lists two injured protesters, the student wounded in the eye and a man knocked on motorbikes and wounded “slightly” by a police car while hampering “voluntarily”, according to the prefecture, circulation. The medical team of the protesters in turn identified nearly fifty injured, six hospitalized. The prefecture has recognized the use, during the event by the police, defense launchers balls 40 (LBD40), launch of newer, powerful bullets that former Flash-Ball, another trademark.


Sentenced to life imprisonment for having dismembered, burned and thrown a child to the dogs – L’Express

A nameless horror. Jean-Charles Artaban, 40, was sentenced Friday by the Assize Court of Reunion to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 22 years for killing the young Mathéo in 2013, 4 years son of his ex-girlfriend, then dismembered, burned and thrown his body to the dogs.

Convicted of murder, acts of torture and barbarism, no penalty development it will not ask for the safety period. Life imprisonment had not been pronounced in Reunion since 2003.

“Neither regret nor empathy”

The accused, who s expresses in Creole, difficult and often monosyllabic, claimed throughout his trial remember anything. This man, who shows “no regrets or empathy” according to psychiatrists, remained prostrate in the dock during the two days of hearings on Thursday and Friday.

The incident took place on the night of June 18 to 19, 2013 in a poor neighborhood of St. Benedict. Particularly sordid, they had caused great excitement among the population of Reunion.

38 wounds on the body of Mathéo

Jean-Charles peacock, a marginal already known to justice for acts of violence and sexual assault, convinces his ex-girlfriend, the mother of Matheo, to follow with the child in the dilapidated house it occupies near homes of his family. According to statements of the mother, they would have consumed zamal (cannabis, Reunion Creole) and Jean-Charles peacock would have forced her to drink rum. A fight broke out in the night when the girl confessed to her former partner Mathéo that was not him.

The man then allegedly snatched the child from the arms of his mother, who fled, and would be hard on him. The medical examiner will identify 38 wounds on the body of Mathéo. All internal organs were torn, the body was then cut, burned and thrown into the dog box. “An absolute carnage”, who had to take some time, about half an hour, with shots of great violence, “according to the medical examiner.

A mother strangely passive

“he hit me several times and then went after my baby,” he told the mother. one brother of the murderer, attracted by the cries, said he saw “Jean-Charles throw the child down several times” but had not intervened because he “does not know good” Matheo outside, the mother said she “heard everything. my baby cry and ask for help, the swords, the hammer “and seeing her former partner” Mathéo throw in the chicken coop. “

” Why are not you back in the house, audibly cut your baby! “, gives him the President of the Assize court, Michel Carrue. No answer. the whole neighborhood heard the argument and shouting but it was not until 5:20 am, when the mother knocked on the door of a neighbor, that relief had been warned.

“Absolutely not” crazy

If, on arrival of the police, peacock standing incoherent, satanic type could call into question his reason psychiatrists experts felt that “his judgment was not impaired at the time of the facts”. “He knew how crazy, but he was anything but. He was described as a bad person,” as evidenced by the policeman who led the investigation.

Following an indictment where he felt that the case is “one of the most serious Reunion”, the Advocate General Eric Tuffery has required criminal life imprisonment with a sentence safety waste 22 years. “We are not advocates of the devil, but the lawyers of a man,” pleaded Mr. Patrice Selly, defender Jean-Claude peacock. He did not convince the jury that followed the submissions of the Advocate General.


Jawad writes to the judges: “Are you going to print it in your minds?” – The Obs

“Are you going to print it in your minds?”. Jawad Bendaoud, whose apartment located in Saint-Denis had served as a hideout for jihadis of 13 November, is in solitary confinement since his arrest. A situation that led him to blacken the pages.

In a new letter on 25 March, the AFP has learned Friday, April 29, man, known to be the landlord of Abdelhamid Abaaoud , apostrophe again investigating judges and continues to maintain his innocence.

This is the second letter of Jawad Bendaoud that leak to the press. In a first feature written, revealed by the “Obs” the terrorist landlord claimed he had “nothing to do with Daech”. And regretted his sudden celebrity …

“I have nothing to do with Daech” when writing to the judge Jawad

The small former boss of Seine-Saint-Denis insists this time:

“Since my release from prison [in September 2015, Ed] , I have not even prepared a meal and you speak of planning attacks. I have nothing to do with it. “

” You think I’m profiling “

Jawad was Bendaoud arrested Nov. 18 and charged six days later to include “criminal association with criminals in relation to a terrorist enterprise”. He has since confined to the prison in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis).

Some charges against him dropped. The phone call he received from Belgium 10 days before the attacks proved irrelevant to the investigation.

