JUSTICEThe teenager has been in contact with the jihadist Rashid Kassim on the app Telegram…
Rashid Kassim, propaganda for Daesh, in a video of the July 20, 2016. – CAPTURE SCREEN
Philip Berry
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A schoolboy of 15 years old, suspected of having wanted to commit an attack jihadist, has been indicted and jailed Friday night, a-t-on learned from justice source. He has been indicted for criminal association for terrorist, criminal, specified this source.
The teenager, a class of third and unknown to intelligence services, was arrested Wednesday morning at his parents ‘ home at Domont (Val d’oise) and placed for 48 hours in custody in the premises of the ISB in Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine), before being presented Friday morning at the justice.
“Suspicion of passage to the act”
“there was a suspicion of passage to the act,” noted a source close to the investigation. In police custody, “he was assured that he would have given up his project,” she added.
The minor was in contact via e-mail Telegram with Rashid Kassim, a jihadist French suspected of téléguider his followers at a distance from the area iraq-syria. It was also in connection, via the encrypted network, with a teenager arrested on 14 September in the Twentieth arrondissement of Paris, also in connection with Kassim and suspected of having wanted to perpetrate a violent action. Finally, the schoolboy was “very present on Telegram where he hosted two channels which broadcast propaganda jihadist,” noted the source close to the investigation.
about A dozen teens arrested
in recent weeks, a dozen teenagers have been arrested for threats of attacks similar, under the influence of the propaganda of Rashid Kassim.
This last is suspected of having inspired more or less directly the murder of a police officer and his girlfriend on the 13th of June in Magnanville (Yvelines), and that of a priest killed in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) on July 26. It would also have driven the projects to the attacks of a commando of women arrested in early September after the discovery of a car loaded gas tanks to Paris.
the arrests come at a time when, according to Prime minister Manuel Valls, the terrorist threat is “maximum” in France, has been affected for 2015 by a series of terrorist attacks resulting in 238 deaths.
The young 29-year old man, named Youssef, was sentenced to four years in prison, including two suspended for having pushed one of its correspondents to commit a terrorist attack in France, and another from make the jihad in Syria. Before the tribunal, he was assured that he was joking and laughed at his interlocutors.
For the first time in France, a user of the e-mail encrypted Telegram was held at the correctional court in Paris on Friday. The young man, age 29, was sentenced to four years in prison, including two suspended, for having incited someone to commit a terrorist act. He had been arrested in Montpellier on August 25. At the bar, the accused was assured that in reality he was joking and laughed at its corresponding radicalized by pretending to be one of their own. His counsel, mr. Martin Méchin, felt that this sentence was “inappropriate” and that his client posed “no danger”. The accused, named Youssef, was stuck by the intelligence services of French, but nothing in the record to show for what reason.
“ ALSO READ:what is Telegram, the messaging app used by jihadis?
This man said he was contacted via Facebook by the corresponding “more or less radicalized” that spoke to him of religion, and who invited him to exchange views with them on the e-mail encrypted Telegram. This network of e-mail, the discussion forums are only accessible on invitation, is considered today as one of the preferred means of communication of the jihadists.
The indictment accuses Youssef of having, in the course of trade, prompted a young man to go to Syria and another to commit a terrorist act. The accused explained that with these correspondents, he played “a role” but laughed at them. “If you go to the action tomorrow, you will be ours,” he wrote, including one of its correspondents, before you propose to him soon after to sell him a nuclear bomb. Youssef had also suggested to his interlocutor to pass the act, “the 31 February, a date that does not exist, he stressed, to try to convince the court of his mockery. His correspondent, with psychological disorders, has not been pursued at this stage, no specific project has been highlighted.
Youssef was also sentenced for consultation usual internet sites glorifying or inciting terrorism, a new offence built-in to the French penal code in July. It is in particular alleged to be a subscriber to the string Telegram of the group jihadist islamic State (EI) and have downloaded videos of propaganda. He defended himself by explaining that their download was done automatically.
A minor radicalized on Telegram set review
earlier in the day, a schoolboy of 15 years has been indicted and jailed. This teenager, in the third class and unknown to intelligence services, was arrested Wednesday morning at Domont in the Val-d’oise. He is suspected of having wanted to commit an attack jihadist, and would have assured the investigators that he had relinquished his project. The minor was in contact via e-mail Telegram with Rashid Kassim, a jihadist French suspected of téléguider his followers at a distance from the area iraq-syria. It was also in connection, via the encrypted network, with the teenager arrested on 14 September in the Twentieth arrondissement of Paris, which was also in connection with Kassim and suspected of having wanted to perpetrate a violent action.
“ ALSO READ:The galaxy of jihadist French Rashid Kassim, propagandist of Daech
“It is very present on Telegram where he hosted two channels that broadcast the propaganda of the jihadist,” noted the source close to the investigation. In recent weeks, a dozen teenagers have been arrested for threats of attacks similar, under the influence of the propaganda of Rashid Kassim. The latter is believed to have inspired more or less directly the murder of a police officer and his girlfriend on the 13th of June in Magnanville (Yvelines), and that of a priest killed in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) on July 26.
Telegram, in the heart of the propaganda of jihadist
Launched in 2013, Telegram is a messaging app from Russia. Rival of WhatsApp and Messenger, she has made the security of communications on its main selling point. She claims to be “more secure than the other e-mail applications for the general public. It is this which has attracted the supporters of the islamic State, whose communication efforts are twofold: to discuss quietly their project, while spreading their ideas to the greatest number. The “channels” of Telegram allow wide and rapid dissemination of their propaganda. The application is also quite lax in its moderation. She began to remove accounts associated with the islamic State at the end of the year 2015, after the attacks of 13 November in France.
Qama, one of the organs of communication of the terrorist organization, has a chain on the application. Adel Kermiche, the murderer of father Jacques Hamel in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, had created its own chain Telegram, followed by nearly 200 people. He used to broadcast audio messages or to ask questions to its subscribers. He obviously had the project to disseminate photos or video of his murder.
The correctional court of Paris sentenced Friday to four years in jail, including two farm, a man accused of having incited someone to commit a terrorist act via Telegram, e-mail encrypted frequently used by the jihadists. He was also found guilty of consultation usual sites jihadists to be a subscriber to a chain claimed by the islamic State, on this network, and delivered his continued detention.
The prosecution had requested his sentence to four years in prison of which 18 months suspended with probation.Under the nickname ” Echo Alpha Tango “, the 29-year old man, Youssef L., has traded in early 2016 with Arthur L. and Sebastian P. on the e-mail encrypted. He is accused of having incited the first to visit Syria to carry out jihad armed, and to have proposed the second, the ” psychological issues manifest “, to commit attacks in France.
For ” laugh “ ?
” If you go to the action tomorrow, you will be ours “, he said in an exchange that was read at the hearing. Stuck S, depending on the facts of the case, Youssef L. denies, however, any radicality, and claims to have ” played a role “ on Telegram to make fun of people he considers ” perched. “
he acknowledges having regard to the statements which are complained of, it ensures to have done ” fun “. “ In the life of every day, I do not frequent people like that. Internet, this is not reality “, he said at the hearing.And to emphasize that some of his comments were the unmistakable sign of a ” joke “, notably when he proposed to Sébastien P. to sell him a nuclear bomb, shortly after he talked about” take action “.
