Thursday, September 1, 2016

Niqab: the Commissioner’s letter embarrasses police – Le Parisien

Clavdia Prolongeauet Fanny Delporte

CHAMPIGNY. a senior congratulated agent who verbalized a woman wearing a burqa. And raised the defense of “Western values”.

I want to express my gratitude for your action, which is part of the fight against the phenomena of communalism that deliberately fall off of the foundations of the French Republic. I urge you to continue on this path, only to save the values ​​of the West. ” These words are addressed to an officer of the police station in Champigny-sur-Marne who verbalized a woman wearing a full veil 1 st June offense that may be punished a fine of € 150 . They are signed by the Commissioner. And will earn him a letter in turn its hierarchy

“This is a letter of congratulations as he writes a lot, says a close to what Commissioner (note:. That has not wish to return) . He will not say that it is not he who wrote it! What he wrote is what he thinks and he does not see where the problem is. The values ​​ he mentions in the letter are simply those of the Republic. “And that same officer to speak of” storm in a teacup “. But the police headquarters in Paris, it is not really of that opinion: “The terms used in this document are inappropriate. The service manager will be the subject of a letter from his manager so that this type of place is not repeated. “

” To say to someone wearing the niqab she does has no right to cover her face, is to enforce the law. This is to do his job. It is not defending the values ​​of the West and it does not deserve congratulations, “growls Jamel, a resident of the city. “The only values ​​to be respected are those of the Republic. The motive for defending Western values ​​is absurd, “adds Patrick, who lives in Champigny thirty years.

Paola, who extremism in all its forms is” unbearable “, as estimated to her it is “normal to respect the values ​​of the West when we moved there. “

The mayor (PC) Champigny, Dominique Adenot, has meanwhile denounced the remarks” unacceptable “. “The values ​​of the West are not those of the French Republic and the police role is to enforce the law, not to comment. “

Le Parisien Clavdia Prolongeauet Fanny Delporte


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