First turn of events for the resumption of the trial Cahuzac appear that sees the former Minister Delegate for Budget tax fraud, money laundering and making a false declaration of assets when he joined the government in 2012. Obviously Jerome Cahuzac does not intend to let it go. So here which launches against attack by explaining that the first account opened in Switzerland in 1992 was aimed at “financing [of] political activity” by Michel Rocard.
“I asked Philippe Péninque to open an account in Switzerland in 1992. (…) what matters is the funding of political activities for a man I was hoping it would be a national political destiny, “revealed the former elected socialist, stating that it was funding for Michel Rocard and that the latter are probably knew nothing. Former prime minister declined to give the names of his contacts within the team of the former Prime Minister.
URGENT. Jerome says #Cahuzac opening Peninque account is justified by the “political finance” Michel Rocard
– Marc Leplongeon (@MarcLeplongeon) September 5, 2016
The only way to help may only covertly and parallel
in May 1991, Jérôme Cahuzac had just left the office of Health Minister Claude Evin. He then begins his cosmetic surgeon activities while conducting counseling and engaging politically “Rocard to the team.” The money was “used to finance the 1995 campaign, Rocard was hoped that they could” for president, he said. At the time, the funding of political parties began to be regulated in France. “He told me that the only way to help can only be so hidden and parallel I can say. Why not, but not in France I understood I’ll see some responsible laboratories..” to seek funding, “some refuse, some accept,” he told the former minister.
Jerome Cahuzac said that once the account is opened, “two installments of Pfizer” had been made in 1993, adding: “the money could not come from official accounts of the laboratory. “He said the lab has funded all political parties.
# Cahuzac “pharmaceutical labs have funded all political parties, all”
– Easter robert-Diard (@robert_diard) September 5, 2016
from the beginning of the hearing, the prosecution had proved pugnacious. She hardly tasted the mode of defense of the accused, a true “guerrilla” in her court. The financial national prosecutor Eliane Houlette, has opened the debate by denouncing Monday “multiplication of remedies” that tends to “transform the judicial fight guerrilla”.
Eliane Houlette, national financial prosecutor protested against those who make justice a “legal battle” #Cahuzac
– Marc Leplongeon (@MarcLeplongeon) September 5, 2016
“All means are good, all remedies are used to delay both the held that the trial outcome. The unbridled imagination of the parties and their counsel is limitless. She transformed the judicial combat guerrillas, “said the owner of the financial prosecutor who came in person to represent the Crown at trial, alongside the prosecutor Jean-Marc Toublanc. In his sights, the numerous appeals by the Swiss banker François Reyl, prosecuted in this case for tax fraud laundering, between the start of the opening of the investigation in 2013 and the referral to the criminal court in 2015.
the advice of the banker raised nullity requests – whose consideration will be attached to the bottom – attacking including the drafting of the order for reference (ORTC ) of the defendants in court. Ms. Houlette deplored the “instrumentalization of the rules of criminal procedure for purely dilatory” and asked the court to dismiss the action.
Houlette, the @pr_financier, highlights the “particular bad faith Francois Reyl and the bank” challenging ORTC #Cahuzac
– Marc Leplongeon (@MarcLeplongeon) September 5, 2016
According to our reporter present at the hearing, the bank’s defense countered that the the order had not been made “to charge and discharge.”
# Cahuzac the order for reference before the Criminal court (ORTC) was not made in the prosecution and defense, the defense replica
– Marc Leplongeon (@MarcLeplongeon) September 5, 2016
Meanwhile, the financial parquet believes that, in this case, is “harm to the national community as a whole” which was committed. The prosecutor Jean-Marc wants Toublanc same muscles prosecution. He requested the court a “reclassification to reflect the aggravating circumstance” of fraud, that is to say the transfer of a registered account to an account in the name of a Panamanian company and the Seychelles before arriving in Singapore. This offense is, since 2016, punishable by up to 7 years in prison and one million euro fine against five years in prison and 500,000 euros before.
On Basically, this change, that the defense of Cahuzac promised to fight with the strongest, does not change much for the fallen minister, who already faced a maximum sentence of seven years in prison for all the leaders pursuing (fraud and money laundering). Jerome Cahuzac, forced to resign in March 2013, is considered from Monday until September 15 for tax evasion, money laundering, and minus for his declaration of assets by entering the government in 2012. Joining him on the bench defendants, his ex-wife and former advisers, the banker François Reyl and a former lawyer, Philippe Houman. The bank Reyl continued as a corporation.
The Cahuzac affair is the most sensational scandal of the five year term of Francois Hollande. The national financial parquet, created as a result of this political-financial earthquake, was installed in March 2014 to better combat an increasingly sophisticated and globalized financial crime.
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