The man of 29, who had been convicted of manslaughter 2008, seeks above all to prove his innocence.

“I saw Abaaoud [the alleged organizer of the bombings, Ed] less than ten minutes you think I’m profiler to find out what he made before arriving at home. “

It recalls” consumed coke and shit in quantity “that day. As for explosives, “the only time I have seen is in action films”

After Jawad, Assia. The surreal testimony of the landlady Mohamed Abrini

“I’m flipping out”

Jawad Bendaoud said to have invented everything in the SMS sent on the morning of November 18 at his little friend and which suggested that he had from the outset established a link between the two fugitives and attacks. Yet the content of the text message is explicit:

“All the guys on my street yesterday, they laughed, they told me you’re a OUF, you bring guys from Belgium, two brothers MUS . on the Koran of Mecca is the terrorist “

in his new letter, he explains.

” I affabulé Nobody told me that.. I wanted to play a role, brag. “

the right writing becomes anarchic and regular in the pages. And Jawad Bendaoud concluded:

“I want to get out of isolation I’m flipping out.”

P.L.. with AFP

COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Merah, Kouachi Abdeslam … The great Franco-Belgian terrorist network


The government is concerned about facing the radicalization of the CGT – Le Figaro

Amid grumbling against the El Khomri law, the government is facing a social movement that hardens and builds on the reformist trade unions against the protest organizations.

for a government is never a good sign to see the CGT and FO scroll together, which is a more 1 May For the brothers enemies of unionism, it is a tradition to manifest their separate ways for Labor Day. 2016 will be an exception. Philippe Martinez and Jean-Claude Mailly decided to appear together on Sunday ahead of the Parisian procession

Work Bill actually polarized as ever French syndicalism . On the one hand, the reformers – CFDT, CFTC, CFE-CGC and Fage, for students – have been lobbying for the improvements to the text. With success. On the other, the protesters – the CGT, FO, Solidaires, FSU, UNEF and Fidl for young people – have been demanding for weeks the outright withdrawal of the bill. Without reducing the executive, which is its reformist image and that enough of its close links with the CFDT. Another essential reason: the protesters have not managed to build a “balance of power” in their favor, which would have enabled them to impress the government. Since the peak of 31 March, the number of protesters decreases each day of action: they were only 170,000 Thursday throughout France.

Struggling to mobilize mass protesters unions tend to retreat to their base and radicalize. The movement is very clear to the CGT. In 2017, at the next election tally in enterprises, the central Philippe Martinez is likely to be dethroned by the CFDT union first place in private. Faced with this threat, the CGT chose to react, adopting a line to port.

In his opening speech of the conference in Marseille last week, Philippe Martinez compared the Hollande defense policy to that of “father and son Bush, Putin and Netanyahu” and estimated the CGT was to further alienate the CFDT, while activists booed the representative of the PS. And he has not condemned the poster very polemic Info’com union (employees of Information and Communication CGT) against “police violence”.

What could appear as a tactic of Philippe Martinez to gain legitimacy for re-election to Congress looks increasingly to a forward escape strategy. “The leftist opposition, which accounted for 7% to 10% of the troops of the CGT in the last few years, has tripled in size. And the central barely more to control his more rebellious profiles, “says a government source.

Along with this union mobilization, student protests also tend degenerate and systematic confrontation with the police. Caught between the radicalization of the unions, employees and students, on one side, and calls for the firm issued by the opposition on the other, the government hopes that the discontent will go out of herself Similarly, there will not ultimately “convergence of struggles” as it says Republic square. “I’m not in the social weather, but here, I do not think confided Manuel Valls on the sidelines of his visit to New Caledonia. When it is radicalized and when it shrinks, the violence issues are real. We’ll see. Tuesday, there is the Law on Labour in the National Assembly. We’ll see how things go. “


pedophilia suspicion prosecutors opened an investigation into the priest Bayonne – Le Parisien

The case dates back to some of them, in 1990 and are the subject of a complaint from the mother of one of the victims. The priest, 53, was suspended from his duties by his superiors in mid-April.

“I opened an inquiry by the judicial police in Bayonne, which is to materialize the facts, the date and also to locate, “said Samuel Vuelta Simon. “I rely on the complaint filed September 25, 2015 by the mother of the victim to the prosecutor of Clermont-Ferrand, who sent me yesterday,” he added. The mother now resides in the Auvergne metropolis. The victim, who is also the priest’s nephew and resides in Belgium, is now 38 years old and had 12 at the time.

acts committed Hasparren

the priest in question, Father Jean-François Sarramagnan should be heard by investigators in the coming days. The difficulty for facts so is the verification of their materialization, their qualifications, their dates to see if they can still be prosecuted or if prescribed and where they were committed, said the magistrate. According to Samuel Vuelta Simon, some of them allegedly committed in Hasparren (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) territory on which the Bayonne Parquet is competent.

