Thursday, February 9, 2017

Aliens, ” Muslim ban “… The deceptive statements of Marine Le Pen in The “Transmit policy”, The World

The candidate of the Front national was the guest of France 2 on Thursday evening. She has, on several occasions, supported on arguments that are incorrect or exaggerated.

Marine Le Pen, on the plateau of France 2, Thursday, February 9.

Marine Le Pen was the guest of the Emission policy, Thursday, February 9, on France 2. The candidate of the national Front has defended its project, presented on 4 February. She has, on several occasions, supported on arguments that are incorrect or exaggerated.

The intox on the ” the Muslim ban “ Obama

Asked about the ” the muslim ban “ (order-anti-immigration) of Donald Trump in the United States, Marine Le Pen has taken over a disinformation Kellyanne Conway, the close advisor to the u.s. president : it ensures that Barack Obama had also, in his time, forbidden territory, the nationals of a target country (Iraq).

is wrong

As explained in the american journal Foreign Policy, the Obama administration had in fact ordered a review of the situation of the 58 000 Iraqis settled in the Usa after the arrest of two Iraqis and had increased the checks of visa applicants from Iraq. But it has never prevented all of the iraqi nationals to enter the United States.

tax on foreigners

Marine Le Pen has defended the feasibility of his ” tax on foreigners “, explaining that she already existed, and that it would suffice to extend it to foreigners from the european Union, which are not relevant today.

however, the project of the candidate, the FN is very different from what exists today, as explained by our colleagues of Liberation :

  • today : the employer who employs a foreign worker cannot be required to pay this fee than ” upon first entry into France of this stranger, or when first admitted to the residence as an employed person “.

  • What does Marine Le Pen : that the employer will pay this tax on every new contract with a foreign worker (so each time they change jobs).

The charge current is relatively marginal : it has affected 36 000 foreigners in 2015. The tax version FN could potentially affect each of the 1.7 million foreign assets in France as soon as they will want to change jobs.

Disinformation on aliens

The candidate of the FN said they wanted to stop ” the naturalization automatic for the wedding “.

Why it is false

This naturalization, however, is far from being automatic. Candidates must meet a number of conditions (at least 4 years of marriage, regular stay in France, knowledge of the French language, etc).

Marine Le Pen has also targeted foreigners convicts : ” granting citizenship too easily in recent years. Including those

who have criminal records. “

Why is it misleading

In France, the request of an alien who has been convicted of crimes or crimes constituting an infringement of the fundamental interests of the Nation or an act of terrorism or to a penalty greater than or equal to 6 months of prison without reprieve is inadmissible.

additionally, a survey prefectural “good lives and morals,” comes to complete these initial conditions, during which the criminal convictions in France or abroad – are checked.

These conditions are not applicable to a convicted person has benefited from a rehabilitation by operation of law or to a court in which the conviction has been excluded from the bulletin number 2 – excluding penalties for minor facts – of a criminal record. The presence of the criminal record does not exclude systematically the approval of naturalization.

The 500 000 migrants ” lost “ with Germany

The candidate of the FN was alarmed that Germany has “lost” the 500 000 migrants who would be scattered in the rest of Europe because of the Schengen area.

Why is it misleading

It appears to refer to a figure published in April 2016 by the tabloid German Bild. The German interior ministry indicated that 500,000 refugees were living in the country without being registered as asylum seekers (in particular for fear of being deported if their application is rejected). Nothing indicates that these people are ” scattered “ in the rest of Europe.

And also…

Dual. It has defended its proposed ban on dual nationalities outside the European Union, saying : ” it is the case in Germany, I believe, “. Missed : the binational is allowed in Germany since 2000 and its acquisition was facilitated in 2014 (including for nationalities outside the eu).

Unemployment. France does not count 7 millions of unemployed workers, as she states. A maximum of 6.5 million… but by adding all the categories of unemployed (including the unemployed who have a business or are in training). The method international to count unemployment (the ILO) will lead to 2.8 million unemployed.

Drifts. Questioned on the tweet controversy Jérôme Cochet, as it has condemned, it has tried to make this an isolated case. Forgetting that the skids racist, anti-semitic and homophobic officials FN are many.

Tuition public/private. Face-to-Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, she said that all her children had, like her, received their education in public schools. Yet, in 2014, the Mail from the West reported that his 15 year old daughter was educated in a catholic school to Nyoiseau (Maine-et-Loire).


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