Thursday, June 30, 2016

Crash of EgyptAir: The presence of smoke aboard confirmed by a black box –

INVESTIGATION This reinforces the thesis of a technical incident …

The black boxes (which are in fact orange) flight Egyptair presented by the Egyptian authorities. – HO / MEDIA CENTER OF THE EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION / AFP

the black box has spoken. Repaired successfully in France on Monday, the memory card containing the recording of the flight parameters of the EgyptAir Airbus that crashed in the Mediterranean on May 19 confirmed that alerts indicating smoke were triggered before the crash, said Wednesday a commission of inquiry headed by the Egyptians.

“the recorded data confirm the alerts automated device communications (Acars) to smoke in the toilet “and to the front of the cabin, the commission said in a statement. This black box recorded flight data from the flight departure to Paris until he “disappears at altitude 37,000 feet (11,250 meters),” she added. This information could reinforce the hypothesis of a technical failure to explain the crash, after Egypt had initially raised the possibility of an attack.

“Signs of deterioration due to high temperatures”

the MS804 flight from Paris to Cairo crashed May 19 between Crete and the northern coast of Egypt after suddenly disappeared from radar screens, for reasons still undetermined,

with 66 people board including 40 Egyptians -30 passengers and 10 crew-members and 15 French.

the day after the crash, the US media had reported the onset of a warning on a smoke of unknown origin the front of the cabin, followed by another reporting a failure of the computer managing the flight controls. “Parts of the front of the aircraft show signs of deterioration due to high temperature and soot,” said the commission of inquiry headed by the Egyptians.

Black boxes ” cuts “

the two black boxes of the Airbus A320, which should help determine the causes of the disaster, had been fished mid-June between Crete and the northern coast of Egypt. The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), which concerns the conversations in the cockpit, and the Flight Data Recorder (FDR), were “in pieces”.

Their memory cards were illegible and they had been sent by Egypt to France to be repaired there. After being made readable, the data of one of them, the Flight Data Recorder, had been referred Tuesday to Cairo to be “deciphered and studied” the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

the French investigators of investigation and analysis (BEA) started on Tuesday the work to make it readable memory of the second black box, the TRC, containing conversations of the flight.

in France, a judicial inquiry was opened for “involuntary homicide”, according to prosecutors who had initiated a preliminary investigation on 19 May a conventional procedure due to the presence of French citizens among the victims.



sexual abuse by priests: Cardinal Barbarin takes the turn to austerity – Echo Républicain

At the heart of a scandal involving sexual abuse by religious of his diocese, the archbishop of Lyon Philippe Barbarin Archbishop wants to learn from the past by raising four priests in their ministry and by enacting a series of measures very farms to depart from future offending.

This new policy that the cardinal had partly unveiled at the end of a meeting of the local clergy, April 25 near Lyon, shows a much more severe positioning prelate against religious suspected abuse.

the Primate of the Gauls, one of the most influential personalities of the Church of France, finally seems to respond concretely to the criticism that he is the subject for more than six months for not quickly dismissed the priests of his diocese caught by accusations of pedophilia or sexual assault.

complaints in this regard have triggered an investigation for “failure to report” sexual assaults and “duty to rescue”.

Usually very reserved as to the action of the Archbishop of victims of abuse have welcomed the contrary Thursday “absolute good sense” of the measures it has announced, through the voice of Bertrand Virieux, a spokesman for the association La liberated word

-. the known cases of justice –

the decision to remove from office four priests, whose identity was not revealed, was taken after consulting a panel of experts – composed of a high honorary magistrate, d a psychiatrist, a psychoanalyst, a doctor, parents, the clergy of the social worker, the chancellor of the diocese vicar general and moderator.

“These priests brought involved or not in the press, already convicted or not, “said a diocesan source, without more details.

other priests of the diocese of Lyon are subject to measures of” accompaniment particular”. These are priests who have already been tried and who will benefit from a “monitoring” of the diocese, said the source.

“For all the situations concerned, the facts are known to the judicial authority, “the diocese.

Do not appear in this list the father Bernard Preynat, indicted in January for sexual assault of young scouts under 15 years between 1986 and 1991 and already noted from office in the summer of 2015.

his case became emblematic of silence and embarrassment of the Lyon Church these

abuses led to cascading revelations in recent months.

