Thursday, January 8, 2015

Raid and GIGN on track killers – BBC

Raid and GIGN on track killers – BBC

GRAPHICS – The two alleged killers of Charlie Hebdo are always actively sought in Picardy. In total, no fewer than 88,000 policemen and gendarmes were mobilized in the area.

The manhunt extraordinary triggered to capture Sharif and Said Kouachi, the two brothers of 32 and 34 suspected of being behind the attack against Charlie Hebdo that made twelve dead, focused on Thursday night in the Oise. More precisely in a surrounding area Crépy-en-Valois, a small town located sixty kilometers north-east of Paris which extend out of sight of the field beaten by the winds and the Picard drizzle. It is there, but also in the neighboring forests that carpet could be suspects. “We have a number of testimonies and a beam convergent indications” whispers an investigator. Without waiting, elite services of the police and gendarmerie converged on the area. A first in the history of law enforcement.

The GIGN, supported by two Puma helicopters equipped with thermal cameras, raked a radius of twenty kilometers long and fifteen broad south of Crépy while supercops Raid and research Brigade Intervention (BIS Gang) went north in detail. The device was expected to last all night at least. Hours earlier, the fugitives had been “formally recognized” by the manager of a gas station Avia planted along the National Highway 2, near Villers-Cotterêt (Aisne). “Circulating aboard a gray Clio, similar in every way to that in which the police lost track of the day rue de Meaux in the nineteenth district, they left evidence of long weapons like Kalashnikovs,” said an informed source which states that “the number plates of their vehicles were deliberately masked”. The Kouachi brothers were then recognized with certainty by the investigators through the station CCTV images.

Their identities were discovered practically the first minutes of the investigation, when the police found with amazement national identity card that Said had forgotten on the floor of the Citroën C3 registered falsely leading the alleged killers at the scene of carnage. An incredible blunder that comes dent the apparent professionalism they showed during their abominable equipped. While genetic analyzes confirmed the initial suspicion, the police also found, still in the C3 bloody commando, Molotov cocktails and the black banner of the Islamic State.

“Searches and audits “

In the greatest discretion, the bloodhounds of the Quai des Goldsmiths, counter Branch (SAT) of the PJ and the Directorate General of Internal Security (ISB) continued their work Benedictines. Hundreds of calls have been exploited on the toll of the Paris PJ. No fewer than 90 witnesses have been heard, dozens of recovered videotapes and telephone meticulous investigations were conducted. Technical and scientific expertise, qualified extremely cumbersome by the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, were made at crime scenes and in the apartment where the suspects could take up residence.

The third man wanted Mourad Hamyd, aged 18 years and brother-Sharif Kouachi, continued to explain to the police station in Charleville-Mezieres (Ardennes), where he gave himself up on Wednesday evening. Moreover, in the hope of “pressure” on suspected killers on the loose and get valuable information to trace them, eight others were placed in custody “in the circle” of brothers Kouachi . One of them was apprehended in Pantin, two in Charleville, where educated young Mourad. The remaining four, intimate Kouachi the brothers were on the other respondents in Reims, where a major operation Raid was conducted in the popular area of ​​Red Cross during part of the night from Wednesday to Thursday in an apartment located the sixth floor of a building in which Said Kouachi, unemployed, seems to have lived with his wife for over a year. On the instructions of terrorism prosecutor, the “search and audits” have also been conducted in Gennevilli ers (Hauts-de-Seine).

88,000 police and gendarmes mobilized in the territory

While that the fugitives were still elusive at night and persisted the assumption that they can return to Paris to finish martyrs in a final stunt, the police padlocked the capital. Imposing workforce, including compounds of anti-crime brigades equipped with heavy body armor and sometimes sub-machine guns, were locked every door in the city in mourning. Intramural where the killing haunts every conversation, a blue band-aid covers the sensitive arteries and premises open to the public.

Determined to show muscles, Bernard Cazeneuve has all the security forces commotion of fighting. No fewer than 88,000 policemen and gendarmes are thus committed throughout the territory. Alone, Ile-de-France is protected by nearly 9650 men and women in arms. The seats of newspapers, radios, television channels and some publishers have been placed under close protection. Control of access to schools, shops and department stores has meanwhile been intensified. The “Hawk” plan has finally been triggered in several departments. By Friday, the first cop of France receives the prefects Place Beauvau to ensure the proper implementation of these security measures. Sunday he was invited to Paris the major European and US officials struggle against terrorism. Once again, he appeals to the sacred union at a time when France is proven by one of the worst attacks in its history.


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