Father Jean-François Sarramagnan, who made two attempts suicide in 1991 and 2007, was once suspended by the former Bishop of Bayonne, Mgr Pierre Molères Bishop Aillet predecessor, and “exfiltration” in 2008 and 2009 at the Notre-Dame de Tournay (Hautes -Pyrenees), near Lourdes, where he was in therapy.

“No direct responsibility with children”

After meeting in 2009 during an interview in which the priest had personally informed of pedophilia, Bishop Aillet had returned in 2010 in the ecclesiastical system and had appointed cooperator priest at halftime in the parish of St. -Pierre-Nive-Adour and Saint-Pierre-d’Irube, near Bayonne, and Assistant diocesan Director, responsible for the pastoral care of adults. According to the bishop, “it was understood that he would not have direct responsibility for children and young people. We met regularly to take stock of these precautionary measures and vigilance. “

But on Thursday, the bishop acknowledged that the abbot had animated Sarramagnan February 6, 2016 a Diocesan Day organized for minor college. “Yes, it was the day of February 6 in Salies-de-Béarn as in all organized diocesan events, are we told the bishop. He was there as part of his duties, functions controlled manner assigned by Bishop Aillet. With clear instructions, never in direct contact with children, always under the responsibility of diocesan director of Catholic Education, Jean-Marc Aphaule and more supervised by the diocese adults, lay people as priests. “


Manuel Valls admits “mistakes” in the five-year period – Cross

In an interview with the magazine Society that appears Friday, April 29, Prime Minister analyzes the “difficulties” of the executive and poses as convener of the left.

 Manuel Valls


Manuel Valls / Patrick Kovarik / AFP

the left, the right, the National Front, the exercise of power, the issue of identity, the fight against terrorism, Emmanuel Macron and the 2017 presidential Manuel Valls addresses all these issues in a long interview with the magazine Society dated April 29. An interview that seems to fit into the device of the response led by François Hollande

& gt. Read: Supporters of Francois Hollande in pre-campaign

“The left was ill-prepared for the exercise of power”

First, the Prime Minister recognizes the “errors” since 2012, as the “when and how to present the Labour Act.” It especially feels that “during these ten years of opposition, the left is poorly prepared for the exercise of power “ and ” did not resolve a number of issues: Europe, instead of the state and public services, the migration issue “. It also regrets that it has not “fairly light of the report of the Court of Auditors on the deterioration of public finances” and the state of the competitiveness of businesses.

“We thought – not me – that the company was less hard while under tension” , he added, before noting that it is “more difficult to govern when we left because there always has moral questioning. “

Emmanuel Macron? “It takes team play”

With regard to its position within the socialist family, Manuel Valls explained that he was “Prime Minister appointed this is not only for ‘make Valls’, in the words of Francois Hollande, but also because that (it was) in line with what had been committed. ” According to him, “it may be a minority at a time and be later in position to collect. And I left together. “ In a context of tripartite election, he settled therefore the objective to gather ” the Republican side. “

Finally, the head of government makes a return to order, against the desire for emancipation of the economy minister Emmanuel Macron: “It takes collective play. You can not be a minister and prepare a different agenda than the president. “

& gt; Read: jostled by Macron, the left is organizing the response

Corinne Laurent


Paris Fair: these objects that make life easier – Le Parisien

What is the common point between the ballpoint pen, the contact lenses and the washing machine with an electric motor? The Foire de Paris! For all these innovations were presented for the first time at this event.

This Friday opens the 112 th edition of the Fair of Paris * and like every year the 560,000 expected visitors will walk down the aisle looking for the gadget or innovation that will revolutionize the daily.

for ten days, grand prize pace of innovation and the competition Lépine, inventors and young entrepreneurs will present their creations and share their knowledge. The Foire de Paris is 1800 exhibitors spread across three worlds: the habitat, gastronomy and shopping. “This is the most important consumer habitat fair in Europe,” says Carine Préterre, director of the Paris Fair.

What does not fail to seduce the French, 86 % of visitors will make a purchase. Because you can find everything on site: materials for contruire its pool to the small kitchen appliance 1 €. “The average basket is around € 448,” exclaims Carine Préterre. “People do not hesitate to spend as they can compare up on a very wide range and it is often a deliberate act which is done by family”, adds Nathalie Damery, president of the Society Observatory and consumption. And the gold prize goes to the world of home as visitors spend an average of € 4,248 for their habitat.

