Saturday, April 16, 2016

Primary left: “It is possible that this is impossible, but let us!” – Liberation

Where are we going? What are we doing ? More than three months after launching the concept of a “primary left and ecology” Libération , the time is in doubt among the initiators of “Our Primary”: how to successfully set up in six months, the process of appointing a single candidate of the left to avoid another April 21 in 2017 when nobody is trusted left? On the occasion of a forum organized release this Saturday at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin in Paris, in front of 500 people, the obstacle is named: the inertia of political parties.

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“You go to Night Stand, people think that our primary is just a discussion between political parties , sorry about Arnaud scene, young socialist in Lyon and organizer of a local collective. There is a lack of communication. “ Before him, in introducing the last debate of the day, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, one of the initiators of this idea of ​​primary redone share her “pessimism” and directly challenges the party leaders (socialist, communist and environmentalist) who each have their own strategies “boutique” “it is possible that this is impossible, but let us!” the former patron of ecologists in the European Parliament, causes also those in the room, exclusive, whatever happens, to vote Holland: “in the second round, when you have Marine Le Pen, you will vote even Juppe, so stop telling me you will not vote for Holland! “

If Hollande comes to the primary, it will lose it!

on stage, it’s the opportunity of an open explanation on the future of this political operation. Thierry Pech, head of the think tank Terra Nova, promoter of the Socialist primary of 2011, warned his comrades the day: “What you try, it is a coalition of primary. Nobody has ever accomplished (…) Most pioneers have failed “ . Judged “optimistic” by Cohn-Bendit, the sociologist Michel Wievorka was satisfied to have “open the floodgates” of this debate and calls everyone to “continue as long as possible” . Word is given the room a woman regrets “denial” Francois Hollande, a man explains that “change” has not brought to “alternative” and will be given the difference of positions left, “very difficult to have a fair primary” , another woman said to have “tired of being held hostage by the candidates in the presidential election.”

the sociologist Dominique Meda and economist Julia cAGE say both that we must have “confidence” in the primary and not fear a victory of François Hollande because its policy does not match “expectations left people” “If it comes to the primary, the primary, it will lose it!” balance cage. “If you already know that can not win you are visionary but a bit backward! returns him Cohn-Bendit. For now, no one else emerges left. “

Applications” common core “

“refer constantly to political parties, it is a mistake!” calls a man. On stage, the MEP Yannick Jadot recalls nonetheless that no political apparatus, can not have the logistics (and money) required for the organization of such a decision. “We must coordinate these collective at the base! retorts another man in the middle of the room. out our joint proposals, that’s hurry! “ The actor Romain Goupil, who signed him as the first call is even more pessimistic but part of current “twilight” . He no longer believes. To those who do not accept the rule of a voting discipline, he launched a “This is absurd!” sound, calling for “create this common ground” without asking that the parties accept it.

Earlier in the afternoon, we started this debate behind the scenes. In red velvet halls of Saint-Martin Theatre, a small group currency on the future of this primary. There Morgane, 20 years. She has her card at the Young environmentalists. She also participates in the collective Our Primary Lyon and working there to create a “common core” between different families left before the question the candidate. “But the right of the PS wants no common ground! makes it rightly points Adrien Jeantet, 26, Primary left, parallel initiative to Our Primary defend it came with Nadia Ahman. Do we want to involve citizens for real or is it a showcase with citizens in? “

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Fear of being “trapped” and “recovered” by the PS

whether for a “common core” or not, to accept support Francois Hollande if he wins or not, they all show “skeptics” the future of a primary left. Blame the political parties, accused of engaging in the process the better to kill it later: either because the schedule chosen by the PS (early December) gives the impression of a socialist direction “play time” , or because the communists do not want to support François Hollande should he prevail in the end, or because conservationists fear of be “trapped” “recovered” with the PS. “Hollande stall. He will smash the left in the wall in 2017. No one has nothing more to polish him “ , advanced Adrien Jeantet, imagining that a substantive discussion would nominate a common candidate “really left.”

“But if we exclude the right of the socialists, how do you want to have enough votes to pass the first round retorted Morgane who, without the ” means “ PS, it will be difficult to organize such a designation. “We nevertheless feel that the PS has agreed to a primary if the result is a candidate in the Valls Macron-Holland triangle” , critic William, 26 years, come to Marseille where he campaigns for ecology. Beside him, leaning against one of the counters of the theater, Philippe STANISIERE, member of the federal council of EELV does not believe in the primary: “Environmentalists, we know we will lose . So we can not wear environmentalists ideas. And if we are not represented in the first round of presidential elections, another environmentalist will “ .

Inside, Patricia Pol , it’s the opposite. The official of the Ministry of Higher Education of 58 years was, at first, “fairly opposed” to the idea of ​​primary. But the one that voted Mélenchon and Hollande in 2012 “persuaded”, “appalled by the state of political debate” and ” narcissism differences left “ . “Anyway, what’s the alternative? Jadot questions backstage after the debates. To go with all our banner? Voters do not understand.

Lilian Alemagna


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