– ‘Why did it take so long?’ –

A countdown of the attitude of the Church against the Preynat case, the new diocese of standards now provide that “any priest who committed acts of sexual assault on a minor, whatever the date facts and the date of discovery of these facts, will be definitely ruled out any ministry. “

every priest suspected of sexual abuse facts,” if it is the subject of a formal examination or prosecution before a criminal court, will, by interim measure, dismissed from office during the time of the procedure, while respecting the presumption of innocence, “the diocese indicating that a canonical investigation will being conducted in accordance with canon law.

in addition, “you will be asked a certificate signed by his superior” to any outdoor welcomed priest in the diocese of Lyon for a department, even temporarily. This will certify that the priest “meets the diocesan criteria in the fight against sexual abuse and has no history in this area.”

“This is great, we waited the standards of good absolute sense and we can only be satisfied, told AFP, Bertrand Virieux. Even if asked why he took so long to get here. “

” There is a downside, however. be it own decisions in the diocese of Lyon and not national and it is not necessary that these ads serve against fire for exempting Cardinal Barbarin, “he added.

the Church of France had announced in April a series of measures to “light” on pedophilia in its ranks, including the oldest facts. Prosecutors in Lyon meanwhile must decide soon on the investigation of the archbishop.


The Assembly rejects the receipt of “ethnic profiling” – L’Express

After two hours of a tense debate in the Chamber, the National Assembly rejected on Wednesday an experiment on the introduction of identity checks receipts. By 55 votes against 18, with six abstentions, MEPs rejected the amendments tabled by including the former minister Benoît Hamon and environmentalist joined the Socialist Group Eric Alauzet. This measure to fight against the “ethnic profiling” was defended by a party of the left, denied by the government and opposed to right.

What make socialist Barbara Romagnan “extremely sad” that “little sign” was not done. “Denial of Form,” lamented Christmas Mamère, seeing “pretty much the same scenario with the promise of François Mitterrand in 1981 on foreigners to vote in local elections.”

“There is no abuse, there are patterns”

More frequent identity checks of some, “just because they are black or North African origin “,” exist “, hammered or former socialists like Pouria Amirshahi, ex-environmentalists as Isabelle Attard, or Left Front. “There is no abuse, there are habits,” he told the former Minister of Justice, marylise lebranchu, the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve. “Ten years we work on the subject” and “everyone knows you will not find a more innovative device,” he told Benoît Hamon.

The rapporteurs Razzy Hammadi and Marie-Anne Chapdelaine, who had tabled an amendment in this sense, withdrew after a break. “Given the particular situation, we have to be responsible,” dropped the second. The first hinted at regret and said he, his family, “both officers and men and women who controls facies”.

Hollande’s campaign Undertaking

If recalled among other opportunities for referral to the General Inspectorate of Police face “shortcomings” the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve warned against a “theory of the consubstantiality of violence in the police.” He also stressed the “context” for the security forces, “highly mobilized and tired”, with the “heavy price to ensure the safety of the French”, including reference to assassinations of Magnanville.

Several speakers recalled the campaign pledge of candidate François Hollande, who promised to fight against “racial profiling” in identity checks by “a procedure that respects the citizens.” In late September 2012, the then Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault announced the abandonment of the project, saying “convinced” by his Interior Minister Manuel Valls “that it was not the right answer.”

Other European countries such as Britain or Spain, have implemented successfully receipts, according to several elected PS.


Thunderstorms: End of orange vigilance Ain, Loire, Haute-Loire and the Rhône – L’Express

Attention thunderstorms. Weather France Wednesday placed four departments in amber alert: Ain, Loire, Haute-Loire and the Rhône. The alert, the original valid until Thursday mid-afternoon, was lifted Wednesday night.

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Four departments placed in orange alert for risk of thunderstorms.

Weather France

rain and hail in perspective

violent storms have already broken out of the Haute-Loire to the east of the Loire the Rhone. They continue their movement in the department of Ain, France Weather precise. new storms may lead to violent phenomena such as heavy rain for short periods, falling hail and gusty winds, is -he said.

on social networks, users broadcast images of the changing sky in the departments placed in orange alert.


Pedophilia: Barbarin away four priests in Lyon – Le Figaro

Cardinal Philippe Barbarin took this decision after consulting a panel of experts.

