Friday, April 29, 2016

Manuel Valls admits “mistakes” in the five-year period – Cross

In an interview with the magazine Society that appears Friday, April 29, Prime Minister analyzes the “difficulties” of the executive and poses as convener of the left.

 Manuel Valls


Manuel Valls / Patrick Kovarik / AFP

the left, the right, the National Front, the exercise of power, the issue of identity, the fight against terrorism, Emmanuel Macron and the 2017 presidential Manuel Valls addresses all these issues in a long interview with the magazine Society dated April 29. An interview that seems to fit into the device of the response led by François Hollande

& gt. Read: Supporters of Francois Hollande in pre-campaign

“The left was ill-prepared for the exercise of power”

First, the Prime Minister recognizes the “errors” since 2012, as the “when and how to present the Labour Act.” It especially feels that “during these ten years of opposition, the left is poorly prepared for the exercise of power “ and ” did not resolve a number of issues: Europe, instead of the state and public services, the migration issue “. It also regrets that it has not “fairly light of the

report of the Court of Auditors on the deterioration of public finances” and the state of the competitiveness of businesses.

“We thought – not me – that the company was less hard while under tension” , he added, before noting that it is “more difficult to govern when we left because there always has moral questioning. “

Emmanuel Macron? “It takes team play”

With regard to its position within the socialist family, Manuel Valls explained that he was “Prime Minister appointed this is not only for ‘make Valls’, in the words of Francois Hollande, but also because that (it was) in line with what had been committed. ” According to him, “it may be a minority at a time and be later in position to collect. And I left together. “ In a context of tripartite election, he settled therefore the objective to gather ” the Republican side. “

Finally, the head of government makes a return to order, against the desire for emancipation of the economy minister Emmanuel Macron: “It takes collective play. You can not be a minister and prepare a different agenda than the president. “

& gt; Read: jostled by Macron, the left is organizing the response

Corinne Laurent


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