” I joked with the wrong people, I became aware “, he concluded. “ I’d rather be a funny guy as a terrorist. “But the thesis of a ” bad joke that went wrong “, as summarized by the president, has not convinced the court.
Fascination of the fanaticism jihadist
” what is funny? How you make fun of them by making you go to one of them? “ is as well questioned the one of the three judges. And to add, with some irony:” we split the pear on Telegram. “To the prosecutor, ” of course, from time to time, he laughs (…) On the other hand, there is in him a membership and a fascination for the fanatical jihadist. “
Youssef L.” is in a form of denial which in my view must be punished “, he added, pronouncing its requisitions. (China Labbé, edited by Sophie Louet)
POLEMIQUEThe team of Yann Barthes drew on a document of the Sub-directorate anti-terrorism judicial police, who described the place of the events minute-by-minute…
Yann Barthes in “Daily”, on TMC. – CHRISTOPHE EQUINE / TF1
20 Minutes with agency
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A safety feature, much lighter than indicated, a time of “more long”, and a truck that is not stopped by the forces of the order, but that would have stalled… This Thursday, the Daily (TMC) has removed the version of the terrorist attack in Nice given by teams of the ministry of Interior and the municipality.
While one of its journalists (Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch) was able to consult the minutes of the Sub-directorate anti-terrorism judicial police (Sdat), Yann Barthes would have disclosed what he “really” happened to Nice on the evening of July 14.
The white truck would have finished his race… wedging
Two and a half months after the attack which claimed more than 80 victims, the Daily has highlighted a number of inconsistencies in the official versions supplied by the authorities. Quoting from a key document in the Sdat, which describes the place of the events minute by minute, the journalist provides the police was “blocked by people fleeing the scene of the crime” and that the white truck drove by
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel would have finished his race… wedging.
This, then, that the minister of the interior Bernard Cazeneuve assured a few days after the incident that ” the system of protection has allowed the national police to intercept the truck and put an end to his race deadly “.
>> also read : Attack of Nice: the prognosis for five wounded still engaged
Finally, Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch looks back on the controversy that has inflamed the promenade des Anglais shortly after the attack : police deployed the evening of July 14, was it enough ? Since the tragedy, the ministry of the Interior ensures that ” everyone who has taken knowledge of the conditions of intervention of the national police will be able to see that it was present, very present.”
>> also read : Attack of Nice: How was secure to the promenade des Anglais in the evening of the attack?
” On the videos, the investigators did observe that a police car national
” of police vehicles made it impossible to cross the promenade des Anglais, ” it said same Bernard Cazeneuve, two days after the bombing. False, says Daily. Always quoting the minutes, the issue of the TMC ensures that the device was much lighter than indicated.
” On the videos, the investigators did observe that a police car national on the promenade of the English “, one could read in the report. As a reminder, the daily Liberation had already denounced him in its editions of July 21 and 22 “of the faults and lies” in the security device of this tragic evening of the 14th of July.
The truck that plowed into the crowd on the evening of 14 July in Nice stopped thanks to the intervention of the police ? If Bernard Cazeneuve, had assured him that the vehicle had been stopped by the authorities, The Daily, the show, hosted by Yann Barthes on TMC, that contradicts what the minister and point out the inconsistencies of the official version. In the edition of September 29, the journalist Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch has explained to have had access to the minutes prepared by the sub-directorate anti-terrorism judicial police. And its content has anything to interfere with the executive.
According to the program, it is “an outside” which put an end to the mad dash of the truck. Based on the document, the reporter explained that the truck has stalled 22 hours, 35 minutes and 46 seconds. “It will leave more “, note the sub-directorate anti-terrorism. The police will arrive only 43 seconds later. A technical incident which then allows the forces of order to start a shootout with the terrorist. At the end of 1 minute 15 shots, “in 22 hours, 37 minutes and 44 seconds, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel is gunned down by the police,” the report of the Sdat.
flaws and lies “
the Other version is disputed by the journalist of the Daily : the police present the night of the attack. “The national police was present. Police vehicles made it impossible to cross the promenade des Anglais “, had indicated to the minister of the Interior, to the output of a council of defence. False, according to the report of the sub-directorate anti-terrorism : “On the videos, the investigators did observe that a police car national on the promenade of the English “, note the investigators.
A conclusion that had already been shared by Liberation in its edition of July 21 and 22. At that time, the newspaper read “holes and lies” in the security device in place on the evening of 14 July, on the promenade des Anglais.
Paris will not be like London. At least not right away. The Syndicat des transports d’ile-de-France (Stif) just say no to subway all night. If the british capital, opened this summer two of its lines, 24 hours on 24 every weekend, the night owls, the parisian will not have to transport continuously, with the exception of some festive events such as Nuit blanche, this weekend.
” the extension of The hours of night on the subway system is complex to initiate without strongly degrading the quality of the current service “, slice the Stif, referring to the 400 building sites by night on the network RATP that it would be necessary to focus the week, but also a need for additional staff and an overhaul of the computer systems. Side train, and TRAIN, any increase in provides at night is also excluded, ” medium-term “, in particular because of the many work and the movement of freight trains in the night.
The need ” is not proven “
But in addition to these technical reasons, the Stif is estimated simply as the need for more transportation in the night ” is not proven “. “The practices of mobility of the ile-de-france at night (between 21 hours and 6 hours) did not result in a need to transport heavy (trains, metro, RER) throughout the night. The need to travel is significantly reduced after midnight “, underlines the study, conducted by the consulting firm, Alenium, based on Overall Survey Transport dating back to 2010, which polled 18 000 residents in the Ile-de-France.
On the Saturday evening, for example, the study notes that only 8.9% of the 35 million daily trips in the night between 21 hours and 6 hours, and for 15% of them, by public transport. An important part occurs before 2 hours. However, the subways roll up at 2: 15 p.m. on Saturday, since 2006. 122 000 passengers use the metro every Saturday between midnight and 2 hours. But the majority of the displacement of the Saturday night is done by car.
Conclusion of the Stif : the request for opening the night is that ” one-off “, and she is currently satisfied by the extensions of opening hours of Saturday, and offers bus Noctilien, strengthened since 2009 (48 lines, 38 000 users on average on the weekend).
In the meantime, the night owls can still take advantage of public transport 24 hours on 24 at some ” nights festive “, such as December 31 or the feast of music. This is still the case this year for Nuit Blanche, which takes place today.
It’s going to roll up to the White Night
The RATP will open partially underground lines, available free of charge, beyond 2h15. This year, it is the line 1, between Franklin Roosevelt and the Gare de Lyon, and the line 9, between Pont de Sèvres and Saint-Augustin.
in addition, the bus network Noctilien is suitable for this night a bit special. The frequency of buses N01 and N02, which make the round of the stations, is enhanced, with a passage every five minutes. In addition, several lines from normally Châtelet are deferred on the railway stations, the centre of Paris not being served that night by the Noctilien.