The diocese of Lyon announced “have identified four priests in their ministry” Thursday, June 30 and decided to “special accompanying measures” for others. No name is provided by the diocese but an authoritative source ensures that a “dozen priests” in total would be affected.

Four names but return regularly by several sources, because these priests have been worried, convicted or are on track to be: Bernard Preynat; Jerome Billioud; Eric Pepino; Philippe Morand. But this list is not officially confirmed.

These decisions, taken by Cardinal Barbarin, were in the context of “new standards in the fight against sexual abuse” also announced Thursday Preynat result of the case. Measures in part already known such as the establishment of a “panel of experts” which has already met, “seven times” to give notice to the Archbishop “on the situation of priests who are charged sexual abuse of minor or major events. ” It is therefore on notice of this “group of experts” that the Archbishop of Lyon took its decisions.

The priest retains the right to say Mass in private but his sidelining is accompanied systematically investigation or a civil trial and opens ultimately an internal canonical trial to the Church

a specialist Canon law noted that the penalty of “up to his ministry” a priest “is not yet a real canonical sanction but a sort of first level preventive measure is to prohibit him exercise of public ministry.” The priest retains the right to say Mass in private but his sidelining is accompanied systematically investigation or a civil trial and opens ultimately an internal canonical trial to the Church. It is he who decides the “pending a divinis” disqualification from the transitional ministry if the priest

after serving sentence, if amended. Or “from the clerical state” of the priest is final.

“Catholics of Lyon, said a source close to the diocese now know that the priest who celebrates Mass before them did no history of this kind because have been spent on examining the panel of experts all priests actually put into question by the court but also those that are the subject of a doubt linked to informal and recurring complaints “.

” We are asking for six months measures up to much of what these priests have committed “

what is actually the spirit of the two key measures announced. Which in this first: “Every priest who committed acts of sexual assault on a minor, whatever the material time and date of discovery thereof, will be definitely ruled out of any department.” And this: “Every priest suspected of sexual abuse facts, if the subject of an indictment or prosecution before a criminal court, will, by interim measure, dismissed from office during the time of the procedure, in the respect for the presumption of innocence. A canonical investigation is being conducted in accordance with canon law “

Virieux Bertrand, president of the association of victims released The Word welcomes this announcement..” These are strong measures, common sense we ask for six months. They really live up to what these priests have committed. “


Paris attacks: DNA landlord on an explosive vest – Le Figaro

DNA Jawad Bendaoud, “landlord” of jihadist-related attacks of November 13, was found on the component of an explosive vest used by a suicide bomber in the assault of the police against “the apartment conspiratorial “Saint-Denis, did on Thursday judicial source.

His DNA was found on duct tape that was used to connect electrical son in the push button this explosive vest, a-t- it said, confirming a report of TF1. The DNA Abdelhamid Abaaoud, alleged operational chief of the attacks, and the jihadist who blew himself up in the assault of the police against the apartment of Saint-Denis, was also found on this tape , it is added. “It is impossible to draw conclusions,” stresses however that judicial source.

Lawyer Jawad Bendaoud was not immediately available.

According to TF1, the young man justified the presence of his DNA on that tape explaining that he was already home. “He categorically denied having helped the two suicide bombers to prepare explosive vest,” added the chain. Jawad Bendaoud was indicted on November 24 as part of the investigation into the attacks that killed 130 people on November 13 in Paris and Saint-Denis. He

provided “against remuneration” housing of Saint-Denis where Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged operational chief of the attacks, and another jihadist Chakib Akrouh, had sought refuge.

He “was appropriate illegally this property that served as his usual way to slumlord activities “, had then said the Paris prosecutor Francois Molins. Just before being arrested Jawad Bendaoud had told a television channel wanting to help, unaware of the identity of two people from Belgium. But François Molins, Jawad Bendaoud could not doubt “that he was involved knowingly in a terrorist organization”.


