PICTURES – The MSF volunteer for 29 years now healed among the 691 decorated. An exception since a young age did not allow him to fulfill the criterion of minimum twenty years of activity required to be appointed knight.
The Nurse French Doctors Without Borders contaminated with Ebola and now healed, the writer Patrick Modiano, economists Thomas Piketty and Jean Tirole, actress Mimie Mathy, are included in the promotion of the Legion of Honour from January 1, published Thursday in the Journal Official. This civil class had 691 decorated with 571 knights, 95 officers, 19 commanders, five great officers. And only one Grand Cross, resistant and historian of the Second World War Jean-Louis Cremieux said Cremieux-Brilhac.
Famous or unknown to the general public, these decorated come from all areas of the country activities: 26.8% to the economic activities, 23.2% of the civil service, 16, 6% of teaching and research, 10% of health-social-humanitarian world, 9.8% belong to the field of communication and culture. To a lesser extent, 8% are elected and the remaining 5.6% are from veterans circles, cults or sports. Overview of nominees.
An exceptional decoration
MSF volunteer, 29, was awarded “in exceptional circumstances” because his young age did not allow him to fulfill the criterion of twenty years’ minimum activity required to be named Knight, explained the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour. Contaminated during a mission in Liberia and repatriated on September 19 in France, the young woman had been treated with experimental treatments and she was able to leave, cured, early October, the military hospital Bégin, near Paris.
Already winning, they are again decorated
Patrick Modiano, Nobel Prize for literature in 2014, was promoted to officer. Sébastien SORIANO / Le Figaro Photo credits:. Sébastien SORIANO / Le Figaro
Several French who have had international recognition this year are in promoting the New Year. Patrick Modiano , Nobel Prize for literature in 2014, was promoted to officer while as Jean Tirole , Nobel Laureate 2014 Artur Avila , winner of the 2014 Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics, was knighted again exceptionally since this Franco-Brazilian is only 35 years.
The Economist Thomas Piketty , whose book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” has sold 1.5 million copies, is knighted. Aware of this appointment, the latter told AFP that he refused this honor. “I do not think it is the role of government to decide who is honorable,” he justified. “They would do well to focus on reviving growth in France and Europe.”
Culture and Communication
In the field of culture and communication, soprano Mady Mesplé is raised to the dignity of Grand Officer. Same for the businessman Pierre Bergé, President of the World supervisory board. The director Nina Campaneez and journalist Robert Namias are promoted commanders. Jack Lang , current president of the Arab World Institute and Bernard Murat , theater director Edward VII become officers. The director Tony Gatlif was he promoted to the rank of knight when the director Nina Companeez and journalist Robert Namias are elevated to the rank of commanders.
Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2014, promoted to officer. Jean-Jacques CECCARINI / Le Figaro Photo credits: Jean-Jacques CECCARINI / Le Figaro
Actress Mimie Mathy , particularly famous for the TV series Josephine, Guardian Angel named Knight, as the singer Christopher and writer Agnès Desarthe .
The American graffiti artist JonOne , who lives in France, is also distinguished as a foreigner residing in France.
Proglio , which the government had not renewed this fall as CEO of EDF, but will take the presidency of the group of defense electronics Thales, was promoted to commander. Frédéric Saint-Geours , former President of the IAJ (Union of Industrial and metal trades) who took mid-December as interim president of the SNCF supervisory board is promoted to officer. Jean-Paul Claverie , director of LVMH, is also an Officer
Mimie Mathy, comedian and actress, regularly playing the role of “Josephine, Guardian Angel” on TF1, named knight. Jean-Christophe MARMARA / Le Figaro Photo credits: Jean-Christophe MARMARA / Le Figaro
Research and Education
The physicist Claudine Hermann is raised to the dignity of Grand Officer. The Egyptologist Christiane Ziegler is promoted commander.
In the world of health, Alain Mérieux , President of Fondation Mérieux, is elevated to the rank of Grand Officer. Boris Cyrulnik , psychiatrist, became an officer. Nurse at the Institut Curie, Isabelle Fromantin is named Knight
Jack Lang, former minister and current president of the Arab World Institute, became an officer. Paul DELORT / Le Figaro Photo credits: Paul DELORT / Le Figaro
Among the policies, the former chairman of the Senate Christian Poncelet is appointed directly to the rank of officer. Dominique Bertinotti , former Minister for the family of the government of Jean-Marc Ayrault, was appointed knight.
Dominique Bertinotti, former Minister for the Family, promoted knight. François CAP / Le Figaro Photo credits: François CAP / Le Figaro
Béatrice Hess , Vice-President of the French Federation wheelchair becomes commander. Vincent Lavenu , athletic director and former racing cyclist, was knighted and former rugby player Jean-Claude Skrela.
92,000 awarded since its creation
Founded by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, the Legion of Honor is the highest of the French national honors. It currently has 92,000 members rewarded for their outstanding merit in the service of France, civilian or military capacity. The promotion of January 1 is the last of the three calendar promotions after those of Easter and July 14. Two military promotions are published every year. In 2014, 1,926 people were distinguished as civilians and 965 military division. Since 2007, civilian promotions apply the gender parity.
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