Thus, the rows N21, N122 e t N145 are carried over to the Montparnasse train station, the lines N22 and N144 on the gare de Lyon train station, the N23 to gare de l’est and the N24 to Saint-Lazare. Finally, the lines N11 to N16, due to the traffic restrictions will not be in service this night.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Apple is a company which violates the rights of the consumer.” Under the noise a loud security alarms, a man quite pissed off, sunglasses on the nose and petanque ball in hand, massacre the products displayed one after the other. It is necessary to wait tens of seconds, and several iPhones and other Macbooks blown up, before it is overpowered by the security guards.
This scene unusual took place on Thursday morning at the Apple Store at the shopping center la Toison d’or in Dijon (Gold Coast), giving rise to a video soon became viral on the social networks. The frantic, an individual with a 30-year-old native of the region, is being heard by the police officers from the local police station from 13: 05 on Thursday. His custody has been extended by 24 hours this Friday.
Subject to a psychiatric expertise
during his interrogation, he would have been considered legitimate his act of vandalism. “He does not regret and is not very talkative. He claims that he is a victim of Apple because the store did not wanted him to exchange or to reimburse him for a device that was not working. This is the only explanation for her anger,” says The Express Thierry Bas, deputy prosecutor of the Republic of Dijon.
The individual is unknown to police services and justice. Without a job and living alone, it has been the subject of a psychiatric examination to determine whether he was fully aware of his act. The public prosecutor of Dijon is waiting for the results before ruling on the judicial follow-up to be given to this matter. If the appraisal finds criminal responsibility, the man could be judged by appearance of immediate “degradation material” or to be placed under judicial control.
The facts are punishable by two years imprisonment and 30,000 euros fine. “The damage to the store is estimated at more than 50 000 euros”, says the deputy prosecutor of Dijon.
No complaint has been filed for the moment
at this point, the man is not prosecuted for violence. A video sequence shows yet holding a vigil at the neck, and be virulent in its respect. According to the public prosecutor of Dijon, no person has been injured in the scuffle and no complaint has yet been filed, side Apple Store as the staff side.
The first elements of the investigation have allowed to establish that the individual acted alone. Contrary to what has been said on the social networks, the man who is filming is a customer of the store and not a friend or an accomplice. It was put out of the question.
A schoolboy of 15 years old, suspected of having wanted to commit an attack jihadist, he was brought today to the court in Paris in a view to a review by judges of counter-terrorism, according to a justice source.
The teenager, a class of third and unknown to intelligence services, was arrested Wednesday morning at his parents ‘ home at Domont (Val d’oise) and placed for 48 hours in custody in the premises of the ISB in Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine), said the source, confirming information of iTELE. “There is a suspicion of passage to the act,” noted a source close to the investigation. In police custody, “he was assured that he would have given up his project,” she added.
The minor was in contact via e-mail Telegram with Rashid Kassim, a jihadist French suspected of téléguider his followers at a distance from the area iraq-syria. It was also in connection, via the encrypted network, with the teenager arrested on 14 September in the Twentieth arrondissement of Paris, which was also in connection with Kassim and suspected of having wanted to perpetrate a violent action.
“It is very present on Telegram where he hosted two channels that broadcast the propaganda of the jihadist,” noted the source close to the investigation. In recent weeks, a dozen teenagers have been arrested for threats of attacks similar, under the influence of the propaganda of Rashid Kassim. The latter is believed to have inspired more or less directly the murder of a police officer and his girlfriend on the 13th of June in Magnanville (Yvelines), and that of a priest killed in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) on July 26. It would also have driven the projects to the attacks of a commando of women arrested in early September after the discovery of a car loaded gas tanks to Paris.
see ALSO: “The galaxy of jihadist French Rashid Kassim, propagandist of Daech “Telegram, an application sulfurous appreciated of the French policies
Ufifty children had on Thursday, signs of intoxication, without that their state did not inspire concern, in a school of the 10th arrondissement of Marseille, which have been sent to about seventy fire-fighters, a-t-on learned from several sources. “Thirty-two children and one adult have been evacuated to hospitals in marseille by the marine department, and 16 children were brought directly by their parents”, said to AFP Jean Rampon, chief of staff of the prefect of the PACA region Stéphane Bouillon. “About seventy seamen-firefighters have been mobilised on site to take care of the children,” said a spokesperson for the marine brigade. “The children were seized with vomiting yesterday and today”, told AFP Lionel Royer-Perreaut, mayor of the borough, highlighting that”no child is in danger.” The investigations were still underway into the causes of the outbreak, has confirmed a spokesperson of the fire brigade, stating that the children were suffering from headaches and vomiting. “Have been ruled out as causes : a toxi-infection alimentaire collective TIAC) and the carbon monoxide poisoning”, a-t-we learned in a press release of the prefecture of the Bouches-du-Rhône. Two hypotheses are still under consideration, one for the potable water network, “less likely” according to Mr. Rampon, and the other, “more likely”, in respect of a gastro-enteritis collective. The establishment will remain closed on Friday.
Stunned, she can’t find her words. “We loved too our priest. There is so much under the shock. We are trying to understand,” loose only at “Obs” a parishioner of Wintzenheim, a little less than 8,000 inhabitants and a few kilometers from Colmar (Haut-Rhin). The priest of 58 years was so appreciated that when he had recently left the parish to join soon another, to Thann, the faithful had turned out in number at its last mass.
A little earlier, some had even gone so far as to tender a banner displaying a large “no” at the departure of their parish priest. They come to learn that he is now suspected of rape, sexual assault on a minor and abuse of trust. Placed in custody Tuesday morning, the parish priest has been indicted and placed in detention on remand, as reported by France 3 Alsace this Thursday, September 29.
Paedophilia in the Church : who are the whistleblowers ?
financial Movements suspects
Without a report of Tracfin (Treatment of intelligence and action against financial channels underground), and the discovery of financial movements of suspects through the personal account of the priest, the investigators would not be raised up to him.
Appointed to Wintzenheim in 2005, the religious would have diverted cheques for the parish, said in the afternoon, the archbishop of Strasbourg, Mgr Jean-Jacques Grallet. The priest would have used of these are, at least in part, to pay to his victim, a young woman, a minor at the material time, in order to obtain her sexual favours.
first suspected of being involved in the embezzlement alleged, the young woman, now 26 years old, was quickly put out of question by the interviewers.
Paedophilia : the case of the di Falco revived by new accusations
“No warning” according to archbishop
Difficult, for the time, to know more on the date of the facts of rape and sexual assault charges against the priest, and on their duration. They would have had a place there are “a dozen years”, said without more details Archbishop Grallet to the AFP, when “France 3 Alsace”, which indicates that they would have taken place during ten years, until the majority of the victim.
Contacted by “Obs”, the public prosecutor of Colmar, who opened a criminal investigation, has refused for the moment to comment. Also contacted by “Obs”, Mgr Grallet entrusts “the immense sadness” and “shock” of the allegations involving a priest “sensitive”, “very active” in his parish, a musician and “loved people”.
the One who has been archbishop since 2007, also ensures that if it had been ” wind “of fragilities in the financial” of the parish, he “knew nothing”, he said, of their origin nor of the allegations against the priest. He assures not to have been disposed of “no alert the order of the slightest fault.”
Paedophilia in Lyon : the long silence of the Church
“considerable hurt”
“I will try to be responsive on that side,” says the one who, last April, when new measures to combat paedophilia in the Church as announced by the Conference of bishops of France (CEF), was obliged to recall his commitment and firmness.