Bernard Tapie finally returned to the ropes – Liberation

The Court of Cassation whistles the end of the game. Thursday, the highest French court has finally approved the cancellation of arbitration which, in July 2008, granted to Bernard Tapie 403 million euros in damages (of which 250 were returned at the net).

the ultimate recourse of the businessman was to argue that its dispute for nearly a quarter century in the Consortium of achievement (CDR, a public body having inherited antiques litigation Credit Lyonnais) to About resale Adidas would be international in nature: a German box was bought in 1990 by a French minister future, then sold in 1993 to a businessman based in Luxembourg (Robert-Louis Dreyfus) supported for the occasion by offshore shells registered in the Cayman islands in the care of the bank. “This is essential” , the Supreme Court noted in an explanatory statement of its judgment: if the dispute is international, only a newly constituted arbitral tribunal could remake the game; if Franco-French, the Court of Appeal of Paris would be perfectly competent to revisit the history – it will not hesitate to make a stop in February 2015

subtle reasoning.

in the body of its decision, the Supreme Court adopts a subtle reasoning “. This is the time of arbitration that appreciates its internationality” And when under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, the principle of arbitration replacing the legal proceedings is adopted in high places, “international dimension that had existed disappeared” …

However, it is not near – or ready – make money. Furthermore it is placed for six months under the backup plan (one notch below the personal bankruptcy)

system that can temper the ardor of creditors, the decision of the Court of Cassation only validates the arrest in February 2015 the court of appeal, merely, at first, to cancel the disputed arbitration.

But this is a second judgment, delivered in December 2015, the same appeal court, revisiting the merits of the dispute Adidas, thought he did not deserve damages. This judgment then subject to another appeal on points, not yet examined today. A possible extension of the match

We are talking about civil, which is played mostly in financial matters. – Pay the money or not, and if so how much. In criminal law, for the survey “scam judgment” [always about the dispute arbitration, note] has been closed by investigating judges. It will largely fueled the financial dispute, contradicting the old legal adage “Criminal holds the civil.” Again, multiple appeals are in progress, of which maintain some suspense, even if Mass seems mainly spoken.

Renaud Lecadre


Hamza Attou, the accomplice of Abdeslam handed over to France – Le Figaro

One of the acolytes of Salah Abdeslam, who had participated in the return trip after the attacks in Paris, was indicted and jailed Wednesday in France, he was arrested on November 14 in Molenbeek .

Hamza Attou, who had exfiltrated Salah Abdeslam after the killings of 13 November in Paris and Saint-Denis, was transferred Wednesday to France where he was indicted and imprisoned. The Belgian of 22 years was handed over to French authorities “in execution of the European arrest warrant” issued against her late April by the French authorities said Thursday the Belgian federal prosecutor.

It was indicted on Wednesday for “concealment of perpetrator in relation to a terrorist enterprise” and imprisoned, announced his side the Paris prosecutor. Attou Hamza had gone to seek, with his friend Mohamed Amri, 27, also charged in this case, Salah Abdeslam, the only member of the Parisian commandos still alive in Paris on the evening of the attacks and brought him back to Brussels.

On the way back, the trio had tested three times by the French police, but had not been arrested.

Before the Belgian investigators, Attou Hamza explained that Salah Abdeslam phoned their November 13 to 23 hours, to come recover “because it had been an accident,” a source close folder. According to his declarations, have varied over the hearings, they knew that Salah Abdeslam had participated in the killings only after having joined. He said he was “the only survivor of the bombings” and added “they will pay for the death of my brother (Brahim, one of the kamikazes of Paris, ed.) I avenge myself, “reported Attou to investigators, the source said.

Abdeslam have also

told him that his explosive belt did not work the evening of 13 November. Once in Brussels, Attou have accompanied the tenth man Parisian commandos in a market where it would have provided new clothes and haircut, where he “has shaved” and “cut hair” before bring joining a third man, Ali Oulkadi, which led to a cover of the Brussels commune of Schaerbeek.

Amri and Attu had been arrested on 14 November and charged Molenbeek in Belgium. Hamza Attou had opposed his transfer to France, but the Belgian court had given the green light in early June, on condition that he serve his possible sentence in Belgium.

Hamza Attou is the second suspect to be handed over to French justice as part of this investigation. Abdeslam Salah, who was arrested on March 18 in Molenbeek after the run for four months, was transferred to France on 27 April and indicted for terrorist assassinations. Since he is incarcerated in Fleury-Merogis and exercised his right to silence before the French investigating judges. The three other arrest warrants relate Mohamed Amri, Ali and Mohamed Oulkadi Bakkali, suspected to have played a role in the preparation of attacks in Paris.


