Thursday, January 8, 2015

A jogger shot and wounded in the Hauts-de-Seine – TF1

A jogger shot and wounded in the Hauts-de-Seine – TF1

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the January 8th, 2015 at 9:51 p.m., updated the January 8, 2015 at 9:54 p.m..

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<- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb002 - Thu January 8, 2015 9:56:39 p.m. ->

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trunk-seine aggression <- Time g & eacute;! n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI: 0251 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / blk = 175,148.652, R, prdfriweb002 ->

Miscellaneous The jogger old 32, was hit in the leg and back by automatic gunfire while he was running Wednesday night in Fontenay-aux-Roses.

A man was injured by bullets Wednesday night when he was jogging in Fontenay-aux-Roses, in Hauts-de-Seine , and her attacker is still being sought, has-been learned Thursday police source. According to the first elements of the investigation, the jogger, aged 32, was hit in the leg and back by automatic gunfire while he ran to 8:30 p.m. on the promenade of the Green Belt.

The injured was hospitalized but his life is not in danger. His attacker fled on foot and was still wanted Thursday night, the source added. Investigators are “so far no link” with the shooting Thursday morning in Montrouge, not far away, in which a municipal police died, she said. The judicial police of Hauts-de-Seine is before the survey.

<- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb004 - Thu 8 January 2015 10:02:49 p.m. -> <- Time g & eacute; n & eacute; ration ISS / ESI:! 0097 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave; thy) -> <- / blk = 167,495.34, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- = Blc! 170590, "PasseVariableUniversel" ->

<- Blc = 170875 "ConducteurMiroir" ->

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