“I made sure as always, when I learn something, this is reported to the justice,” he said to the local press by announcing it wants to put in place, among other things, a cell listens to the victims.
“for me, This is a huge surprise and a considerable hurt to the Church that I represent”, he says also this Thursday. The priest would celebrate next Sunday his first mass in his new parish. He is now detained at the prison of Colmar.
Beautiful mishap for a couple from Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) holiday in the countryside of barcelona. Then he had a week between friends in the village of Vilalba Sasserra (Catalonia, Spain), in a rented house on the site Airbnb, the couple saw the landing of the police elite catalans, ” says Anne-Sophie in West-germany, Thursday, September 29.
“While he was taking his breakfast on the terrace, at 7: 30 a.m., my husband heard a small noise. Looking up, he sees a hooded man, armed with an assault rifle pointed at him. A dozen heavily armed men accompany it. They are in search of the owner and perquisitionnent places”, ” says the client of the website Airbnb.
the tenants of the villa do not know it, but the owner is none other than a head of a network of neo-catalan, already condemned for Holocaust denial. the “We knew nothing of the owner and availables [only] pictures of the property, its address and the price.”, ensures Anne-Sophie. The Nazarienne indicates that it has written to Airbnb to “to ask them a gesture for the moral prejudice suffered”, but the site has not acceded to his request. In contrast, the ad has been withdrawn.
fifty children had on Thursday, signs of intoxication, without that their state did not inspire concern, in a school of the 10th arrondissement of Marseille, a-t-on learned from several sources.
Seventy firefighters mobilized. “Thirty-two children and one adult have been evacuated to hospitals in marseille by the marine department, and sixteen children were brought directly by their parents,” said Jean Rampon, chief of staff of the prefect of the PACA region Stéphane Bouillon. “About 70 sailors-firefighters have been mobilised on site to take care of the children,” said a spokesperson for the marine fighters. “The children were seized with vomiting yesterday and today,” said Lionel Royer-Perreaut, mayor of the borough, highlighting that”no child is in danger.”
Probably a gastro-enteritis, collectively. investigations were still underway into the causes of the outbreak, has confirmed a spokesperson of the fire brigade, stating that the children were suffering from headaches and vomiting. “Have been ruled out as causes : a toxi-infection alimentaire collective TIAC) and the carbon monoxide poisoning”, a-t-we learned in a press release of the prefecture of the Bouches-du-Rhône. Two assumptions are always to the study, one for the potable water network, “less likely” according to Jean Rampon, and the other, “more likely”, in respect of a gastro-enteritis collective. The establishment will remain closed on Friday.
FIGAROVOX/MAINTENANCE – The latest polls are not good for Nicolas Sarkozy, while his rival Alain Juppé earns points in voting intentions. For Christian Delporte, former president of the Republic has never managed to show that he had changed.
Professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and director of the magazine Time media, Christian Delporte is a historian, specialist in the history of the media, the image and communication policy. Published by Flammarion, he has published A history of the language of wood (2009) ; A story of the seduction of political(2011) and most recently Come back or the art of return policy(2014).
FIGAROVOX. – According to the barometer the Kantar-Tns-One Point for RTL/Le Figaro/LCI, Nicolas Sarkozy is down in the first round of the primaries of the right and of the centre (33%), while Alain Juppé further widening of the gap (39%). In August, the same pollster gave to a tie in the first round with 34% each. What do you think about this survey?
Christian DELPORTE. – Two remarks, first, on the investigation itself. First, remember that a survey, never a predictive one, is only a snapshot of opinion at a given time. Then, it focuses on a sample very small, with a big margin of error, which notably decreases the fluctuations from survey to survey. That said, Alain Juppé appears to be benefiting from the non-qualification of applicants who had been tested in August, but also the decline of other competitors, as Bruno Le Maire. In this latter case, one could speak of a “vote” in the minds of those who want to make dam to Nicolas Sarkozy, when he has progressed so far in the polls. Let us never forget that the polls influence voting and that the voters, in any way, “play” with them. In 2011, François Hollande, given largely winner, was the victim: while the polls in September-October he promised that between 44 and 49%, he had received only 39%. For the rest, the score of Sarkozy remains stable: the loss of a point has no meaning. In fact, it was Juppé who progresses.
Can we talk about a glass ceiling for the former president of the Republic?
The second round of the primary appears today as a referendum for or against Sarkozy.
The poll tested three hypotheses, depending on the rate of participation. In any case, Sarkozy is the first tour behind Juppé. But the greater the participation, the greater the gap is widening: 4 points with 1.8 million voters, 8 percentage points with 5.2 M. The figures reported in the press are based on a hypothesis 2.9 million, which is quite plausible. However, the other information from the survey is that, since August, the mobilisation of the electorate is higher. In other words, as the electoral body touches the kernel LR activists and supporters, Sarkozy remains well placed. But the more he grows, the more it touches the fringes of the least militant, the more it overflows into the center, the more the gap widens in favor of Juppé. Sarkozy has chosen a strategy clivante. In addressing a priority to the electorate more to the right, it ensures a stand that qualifies for the second round, but he deprives himself of all the rest of the voters whose share is growing in voting intentions. As for the second round, it appears today as a referendum for or against Sarkozy. However, very few voters who will have voted for The Mayor, Fillon, or NKM say, today, that they would choose.
Nicolas Sarkozy barely-there to convince because he is “the man of the liabilities” in the words of François Mitterrand to Valery Giscard d’estaing in 1981?
Sarkozy may not, as he wished to appear as the savior of the right.
For Sarkozy, there is a big difference: if it is supported by a core of activists and supporters assets that will follow him until the end, he is rejected by another part of the electorate of the right and center who want to turn the page. However, today, opinion surveys show that any candidate is RL or almost win in the second round of the presidential election and, best of all, Alain Juppé is the only one to arrive in the lead on the first lap in front of Marine Le Pen. In other words, Sarkozy may not, as he wished to appear as the savior of the right. His action is obviously a handicap (as it is, on another level, for the Netherlands). Despite his efforts to reorient the campaign themes, he fails to embody the novelty, and is continuously returned to its exercise of power. If “business” is viewed by its supporters as the manoeuvres of power, they leave the electorate more moderate who wants to win in 2017 without taking risks. Alain Juppé is today the beneficiary.
Is this also his attitude that is causing the problem?
Nicolas Sarkozy admitted to mistakes of behavior, but it has never managed to show that he had changed.
Nicolas Sarkozy, on his return, was admitted to errors of behaviour, but it has never managed to show that it had changed. On the contrary, he explained in his meetings that it was nothing, because its activists were waiting for the “real” Sarkozy. By doing this, it has not convinced the part of the electorate, right and centre, which felt excessive, too brutal. Wanting to stand out from its competitors on issues such as climate change and the question of identity, advancing formulas-shock, it has mobilized its troops, but away from the voters who are more moderate.
current Values, his former advisor Patrick Buisson, who has just published a book charge against the former president, explains: “Believe, elected against Marine Le Pen as prime minister François Baroin, the deconstructor of nurseries, Nicolas Sarkozy will make a policy right is made either an abysmal stupidity or extreme innocence“. What do you think of this judgement?
