Paris (AFP) – The president of the UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy, said Thursday “must go further” that the proposed measures for the moment by the government to fight against terrorism, in a letter sent the Minister of the Interior.
In this letter to Bernard Cazeneuve, who contacted the phone, Sarkozy considers that if “some of the prime minister ads can collect our assent, they are still insufficient. It is necessary to go further. “
The government must” decide energetic measures “and the UMP” support all initiatives that will go in that direction, “according to the letter, sent to AFP.
Mr. Sarkozy then recites the proposals of his party, which had been announced on Wednesday evening, as the forfeiture of nationality and the administrative ban back for “bi-national terrorists,” or the creation of “de-radicalization centers,” or the introduction the national indignity crime as additional penalty
The president of the UMP had met on Wednesday all the specialists of the security party. former Ministers of Interior, former president of Commissions experts …
He also began to receive religious authorities, police unions and teachers. He received Thursday including Dalil Boubaker, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Roger Cukierman and Francis Kalifat, President and Vice-President of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF).
“After these days of national tragedy, there is a lot of tension and we need every politician makes good attention to what he said, measuring his words and there is a balance between the need of the gathering and the need for lucidity ” , Nicolas Sarkozy said after meetings of the day.
With the CFCM, “we talked about the rights and duties of each and the rector of the Paris Mosque told me his willingness to take strong initiatives to show that the CFCM, the Muslims of France, wanted to be part of secularism, initiatives showing how much they want to be part of the Republic, “he added.
On Friday, Bernard Cazeneuve must receive Beauvau place for consultation to prepare the measures required by Manuel Valls five former interior ministers: Pierre Joxe, Daniel Vaillant, Baroin, Brice Hortefeux and Michèle Alliot-Marie. Dominique de Villepin will be received Saturday and Paul Quiles Tuesday. Nicolas Sarkozy and Charles Pasqua were consulted by phone.
In addition, in an article published Wednesday on the website of the World, entitled “There must be a before and after January 11, 2015″ 80 UMP ask to “act fast and hard to eradicate terrorism.”
“We met on Tuesday in the office of Jean-Francois Cope and we had the will of the podium with particular reminder of what has been done, as the law on the burqa ban, “said AFP Michèle Tabarot a close to the former president of the UMP. The forum, which is not signed by Jean-Francois Cope, takes particular idea, put forward in the past, a “code of secularism.”
The signatories include in particular the members Julien Aubert, Sébastien Huyghe, Philippe Gosselin, Guy Geoffroy and Thierry Mariani, as well as Senators Roger Karoutchi and Pierre Charon.
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