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And now, what to do? A week after the massacre in Charlie Hebdo , the French political class multiplies the proposals for provisions to counter terrorism. If some is consensus, others divide
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Shared proposals
1. File better and terrorists
The proposal referred to the right and left: the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, it will create a file for “always know all convicted terrorists, to know where they live, monitor their presence or absence.” For the UMP, it is adopting a “framework law on intelligence strengthening the legal means of intervention to make them more efficient (file access).
2. “Radicalize” the Islamists
Again, the proposal comes as Manuel Valls than the right, Nicolas Sarkozy and Eric Ciotti proposing to establish “de-radicalization centers” for “treat” people with sympathy for jihad.
3. Isolate the most radical in prison
The idea is old, and being tested at the Fresnes prison since November 2014. Acclaimed right, it was validated by the government. The principle is to separate the Islamist detainees and proselytes other to prevent them indoctrinate other prisoners. Some, like Senator Nathalie Goulet (UMP), believe the idea is bad, and may even increase the radicalism of prisoners held in solitary confinement and a radicalism that is not always easy to identify .
4. Expel radical imams easier
The UMP and Nicolas Sarkozy insist that make it easier to expel imams who would advocate violence and radicalism. France is already: since 2001, 166 Islamists, including 31 imams have been expelled. But this requires them to be expelled, and therefore are not French by birth and have a different nationality.
5. Train imams
The education and empowerment of Imams is an old sea serpent. Already in 2003, at the time of the creation of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), Nicolas Sarkozy hoped that this institution could thus “label” the imams preaching in France. But in reality, means lacking: only 10% of imams with this status in France are French, mostly foreigners, and seconded by their home countries (Turkey, Morocco, Algeria). Islam, like Protestantism, does not require preachers at the precise status as Catholic priests. Many are the “imams” chosen by the community for their knowledge of the Koran or self-appointed, without training or supervision. The Greens have also mentioned better training for imams in prison.
6. Involve religious leaders in the debate
In the same vein, Nicolas Sarkozy spoke of the need to involve religious leaders to “debate”. This, again, was the purpose of the CFCM was created. The proposal is also shared on the left, where we call on the responsibility of Muslims in France.
7. Better coordinate anti-terrorism
The idea is stirred by the UMP in its new proposal “framework law”, but also by the government. Manuel Valls believes and “that the services in charge of domestic intelligence and counter jurisdiction must be regularly reinforced.”
8. Better monitor what is happening on the Internet (UMP, PS)
Other major axis, monitoring of web and social networks, referred both to left and right. The latest version of the anti-terrorism law already strengthened the monitoring means and administrative site closure.
9. To pass the PNR (Passenger Name Record or PNR) for airlines
The “passenger name record” is a protocol for exchange of personal data of passengers aircraft, already in place in the English-speaking world (USA, Canada, Australia, UK). Protective instances of privacy in France and Europe block its adoption in the Union, and France calls for the European Parliament lifts this ban.
The controversial proposals
10. Use the judicial protection of youth (PJJ) for information purposes
PJJ supports children who deal with justice. The government hopes that its officers are trained to detect current youth “radicalization”. A provision that could make controversy in these services primarily oriented education for young people in trouble.
11. Reforming Schengen
warhorse of Nicolas Sarkozy, the Schengen treaty that defines the free movement of people in Europe must be reformed, says the UMP, who wishes “improve border controls and information exchange.”
12. Reflect on immigration
On immigration in general, the former president said that “if immigration is not related to terrorism it complicates things by generating integration difficulties and communalism. “ therefore considers that ” can not [can] not continue like this. “
13. Send the army in the suburbs
Xavier Bertrand, former head of UMP believes it is therefore necessary that the police are more able, “send military forces to impose the republican order and against the trafficking of all sorts” in neighborhoods difficult. A proposal also suggested by the Socialist Senator Samia Ghali Marseille. The army and law enforcement specialists are not very supportive of this idea, firstly because it is not the role of the military and especially because they are not trained for such missions.
14. Prevent the jihadists back on French soil
Nicolas Sarkozy as for the FN, we must find a solution for people to do jihad parts can no longer return to the floor French. But the thing is complicated if the persons in question were born in France, several treaties and conventions (the European Convention on Human Rights) prevent prohibit them domestically. If the UMP Laurent Wauquiez believes it must get out of these treaties if necessary, most policies have taken note of this problem and are trying to get around it (see below).
The anti-terrorism law in November 2014 introduced the possibility for foreigners, administrative inadmissibility for a person with “a real and present threat.”
15. Create a “national indignity crime”
Solution evoked by Nicolas Sarkozy for French jihadists back on our soil: restoring a criminal offense dating back to 1944, and was used during the treatment that followed the Second World War against employees. It would amount to “a sentence of national degradation taking the deprivation of civil rights, civil and political rights for French terrorists” on their return
Read:. The UMP wants a measure “d national indignity “for terrorists
16. Make a “Patriot Act” to the French
The UMP Valérie Pécresse has created controversy by evoking the law, passed in the United States after September 11, which endowed the powers of intelligence agencies greatly increased, especially with regard to electronic monitoring, massive and without the knowledge of people spied. The “Patriot Act” also created the status of “enemy combatant”, which allowed the arrest and detention without trial of suspected terrorists
Read:. The Patriot Act, emergency legislation to mixed results
17. Cayenne reopen
More whimsical, youth proposal of “popular right”, but also Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la République) to reopen the penal colony of Cayenne , French Guiana, to detain terrorists. A radical proposal, which would amount to a sort of Guantanamo to the French, and that no one takes seriously.
18. Delete allowances for children who have not done the minute of silence
The UMP Eric Ciotti are offered at restoring law that bears his name and which allowed to deprive parents of offenders allowances or absentee children. He suggests removing child benefit for children who refuse to sing the national anthem or, more generally, would present signs of radicalization.
19. Restoring security detention after the sentence
Eric Ciotti also offers revive “preventive detention” set up by Nicolas Sarkozy for sex crimes. A release from prison, an inmate deemed insufficient “de-radicalized” could thus remain held in a suitable center.
20. Create a “presumption of guilt” for jihadists
Following attacks, Xavier Bertrand had mentioned the idea of a “presumption of guilt (…). So be it to them to prove that they did not participate in jihad abroad. And since they will not achieve it … It is, in fact, the best way to prevent them from returning. ” The former minister told “perfectly fulfill this deprivation of liberty” Who, however, a number of constitutional issues.
21. Place “neighborhoods, some cities’ under state supervision
PS Malek Boutih member was during the crisis, reflections and some pretty inconoclastes the ghettoization of neighborhoods or even complicity of some local politicians. He has proposed, in the columns of Parisien, “some neighborhoods and cities to be placed under the guardianship of the State for restoring a strict political and social order .” He also believes there should “better distribute populations” to avoid that “Muslims live together .”
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