A President that does not take account of the global environment and apply blindly his agenda in the name of rigidity of the ideological would lead the country into the wall.
there are several ways to see a “political right” and it is not sure that the one designed by Patrick Buisson corresponds to that desired by voters, LR and IDU… That said, it does not advance the same arguments to campaign in an election internal as the primary, a campaign for the first round of the presidential election, where it broadens the base, and a campaign of second where it comes together. A policy without pragmatism is doomed to failure. We govern with a programme, of course, but also depending on the context. A President that does not take account of the european and global environment, the economic developments, the social situation, the state of readiness of the opinion, etc, and apply blindly his agenda in the name of rigidity of the ideological would lead the country into the wall. This is not denial, this is not cynicism, it is the realpolitik. The choice of François Baroin is part of it: if Sarkozy wants to win in 2017, he has to collect beyond his electorate faithful. Income at the Elysée, it should take into account the more moderate view that would have given her confidence. You don’t win and it governs poorly with a fraction of the public against all the others. Bush knows it but pretends not to know.
Deploying a line of argument worthy of the “Survivors” and an illustration that can only be the work of a child of five years, the foundation of “defense of life” Jérôme-Lejeune hope to speak to high school students. And several colleges and private under contract are willing to assist in this task.
What are two highschool students of the Academy of Montpellier, which have alerted about the issue on the eve of the international day for the right to abortion on the 28 September. Shocked to find this “Manual of bioethics youth” available on a display of their establishment, they have sent photos to the illustrator Nawak, which reproduces excerpts from a post to Facebook posted Tuesday night and shared more than 9,000 times :
your environment
The message of this “Manual” – which is also available online in its “updated version” – is clear : the right to abortion, recognized in France since 1975, is a “right to kill”. “What is legal is not necessarily moral,” writes the foundation Lejeune in his pamphlet.
“C, and the book’s tone is resolutely scientific, clear and factual”, is defending the Foundation on its website. The tone is mostly guilt :
“Nearly 9 million abortions have been performed since 1975. 9 million children are unique, irreplaceable.”
In the case of rape, explain the authors of the “Manual, “if one can understand that a woman does not want the child”, it is all the same obliged to keep as “kill the child does not cancel the drama”.
And if you are still unsure, it is that you have not read the testimony of “Melissa, 23 years old”, “broken” from an ABORTION that the “destroyed from the inside for years”. Etc., Etc ..
“hundreds of thousands” of copies
Since the publication of the post Facebook by Nawak, many students in high schools, private said to have had access to their “Manual” in their establishment. A mother paris tells us, for example, in the “Huffington Post” that it was distributed to her daughters-in-class “human and religious formation”.
The Foundation Lejeune itself does not know how many copies of his “Manual” were distributed in the institutions, but ensures you have printed “hundreds of thousands” and the stream numbers in the world youth Days (WYD). She does not see where is the problem, since it is private institutions.
The minister of women’s Rights, Laurence Rossignol, sees things from a different eye. It has arrested the cartoonist Nawak on Twitter Wednesday morning. On the occasion of the filing of an amendment to extend the offence of obstructing the ABORTION to the internet, she explained in an interview with Rue89 :
the”Be hostile to ABORTION is an opinion that everyone can share. But do you believe the women we will give them information while in reality the goal is to discourage an abortion, or making them feel guilty is not acceptable.”
The amendment has been rejected by the senators on Thursday. On Twitter, the Fondation Lejeune relishes.
“The activists anti-ABORTION are on the Internet ? We follow”
After ten years of preparation, the mammoth project of nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point has been signed by the british authorities, the electricity company of French EDF and their chinese partners, on Thursday 29 September in London.
Signed in the presence of the French minister of foreign affairs, Jean-Marc Ayrault, the project of 18 billion pounds (21 billion euros), supported to 66.5% by EDF, and to 33.5 % by its chinese partner CGN is building two reactors of the EPR type in the south-west of England, for an expected in-service date to the end of 2025.
To understand everything : Five questions around the proposed nuclear power Hinkley Point
” The Uk needs to renew its energy supply, and we have always said that nuclear power plants such as Hinkley would play an important role “, was welcomed by the minister of energy, uk, Greg Clark, during a brief signing ceremony held at the discretion of the british government.
After being given a final time of reflection at the end of the summer, the first minister of a conservative, Theresa May, has given its agreement to the project on September 15, the object of many criticisms both in terms of economic and ecological matters of industrial safety. The price guarantee granted to EDF by London, under an agreement concluded three years ago with then-prime minister, David Cameron, is considered too generous by the critics of the project. Environmentalists also feel that it would have been more useful to devote to renewable energy investments.
A part of the political class is also frowned in the face of investment in China, fearing for the industrial security of the United Kingdom. To address this concern, the agreement was subject to terms, conditions, and EDF has had to commit to stay in the majority in Hinkley Point.
Read the analysis : the battle of The nuclear plays in Uk
Relief for EDF
For EDF, the signature of the contract is a relief after years to prepare the plans, to convince the five successive governments and quell his questions in the house. the ” We are very pleased with this final signature. I am aware of the fact that it was a long phase of preparation, but I am convinced that he knows how to show that, once the goals are set, we can hold “, said its CEO, Jean-Bernard Lévy. The preparatory work should be carried out until mid-2019, the scheduled date of start of erection of the reactors.
A part of the unions of EDF had requested the postponement of the planned Hinkley Point on the grounds that it put in danger the finances of the company. The unions fear that the enormous costs of Hinkley Point would weaken the group already facing a wall of investments, including the renovation of French nuclear reactors and the redemption of the activity reactors of Areva, in an energetic environment highly degraded.
Another point of concern, no EPR, a technology of Areva, is still in service in the world due to slippages of time and costs of ongoing projects, including Flamanville (Manche) and in Finland, even if the management of EDF’s promise to learn the lessons of these awful experiences.
According to a study conducted by Insee and Ined in 2012, and Wednesday output, 14 % of the homeless have studied in higher education. Among them, 10% are out graduates.
“The diploma does not protect systematically the precariousness”. Contrary to what one might think, to do great studies is not a guarantee of safety, in the face of precariousness. These are the findings of a report conducted by Insee and Ined in 2012, and published on Wednesday 28 September. The researchers are focusing on the situation of the 14,000 homeless and francophones over the age of 18 years. They found that among them, 14% had attended a training course in higher education, and that 10% had obtained a diploma. This may seem anecdotal, but these data make it possible to take conscience that “higher education graduates without home exist and their number is far from negligible”, argue the demographer, Philippe Cordazzo and the sociologist Nicolas Sembel.
data that does not surprise Samuel Coppens, which is at the Foundation of the Salvation Army. “In our institutions, many young people are graduates, or even permanent, he explains in Figaro. And when they receive a salary, it is not always sufficiently high to enable them to make ends meet”.