* Starting today, until ‘to Sunday 8th May from 10 hours to 19 hours. Nocturnal up to 22 hours on Tuesday, May 3 and Friday, May 6 A Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles (Paris XV th ). Prices: € 14, € 7 for 7-14 years and free for children under 7 years.

Cook stress

“the true intelligence of the design is to make life easier,” commented Sébastien Ripari, president of the grand prize for innovation. And this is the promise of technology presented by Bosch. Unlike a conventional hob, which offers power levels with the induction hob, a precise temperature is selected. Is low for cooking sauces or high to cook fried potatoes. Once the selected temperature, just install the sensor PerfectCook on pots or pans, which attaches like a magnet. The control sensor then maintains the temperature recorded to prevent the pan from overflowing or to perfectly cook food without burning.

And for budding chefs, who are still wondering what is the right time to remove the meat in the pan, with this technology a beep indicates the ideal moment. so no need to stay in the kitchen to watch what’s on fire.

the table FlexInduction More 8 Series Bosch 1 € 499.99, selected for the grand prize for innovation first marketing on 1 May 2016.

the dry basement broom

 It weighs only one kilogram and does not drink a lot of water … it is a “mop”. It replaces the traditional drudgery of mop and bucket of water that must be transported from room to room and spin regularly. Its strong point? It is equipped with a patented system of drip and griddle to 120 ° C, allowing it to clean and dry the soil at the same time. He even promises to dry your soil five times faster than your usual mop. It can also be used as a traditional brush to clean the dust with disposable wipes. “What interests the public in an innovation is not innovation in itself, but it is what it changes in his daily,” says Carine Préterre, director of the Paris Fair. And that broom, selected in the category small électroméngaer grand prize for innovation, could help you save time in your housework

Euroflex Monster Mop of 99 €, sold in specialty stores and on the internet.

A refrigerator connected

 Does he still have yogurt in my refrigerator? This eternal question agitated perhaps your thoughts at the supermarket, especially if you have not had time to check the status of your pantry before shopping. This refrigerator connected can give you the answer, thanks to its two integrated cameras. As soon as the door closes, the cameras are activated and transmit the images to your smartphone, app Home Connect.

Just when you shop, so you know exactly what you need to buy. “Before, we logs on objects without really knowing why, but today it is useful in the connected explains Sébastien Ripari, president of the Grand Prize for innovation. With this refrigerator, a person who is at his desk and wondering what she will do to eat tonight, may, through their smartphone, know what she as ingredients and start thinking her recipe. “Another benefit of this refrigerator: without even opening it, you can change the temperature or turn on holiday mode from your deckchair

the refrigerator iQ500 Home Connect Siemens 1 € 799.99, marketing 1 May 2016.

And also …

The Foire de Paris is full of discoveries, so here pell-mell, a selection of these innovations.

The Stooly ottoman (79 €) … initially we like seeing a wooden box, but looking closer, in fact we understand that this is an ottoman. The seat, made of cardboard and beeswax, is concealed within. It unfolds like a fan, which both parties magnetize.

There is also the Indoor Potager True (149 €). Thanks to its LED lighting, automatic watering and nutrients supplied, you can grow and harvest your apartment rosemary, cherry tomatoes and mini-peppers.

Another invention to save you plenty of space in a small room including: Hic furniture and Ubiq (from € 2,500), which turns on itself, and offers three storage surfaces. What stash your travel memories, highlight your books and fold your clothes.

Finally, it ends with iQ700 oven and implementation Home Connect Siemens (€ 2,399 ), which allows to turn on the oven, stop and adjust settings during cooking, without even being in the kitchen.


The Senate seizes justice for Professor Aubier – Le Figaro

A first in the world so muffled the Luxembourg Palace. On Thursday, the Senate sent the court a case of “false testimony” of a doctor, in the words of Leila Aichi, Senator of Paris, Vice President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces . The office of the Upper House of the French Parliament took this decision unanimously. He acted under Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure which allows an official with knowledge of a crime to inform the prosecutor. The doctor in question is a star of the French Pneumology: This is Professor Michel Aubier, department head at the Bichat Hospital. He led the first team of Respiratory Epidemiology in France. If convicted, the penalty could reach five years imprisonment and a 75,000 euro fine


Back backward. April 16, 2015, Martin Hirsch, head of Public Assistance, sent in his place Professor Aubier in the Senate. It was to act as part of a commission of inquiry on the cost of air pollution. In the preamble to his testimony and as is customary, the doctor said: “I have no interest related economic actors.” The sentence was pronounced in all solemnity, right hand raised. But if the brilliant professor seemed to have lost his memory, others had collected for him: The Duck chained and Liberation revealed in March that Michel Aubier was medical officer for Total since 1997

