Thursday, January 8, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: UMP participate in the Republican march ‘if … – Les Echos

Charlie Hebdo: UMP participate in the Republican march 'if … – Les Echos

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Francois Hollande began Thursday Nicolas Sarkozy morning with his series of meetings with political leaders following the terrorist attack against Charlie Hebdo. “I accepted the invitation to show that the climate of national unity is the duty of everyone” , said the former president in the interview of nearly an hour. “It was our duty to be united against this attack was of unprecedented brutality. Civilized men should be united facing the barbarism “, sued the former head of Eta. “It’s not a question of democracy or Republic but a question of civilization. It is a declared war civilization “, has he said.

Nicolas Sarkozy has not confirmed his participation in the rally tribute planned Sunday, but said he was willing to participate with his party: “If the conditions are met, we will call ay participate. “” This event must take place in a climate of meditation and gathering, expressing great strength “, has he detailed. The two men planned to talk again this afternoon.

Nicolas Sarkozy has again called for increased police resources used: “A 100% security does not exist but we can improve our devices in order to protect the French. It is necessary to increase our level of vigilance. The threat evolves, our system needs to change. “ ” Like me , [Francois Hollande] is convinced of the need to increase our level of vigilance and to adapt our guard of the French in the evolution of threat “, has he said. He said the Head of State may make proposals to this end.

It was the first return of Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace since the handover of 15 May 2012. Francois Hollande welcomed his predecessor, now president of the UMP, at the foot of the steps of the presidential palace. The two men exchanged a brief but warm handshake for the cameras and photographers


Francois Hollande must continue its series of interviews to 16 hours with the Presidents of the National Assembly and Senate, as well as having a political group in Parliament (PS, PCF, PRG, EELV, UMP, UDI). It should also exchange phone with former presidents Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Jacques Chirac.

Friday, he will receive the principal leaders of the political parties do not have a group in Parliament, Marine Le Pen (FN), François Bayrou (Modem) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Left Party). The chairman of the Standing France, MP Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, will also be received.

With AFP

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