15% are HOMELESS during their studies
Although their living conditions are relatively close to those of other homeless people, graduates differ on some points. They have a report to the employment a little more dynamic, a state of health often judged (by them) “very good”, and experience more late-life on the street, are the two authors. Also, they are more supported by their “friends”: friends, neighbours, family. We thus learn that among the homeless, two profiles can be distinguished. First, those in which the degree is French: “the more often men, older, more alone, a little more often from the lower social classes, a little less parisian”. Then, those in which the diploma was obtained abroad, usually “women aged between 30 and 49 years of age, or under 30 years of age, with children, in couple, and from the middle classes”. Their situation “is indicative of a trajectory of the decommissioning of graduates born abroad and whose conditions of life upon their arrival in France have led to poverty, lack of valorisation of their degree, to obtain a French diploma or equivalency, and, often, (because) of discrimination”, noted Philippe Cordazzo and Nicolas Sembel. Regarding the precarious situation of the students, they estimate that about 15% of them have experienced a situation of sans-domicile in the course of their studies. They evoke “a phenomenon poorly known that it is difficult to measure the extent, probably under-estimated”.
of 143,000 homeless in France
According to the findings of this study, of 143,000 persons were not domiciled in 2012. In other words, this means that the number of homeless has increased by 50% in eleven years. Between 2001 and 2012, those who were foreign-born were much more numerous. For the most part, they were from former French colonies. Within the urban areas of 20,000 inhabitants or more, of 82,000 adults and over 30,000 children living on the street in 2001. Eleven years later, their number had increased to 58%. For this is the increase in the number of children (85%), it has been much more rapid than that of adults (49%). More surprising is, finally, a quarter of homeless people aged under 65 years had a job at the time of the survey. “What is not negligible, and corrects significantly the classical figure of the SDF that is very far from employability”, observe the two authors. One in two were unemployed and one in ten did not have the right to work (claimant and / or sick leave of more than three months). “It is a phenomenon which is particularly present in the Île-de-France and in the Rhône-Alpes region, where the longtements are very expensive,” says Samuel Coppens.
In 2011, the SAMU social of Paris, had carried out a similar study. It was found that 12% of the homeless had completed graduate studies.
After years of attempts to penetrate the smartphone market general public, Microsoft is far from them. “Our strategy for Windows Phone is focus on the part of companies, we are now out of the party for the general public,” says Vahé Torossian, the new president of Microsoft France (and still vice-president of Microsoft Corp.). Comments which confirm the statements of the CEO Satya Nadella in front of a commission of the u.s. government in June : “we have a specific position on the mobile today, focused on the company”, but “we are working on the next big thing” (next big changmement). In fact, this is confirmed by the stop of the production of the Windows Phone range-Lumia mid-2016, and the mass dismissal of ex-employees of Nokia, which was acquired 5.4 billion euros in 2013.
The entry ticket on the smartphone market general public today is very high, and Microsoft prefers to make ” the bet of a technological leap in a few years, with a change of paradigm “. To be clear : Microsoft does not wish to pursue a saturated market by Google (Android) and Apple (iPhone). The giant of Redmond prefer to wait a “few years” to try to be among the first arrivals on the market that will be created when the current smartphones will be relegated to the museum. “During the time of this transition, we do not stay on the market of smartphones for the general public, we still specifies Vahé Torossian.
updates continue
However, “Microsoft continues to support and update smartphones Windows, as well as the development of new devices”, he says. And it is true : the mobile version of the Windows operating system continues to be updated, including for smartphones general public. The hundreds of thousands of beta-testers (the ” Windows Insiders “) of Windows 10 Mobile to be distributed in the world continue to receive test versions on their smartphone, at a significant rate. And the sales of the last-born, the Lumia 950, 950 XL and 650 continue to be actively supported by Microsoft.
nevertheless, the market share of Microsoft on the smartphones never took off, customers complaining about a lack of mobile applications developed for the Windows operating system. The fusion of the nuclei of Windows and Windows Mobile, which occurred with the arrival of Windows 10, has not changed the situation. Not more than sales correct on some markets, including France.
The Surface Phone fades
These statements are likely to shower the hopes of the followers of Windows Phone, who praise its ease of use and synchronization with a computer, the face including the Apple iPhone, as well as its innovative user interface, in the face of the static icons of the competitors. Those who have migrated their mobile to Windows Phone will probably have to make the journey in reverse with all their data when they decide to change the camera.
Even the prospect of a new Surface, Phone for the general public clears. This device, derived from the line of hybrid PC and tablet of Microsoft, if it exists one day, will probably be more expensive, because aligned on the target premium of the Surface, but primarily it will be aimed primarily at business… when Asked about these rumors, Vahé Torossian remains elusive : “The line products the Surface is intended to evolve into new types of form factor “, that is to say of the products other than tablets, large-format and PC laptops.
anyway, it is a real strategic problem for Microsoft. Without a presence on the smartphone market general public, it will be more difficult to impose its ecosystem, the real sinews of war. Certainly, Microsoft has developed most of its applications stars for Android (Google) and iOS (Apple), but he can never benefit as much as if the apps Office, Outlook, OneDrive, or Xbox were installed on Windows devices. And Apple and Google, controlling the heart of the smartphone will, of course, any to impose, rather, iCloud, iTunes, Google Drive or Gmail to their customers.
the presidents of The region have unanimously welcomed, Thursday, September 29, the announcement by Manuel Valls concerning the reform of their funding on the occasion of the congress of the Regions of France. From January 2018, the State will not pay more money in the form of staffing to the regions. Instead, they will receive a fraction of the VAT. An arbitration unhoped-for local elected officials, even if they display prudence, waiting for the implementation of this measure to declare victory.
also Read : The State will no longer fund the regions
” I need to see “, admitted, after this announcement, Philippe Richert, president (The Republicans) of the Regions of France, the new name of the Association of regions of France which granted to the World it was a ” revolutionary “.
” On principle, this is a development I welcome, it is unquestionably a good measure. But I’m not going to begin to rejoice tomorrow if the reality does not correspond to what is announced. “
For François Bonneau, executive president (socialist Party) of the Regions of France, at the head of the region Centre-Val de Loire :
” It is a resource that is going to be stable, permanent and dynamic. It is a true recognition of the regions. Of course, we would have preferred a direct effect as early as 2017. It removes nothing to my satisfaction to see finally the role and responsibilities of regions recognized. For 2017, the account is not there completely, but we have made the essential. “
Alain Rousset, the former president (PS) of the Association of regions of France, president of the region’s New-Aquitaine has said ” happy “ :
” It’s been years that I fought to achieve it. “
The president of the executive council of Corsica, Gilles Simeoni is pleased that this measure, which he called his wishes, had the support of the government.
The fund to 2017 ” inadequate “
announcements regarding State aid as early as 2017, to support the economic development of the regions, have, they, gnash the teeth. These funds will be distributed based on the expenses incurred within the limit of € 450 million, are insufficient according to Philippe Richert :
” The account is not there. We felt the needs of 600 million. “
the Same discourse in Bruno Retailleau, president (LR) of the region pays de la Loire, which would like to see improvements in the funding of new competences of the regions are ” met ” before 2018, the deadline established by Manuel Valls.
Read also : Regions of France : the immense shipyard of the reorganization
François Hollande has been a favorite topic of conversation : Nicolas Sarkozy. His analysis of every move of his opponent in 2012 joined by moments that book Patrick Buisson in the Cause of The people. The former advisor creates discomfort in making of Carla Bruni, this obscure object of desire, a woman who would put her husband under the influence… however, the fact is that, in Conversations (Antonin André and Karim Rissouli, at Albin Michel), François Hollande had dropped him also some spikes on the propensity of his opponent to show his wife a trophy.
