On his blog, the deputy member of the Aisne René Dosière, tireless searcher of state spending, published April 13 a note detailing the cost to the State, the protection of former heads of state.
“The answer to my written question to the Interior Ministry on the cost of security, long-awaited (for 17 months!), Adjusts the calculations I had made January 27, 2015 and which amounted to 6.2 million, “ he said.
VGE, former president the most expensive for the state
According to information published by René Dosière, expenditures amounted to 3 9 million per year for VGE (2.5 in protection, 1.1 in personnel, 0.3 operating), 3.3 million for Nicolas Sarkozy (1.8 protection 1.2 in personnel, 0.3 operating) and 2.4 million for Jacques Chirac (1.3 in protection, 0.9 in personnel, 0.2 operating), has -t he detailed.
What these cover 9.6 million euros?
these calculations
says René Dosière, do not include the monthly treatment former presidents (about 6,000 euros) or the monthly pay of a member of the constitutional Council (12,000 euros), that VGE is the only one touch.
former Presidents benefit from furnished corporate apartment in whose service are assigned two people . They are entitled to two police officers for their close protection, a company car with two drivers and seven permanent employees.
Personnel expenses are borne by the departments making available these employees.
What are the protected properties?
Monitoring of property Valéry Giscard d’Estaing in Authon (Loir-et-Cher) by gendarmes amounts to 1.3 million euros per year, that of Jacques Chirac Castle in bity (Corrèze) to 502,407 euros. Nicolas Sarkozy has no such property.
For more bodyguards only that of Parisian homes, provided by the National Police and CRS, Nicolas Sarkozy is the former president who is the most expensive (1, 79 million), ahead of VGE (1.13 million) and Jacques Chirac (800,756 euros).
The static guard requires 6 staff per 24 hours. Monitoring the home of Jacques Chirac would have been deleted since July 2010, according to the elements reported by the Socialist deputy.
Should we review the status of “former president”?
Hollande asked the First President of the Court of Auditors and the Deputy Chairman of the State Council to make proposals on the status of former presidents noted René Dosière.
the former president status is set “solely on the basis of a personal letter” in 1985 Laurent Fabius, then Prime Minister, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
had recalled ‘PS elected in 2015.
Mr. Dosière filed with the Socialist Group a motion for a resolution to “clarify, specify and restrict the benefits granted by the nation to its former presidents.”
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