The hunt continues. After intensive operations Thursday night in Picardy to find the two alleged perpetrators of the attack against Charlie Hebdo , the Sharif brothers and Said Kouachi, the device has been reduced for the night. Thursday, day of national mourning, political unity was cracked, for or against the presence of FN to the Republican march planned next Sunday, but citizens rallies shouting “We are Charlie” yet occurred in several cities . Focus on what to remember this day
& gt;. & Gt; Relive all the events of the day Thursday
& gt; The suspects are still at large
The tracking Sharif brothers and Said Kouachi continued Thursday in a large area around Villers-Cotterets (Aisne) and Crépy-en-Valois (Oise ). In early night, the search feature has been reduced compared to the large numbers of Raid and GIGN who had made earlier in Picardie, especially near the RN2 between Villers-Cotterets and Soissons.
& gt; The investigation: an identity card found, the attackers identified
In addition to a Go-Pro camera that has probably not been used, investigators found in a vehicle the card the identity of one of the two brothers, did he do on Thursday. Genetic expertise have also confirmed initial suspicions. Said Kouachi was “formally recognized” as one of the assailants, has also said the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. The two suspects were also spotted at a gas station in the Aisne. Nine people remained in custody Thursday, including the third suspect aged 18 who went to the Wednesday night police Charleville-Mezieres
& gt.; Two suspects: Sherif and Said Kouachi
The two suspects still sought, Cherif Kouachi (32) and Said Kouachi (34), are brothers. They were born in Paris and raised in the home. Sharif was part of a Parisian chain that sent jihadists in Iraq to join the ranks of the Iraqi branch of al Qaeda. Arrested just before his departure, he was sentenced in 2008 to three years in prison, including 18 months firm. His name appeared in the investigation into the escape attempt Ait Ali Belkacem Smaïn, former member of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA), sentenced in 2002 to life imprisonment for committing an attack in the RER. The survey showed that Kouachi was linked to Djamel Beghal, another figure of the French radical Islam. One of Kouachi brothers stayed in Yemen, said Thursday the Justice Minister Christiane Taubira CNN. According to the New York Times , it is Said, the older of the two.
What is the real profile of Sharif brothers and Said Kouachi, suspects the attack against Charlie Hebdo, still not found? The image of two killers …
& gt; Republican running and controversy surrounding the FN
The political unity has cracked Thursday around a “republican march” scheduled for Sunday. Most large Muslim federations called to participate, and the main “republican parties’ right and left confused center or unions. But “national unity” announced fizzled, Marine Le Pen denounced “exclusion” of the National Front , against which the UMP is also high in the voice of François Fillon or Laurent Wauquiez.
On BFMTV, Marine Le Pen denounced the “sectarianism PS” before the first party secretary, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis do our antenna retorts that “those who are concerned “are free to come. The participation of François Hollande walking is considered but “not decided” confirms the entourage of the president to BFM TV. “There are a lot of caution to have for the presence of President of the Republic” in such an event, argues the entourage of the head of state.
The procession Paris will depart Sunday at 15h in the Republic Square to the Place de la Nation, via the Boulevard Voltaire – a symbol since it crosses the boulevard Richard Lenoir, near the premises of Charlie Hebdo in the 11th district.
& gt; National day of mourning and new rallies
As a symbol, the Eiffel Tower was extinguished in 20 hours precise Thursday. In day of national mourning , the country was previously frozen at noon for a minute of silence. Passersby are capitalized employees went to the windows of their offices, waving sheets bearing the slogan “I Am Charlie”. By late afternoon, more protests gathered thousands of people in Paris, in a square in the Republic of black people again, and several other major cities in France
& gt.; Charlie Hebdo will make a “survivor number”
The team survivor of Charlie Hebdo will release next Wednesday “a Survivors number ” printed in a million copies. The supports are set up: the Minister of Culture Fleur Pellerin announced in the evening that it would release “emergency” exceptional public support of around one million euros for the newspaper. Many media have also offered assistance, including Libération will welcome the team on its premises and organize on Friday an appeal for donations.
“Charlie Hebdo released next Wednesday and will be printed in a million copies,” said his lawyer, Richard Malka, against 60,000 …
& gt; Police killed in Montrouge
The interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said there was no link “at this stage” with the attack on Charlie Hebdo but early Thursday morning, a shooter, still at large, fatally shot a 26-year police Montrouge , near Paris. Two people remained in custody Thursday night in the premises of the judicial police of the Hauts-de-Seine in the course of the investigation. At the material time, the shooter was carrying a bulletproof vest, a handgun and an automatic rifle. He fled on board a Clio found in the morning in Arcueil, Val-de-Marne. His track “was lost” in the business district of La Défense in western Paris. Prime Minister Manuel Valls paid tribute to the victim on Twitter throughout the day.
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