Read also : What is really the book of Patrick Buisson
clearly, the physics and the psychology of the bottom floor – is taken into account in this fight cocks, and François Hollande does not deprive of comments on the subject : “Since the beginning, Sarkozy think that he is the best. Compared to all of the world. Because its engine is the one. This comes from having had to overcome a number of constraints. It wasn’t a good pupil in the class, not an Apollo, and so he had to fight. And finally, he is the mayor very young, congressman young enough – like me – and the minister, young. In this landscape, my qualities, from his point of view, are defects. He thinks that to be "normal" is a default. He considers that it is important not to be normal. It is in the brutality, not at all in harmony [...]. I don’t make tackles from behind when he thinks constantly : I will smash the teeth.”
also Read Ségolène Royal, the darling of Bush
“Sarkozy has no spine”
“No tackling from behind” ? This is not at all the feeling of those who have crossed his road to the socialist Party during his 35-year career… He should also talk to Jean-Marc Ayrault, literally humiliated by the head of the State in Conversations .
Another topic of convergence between Bush and Holland about Sarkozy : the opportunism. “He has no spine, so it can go from all sides, whistling the president. Sarkozy, president of the Republic, it starts on one line and ends on another. It starts on the opening, it ends up on the speech of Grenoble. Me, I don’t have to move. It is so difficult to have a political identity. If there is a change, it is perceived as a failure and, secondly, in this period of crisis or exit of crisis, as a sign of weakness. Moreover, Mitterrand, when he made the turning point of 1983 – that it is not by conviction but by obligation, well he lost in 1986 !”
And when François Hollande performs the turn-to-social-liberal in 2014 ?
Two months after the assassination of father Hamel by two assailants claiming to be from the ARS in the church of the small commune of Seine-Maritime, three survivors were handed over to the site of a Christian Family. They return to their confrontation with the terrorists as they try, in vain, to reason.
Two months after the assassination of father Hamel by two terrorists belonging to the islamic State, three of the survivors of the attack return on this day of horror. The journalist Christian Family, Luke, Adrian, went to meet Guy Coponet, was wounded by three strokes of the knife a in the throat, his wife Janine and sister Danielle. This is the first time that the couple of octogenarians testify with their faces uncovered. Former worker 87-year-old Guy Coponet is a miracle. He will have waited more than 45 minutes before the rescue could not intervene. “The er physician that treated me said to me: “there was a divine hand on you because none of the shots hit a vital organ. However, this was not so far… It’s like a miracle!", he says to the Christian Family.
“Think of your parents, you’re on a wrong road, you’re gonna kill him from grief.”
But the hardest for him, this was to have been forced to make a video of the execution of the father Hamel. “The two young killers to me caught by the “colbac,” I have put a camera in her hands and told me: “Poppa, you film.” They would even come to check the quality of the images and see that I was shaking too much. I had to film the assassination of my friend Father Jacques! I do not deliver.” He explains that the two terrorists had in mind to “make a video intended to go around the world on social networks, which would allow them to earn their title of glory as a “martyr” for Allah.”
During the attack, Guy tries to reason with him. He asked one of the killers if he has children, and adds: “Think of your parents, you’re on a wrong road, you’re gonna kill of grief.” The terrorist stabs him and drags him down the steps of the altar. “It was all red, but I didn’t realize that it was my blood that was flowing. I have not suffered at the time. I’m tight throat because it would come out.” He prays, then, the blessed Charles de Foucauld, “he also died by a hand of the muslims in the desert”. He recites the prayer of abandonment, he values particularly. “”My Father I yield myself to Thee, do with me what You please… I commend my soul into thy hands.” I was there, in his hands. Especially after a mass!”, he explains to Luke, Adrian.
“It is a suicide. They wanted to die. I look forward to be able to ask them to Heaven : Why, all this?”
then she engages in a conversation surreal between Kermiche and sister Helen, one of the nuns who attended the mass. “Are you afraid to die?, lance Kermiche to Helen. – No, she answers. He was surprised: – Why not fear? – Because I believe in God and I know that I’ll be happy,” says sister Danielle to Family Christian. “He whispers: “I also believe in God and I am not afraid of death.” Then he proclaims: “Jesus is a man, not God!””, continuing sister Danielle. The wife of Guy, Janine, asked Kermiche permission to sit down. “He answers me without hesitation, with politeness: “Yes, sit down, Madam.” At this time, Helen’s sister, who was exhausted also, and asked him his cane remained in his place. Kermiche moves around, takes the cane and puts on her”, she said.
At 10: 30, the bell rings. The two terrorists grow the survivors out and out screaming “Allahu akbar”, and are getting killed for the police. “It is a suicide. They wanted to die. I look forward to be able to ask them at the Sky: "Why, all this?" In order to try to understand,” says sister Danielle.
today, the remnants of the church will be rebuilt. Guy and Jane will celebrate their 65 years of marriage. Now arises the question of forgiveness. “I will not be able to do it full in the face of God, with his grace,” said Guy. Pray sometimes for them, with his wife? “It just happens to say: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”” They think to meet the families of their executioners. “To try to understand and placate them,” said Janine.
eventsThe three accused, two of whom were sentenced to twelve months closes, compared with 18 months for the third, had already been convicted in two similar cases and who are in prison…
Figure: Justice, law. Patrick Semansky/AP/SIPA
20 Minutes with AFP
Published on
updated the
The court of Bobigny sentenced Tuesday to prison terms of 12 to 18 months of prison, three young men who attacked and robbed a family of chinese origin on the parking lot of a restaurant in Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis).
” We’re not the only ones to fly the Asian “
The court held as an aggravating circumstance the dimension of “racist” of the assault, a few weeks after the death of Zhang Chaolin, a father of a family chinese of 49 years, died in a flight violent to Aubervilliers.
” We’re not the only ones to fly Asians. Has’aubervilliers it is common, ” defended the accused, who deny any involvement. Between the ages of 22 to 23 years, they were on trial for two robberies with violence committed on the same evening of march 26, in the Seine-Saint-Denis.
each time, the victims, who came from middle chinese traders of Aubervilliers, had been followed, before being beaten and emptied their bag.
A trio, organized, decided, “
Acquitted of the first flight ” for the benefit of the doubt “, the accused were convicted for an assault that had occurred shortly before 22 hours in the car park of a restaurant in Drancy : three adults of the same family were beaten under the eyes of four children.
The victims have been “chosen for what they represent, referred to what they have and targeted to what they are,” quipped the prosecutor, which required 30 months to three years in prison.
The three defendants, two of whom were sentenced to twelve months closes, compared with 18 months for the third, had already been convicted in two similar cases, and imprisoned. They had been arrested in flagrante delicto in April. This matter was then allowed investigators to make the connection with other assaults to the operating mode that is identical, in particular those of 26 march.
Seeing in them a “trio organized, decided,” the attorney wondered : “Will they continue to commit the irreparable ? “
He was the boss of the intelligence inside. A man of power and networks. Bernard Squarcini, 60 years old, said, “the Sharks”, has been indicted of seven counts, including influence peddling.