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this case is emblematic in that it perfectly illustrates the notion of conflict of interest. With an industrial side which offers the services of an eminent scientist, the other the same scientist who does not understand how he could go astray. Contacted by Le Figaro , Michel Aubier explains that this is “a work contract” and that Total does he has “never asked”. He added: “I have never done anything to them about the pollution. I took care of health policy particularly with the H1N1 or Ebola. “In 1997, the pulmonologist is contacted by Prof. Henri Mathieu who then occupied for years the medical officer positions at Total. Man is a big name in pediatrics, internal former Professor Robert Debré. He will also head of pediatric clinical services of the hospital that will bear the name of his mentor.

Michel Aubier made statements amazing on pollution

During multiple interviews, Michel Aubier held astonishing about on pollution, arguing in particular that the air inside was stale more than outside. “So it does not minorait the dangers of pollution, he deflected the shot,” said one of his former colleagues. The technique of deviation is also well known in the tobacco industry. The latter had made the same argument to play down the seriousness of passive smoking and delay as long as possible smoking ban in public places. The professor also downplayed the impact of the diesel. “The current problem is the reduction in transport-related pollution as a whole rather than focusing on emissions from diesel engines in light of changing technologies,” he wrote again in 2012 in the Bulletin of the Academy of medicine entitled “health impact of diesel particles: between myth and reality?”.

Professor Michel Aubier also maintains links with the laboratory Servier

Professor Michel Aubier also maintains has long links with Servier, Jean-Philippe Seta, old number two of the group, has also been internal. It entered in 1984 as director of clinical research in Pneumology at the company before being dismissed by Jacques Servier in fall 2013. In 1996, Aubier was investigator in the famous study said IPPHS (International Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Study) published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was this publication that links with a rare but very debilitating, pulmonary hypertension and appetite. In 1997, France also withdraw all the molecules of the market (including Isomeride and Ponderal manufactured by Servier). All but the Mediator, but that’s another story.

But even today Aubier is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Servier Institute. A presence that they grind several of his former colleagues or peers. “How can a doctor who was aware of the disastrous effects of the molecules of Servier health, and deception about the nature of the molecule (the manufacturer argued that the Mediator was an antidiabetic, Ed), can it twenty years after append his name? He should resign from the institute when the Mediator case came in 2010, “notes one of them


about a pulmonologist on France 5 are controversial

Mediator: Servier sentenced for the first time on appeal


Labour law: “Block companies if necessary” – the New Republic

A new mobilization against El Khomri law brought together hundreds of people in the department. In Blois, two separate actions were carried out.

Yesterday, the Workers Force had decided to “up a notch” in its actions against the law work by organizing a filtering dam roundabout Cap’Ciné at Blois, at noon. “We must stop the simple events, which are not enough to make ourselves heard, said Eric Gondy, general secretary of FO 41. We wished that the other unions follow us. We are not so far disunited compared with other trade union organizations. “

A little further and a little later, nearly 400 people (employees in the private and the public, retirees and young people), the call of the CGT, FSU and Solidarity, have found themselves at the crossroads of the Industry boulevard and Vendome Avenue for a walk to the prefecture. As head of the procession, were employees of Germanaud, Blois company whose closure is announced for August. “There is still fighting to preserve our jobs, insists Philippe Lhuillier, CGT. Management has trouble saying that Germanaud is no longer viable. We want to evict us for the group to make more profits. “ This Saturday, stewards of the factory go to Paris to negotiate the PSE (Safeguard Plan for Employment). “The benefits they offer us are dismal. “ Sunday, employees of Germanaud take part in the parade 1 st May, in Paris, occupying the top places.
Divided in their actions, trade unions are yet to agree on the merits: they are desperate to withdraw this bill. “Nothing can be amended in this text that no longer protects employees in companies, regrets Alain Guilmain, secretary general of the CGT 41. This is the company agreements that will become the rule and go above the law. Given the challenges that lie ahead, it is a shame to see fewer people in the parades. If we can not anchor the mobilization in companies, it will be complicated to give the government. If you want to bend, we will have to block companies stopping production. If we do not do these sacrifices today, we will pay it later. “ The Inter regrets the double set of FO, signing the agreement call for the event while leading his action on his part. “Blocking traffic is useless,” by the CGT.
Sunday, the bill will also be at the heart of discussions in the defiles of 1 st May FO decided to gather on the former site of the Poulain chocolate factory, site of the first strike in Blois. Meanwhile, the CGT has also planned to gather to Denis-Papin steps.