Nicolas Sarkozy appointed him to the head of the DCRI, on his arrival at the Elysee in 2007. Together, they create the FBI to the French. The foundations of this relationship are formed five years earlier, during the arrest of Yvan Colonna, the assassin of the prefect Claude Erignac. Nicolas Sarkozy was then minister of the Interior, Bernard Squarcini chief of intelligence in Corsica. He leads the hunt for the nationalist.
“Nicolas Sarkozy has pushed up in the hierarchy”
“Nicolas Sarkozy has sucked, up in the police hierarchy rather quickly. And therefore, Bernard Squarcini will put a large part of this service information at the service of Nicolas Sarkozy,” says Olivia Recasens, co-author of The Spy of the president.
In 2012, it is François Hollande who was elected president of the Republic. Bernard Squarcini is ousted. It launches out then in the private sector and created Kyrnos, (the island of beauty ” in Greek), a consulting firm in security.
But its links with Nicolas Sarkozy chase, Bernard Squarcini is placed on listening. In April, in the framework of the survey on financing of libya of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, a search is conducted in its offices.
reports defense secret discovered in its offices
“The co-investigating judges and police officers who perquisitionnent the offices of Bernard Squarcini make discoveries absolutely amazing,” explains Sarah-Lou Cohen, chief of police-justice of BFMTV.
“They are falling on reports classified secret-defense, files on political figures. They say that there is a problem and that Bernard Squarcini has been able to have elements that were covered by the secrecy of the instruction, or simply covered by the secret defence. This is where they will start to pull the ball of yarn and realize that there is a lot of traffic of influence, he has used his networks within the police to get confidential information”, she says.
beyond his political friends, Bernard Squarcini also seems to use its influence for its clients. For the cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris in particular. Bernard Squarcini would have sought to use his contacts within the police marseillaise for more information.
Ditto for LVMH: he is accused of having requested information on the inquiry conducted after the complaint of Hermes against his client.
Dacky Martin, 54, has been sentenced in the night from Wednesday to Thursday to 30 years in prison for the kidnapping and death of the student, Anne-Sophie Girollet in 2005.
after almost six hours of deliberation, the court of assizes of the Saône-et-Loire, who considered Jack Martin from September 13, had attached to his conviction of a sentence of safety of twenty years, in accordance with the requisitions of the general counsel Karine Malara. After the pronouncement of the verdict, the accused remained impassive in the dock, while a man was thrown from the back of the room: “Assassin !”.
on Wednesday morning, Karine Malara had asked the jurors “not to go below thirty years of imprisonment with a sentence of safety of twenty years”. The fifty-year-old had faced a life sentence. This man is a predator,” according to the advocate general, who had blasted his “attitude of denial” throughout the trial.
Confused by its DNA
a third year Student of medicine at Lyons, Anne-Sophie Girollet, 20 years old, had gone missing on 19 march 2005, after attending a gala dance in Macon. The body of the young girl, dead from suffocation, was found on April 2, floating in the river Saône. His car had also been found in the river not far from here. Jacky Martin had been arrested seven years after the fact, after new expertise on the traces genetic found in the car of the girl, the man being enrolled in the FNAEG File (national automated genetic fingerprint) for the various flights, recels car and violence.
throughout the statement, then the hearing before the court, the accused, 54-year-old had proclaimed his innocence. “Me, I don’t have blood on his hands”, he insisted with aplomb from the first day of his trial. Karine Malara had considered that the explanations of the accused as to the presence of his DNA “did not stand”. “How do you explain the presence of his DNA in the car, but also on the clothing of Anne-Sophie?”, had she argued.
The parents wanted “to know what had happened to their child”
Demanding the acquittal of his client, one of the lawyers of Jacky Martin, Me Damien Varlet, for its part, had waved the specter of “judicial error” in this folder, within according to him a “construction that is based only on the DNA”. His colleague Philippe Scrève had also advocated the “limits” of the genetic indexes, questioning the “conditions” in which were able to be filed in the vehicle of the victim to the genetic fingerprint of Jacky Martin, so far mostly known for car thefts. I Scrève had also pointed out the absence of mobile by Jacky Martin, who had “no reason to be in Macon this evening.”
The day before, in his argument, the lawyer of the civil party, Ms. Béatrice Saggio, had recalled that the “vow” single of the parents of the victim “was to know what had happened to their child.”
The foreigners are not like us. And their morals we’re horrifying. In Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, the president suspected of having participated in the system of corruption in Petrobras, was destitute. A madness amazon ! In the United States, the candidate for the White House Hillary Clinton had to appear in court for 12 hours in front of a parliamentary commission for having used its own mail box for business purposes. A fad yankee ! In Sweden, a minister, a social democrat, resigned after being caught in the act of drinking and driving. A drift calvinist ! In Romania, the ex-Prime minister Victor Ponta, continued in a folder of election campaign funding, which had led to power in 2012, has been placed under judicial control pending trial. A folklore Romanian !
In Gaul, nothing of the sort. Our officers do not have any worry at all. Failing to cut off their head, we forgive always, regardless of their errant ways. Although he blew up the ceiling of campaign expenditures in 2012, although the suspicion is building up with respect to a possible funding libyan campaign of 2007, although it is put in examination in the case of the so-called “eavesdropping” for having sought to bribe a magistrate of the Court of cassation, with the complicity of his lawyer, although he was indicted in the case Bygmalion, and that his removal before the correctional court is required by the public prosecutor, the former president remains smooth. It screams of conspiracy, pleads his integrity and claims yet to become our new president.
fortunately, for him, Nicolas Sarkozy is neither brazilian nor american, nor Swedish, nor even Romanian. With us, responsible for this quenching, it cherishes, it applauds her, we shall elect.
No, Sarkozy has not benefited from five non-places
More people should not swallow the lie
Not a day without one of its protrusions past or present the headlines. Nicolas Sarkozy can spit on his former team and his opponents at length off, fulminate against journalists, “guévaristes” that will allow to ask him questions and change your mind as the shirt on minor subjects, such as the right of the soil, the climate change or the membership of France to the european Union, nothing is. It is still running.
who’s responsible ? The media is fascinated by his show ? Without a doubt. But at this level of intoxication, it is the entire social body that lack of immune defense. No French citizen honestly informed should not swallow the lie. No politician normally brave should not condone the fraud. Elected in 2007, defeated in 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy would not even have had to be in the race to 2017. The leaders of the UMP, which gave him the reins of the party in 2014, are the major offending : how were they able to mop up the mécomptes of his previous campaign and reliance upon him, except by the instinct of submission to clan ?
“The business will eventually catch up and prevent it from showing up”, do you mean.
But it is the reverse which occurs. Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Hauts-de-Seine, is only presidential candidate that to get business. His smashing return policy only serves to obscure his fate in court. As an advocate he has never ceased to be, master Sarkozy reverses the burden of proof : if the judges seek to make trouble, is that it is the silence and even, in his person, to silence the people that expresses it so well…
Hay surveys ! This Tartuffe is already a winner to all of the shots. If Juppé wins the primary and then the presidential election, he will have to grant him protection in return for his support. Bingo… And rebingo ! If Sarkozy succeeds his hold-up on the primary, it will be washed of all suspicion by the anointing democratic. A miracle. But if this is returning to be glorified, succeeded in getting re-elected president in favor of a misunderstanding, it would become untouchable as the provisions of our grand Constitution, and could get revenge on all those who have missed it. So goes the Pole !