Paris attacks: Hamza Attou handed over to France – Le Parisien

H amza Attou, who brought Salah Abdeslam in Brussels after the attacks of 13 November in Paris that made 130 people, was presented Wednesday in France, where it should trial, announced Thursday the Belgian federal prosecutor.
Salah Abdeslam, sole survivor jihadist commando of 13 November, has already been transferred from Belgium to France on April 27.
Attou Hamza has in turn, was delivered to the French justice “in execution of the European arrest warrant issued against him by France,” said in a statement the federal prosecutor, who declined any other details on the conditions of this transfer .
Hamza Attou had opposed his surrender to France, but the Brussels council chamber, a court of inquiry had cleared on June 3, provided his sentence possible in Belgium.
end of April, the French justice issued a European arrest warrant for him, and against Mohamed Amri Mohamed Ali Oulkadi Bakkali and three other suspects in the investigation the attacks were arrested in Belgium and then asked them

returned to France. Attou
Hamza, 22, and Mohammed Amri, 27, had been called during the night of 13 to 14 November 2015 by Salah Abdeslam, who was at that time in Paris and asked them to come look because his car broke down.
The two men went to Paris and then brought back Abdeslam in Brussels.
On the way back, they were checked three times by the French police but not arrested. Hamza Mohamed Amri Attou and were eventually arrested on 14 November in Molenbeek, in the Brussels area.


The rent regulation applied from 2018 all the Paris area – Le Figaro

The Housing Minister Emmanuelle Cosse has signed the decree to extend rent control to 412 towns in Ile-de-France. A measure denounced by professionals.

The real estate experts expected, but not necessarily too early, or to such ladder. The Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Cosse has indeed announced in an interview with France Bleu that rent regulation, which applied previously in Paris, would be extended to more than 400 cities and eight million inhabitants of the Paris region, from 2018. a measure that is a logical extension of the application of OLAP (Observatory of rents in the Paris area) who had claimed in April to expand its approval to 287 municipalities in the region.

as the minister explained by noting that “there are areas in Ile-de-France where rents are very expensive” and saying the device would ” to restore purchasing power to households concerned “. “In Ile-de-France, the market is continuously on both sides of the device and limited supervision creates distortions in Paris, for his part stressed Daniel Goldberg, deputy PS in Seine-Saint-Denis, favorable for framing. This required that the device applies to the entire metropolis of Greater Paris. “

Manuel Valls little pressed for the extension

His only regret is that Manuel Valls , stating that in August 2014 the Parisian experimental device would be triggered a year to a year and a half late for this extension of the frame. He will indeed reckon 12 to 18 months to collect data to define the rents charged and ceilings that will apply in the municipalities concerned.

impatience to frame that share no professional of ‘immovable. “I do not think the device would be as wide, says Jean-François Buet, president of the National Federation of Real Estate (FNAIM), it merely extends the principle which I dispute the relevance.” According to him, is only a bad signal for additional donor while rents have adjusted themselves down, in a period where the purchasing power

is at half mast. “In fact it is a political strategy, a way to salute the work of Cécile Duflot and we would probably like this device, it is almost a non-event,” he wants to believe.

Soon Lille and Grenoble

Meanwhile, Bernart Cadeau, president of Orpi believes that this announcement is “economically nonsensical and psychologically wrong signal.” “We had already denounced the inefficiency of the system and the lack of relevance of the available data on Paris and it will be much worse in the Ile-de-France since it is much more diffuse,” he said. And behind the risk to the data, there is also the new conflicts between landlords and tenants on rent levels.

Most importantly, the measure permanently doucherait the desires of investors to bet on the rental. “They are less likely to Paris and fell further to 15%,” says Bernard Cadeau. A device he considers “draconian”, where Daniel Goldberg sees “a means of erasing the excesses of the market, not for a minority of owners.”

The Housing Minister also confirmed that the device may be effective in Lille, at the end of 2016. “And Grenoble launched its observatory for coaching by one and a half, “she said in Le Parisien. The Alur law of 24 March 2014 provides that the signing of a new lease or upon renewal, the rent for a unit can not exceed 20% of a reference rent fixed by prefectural neither he be lower 30%. This device prevents the rents exceed the ceilings set by an observatory.


New threats against Charlie Hebdo –






                                 The “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper received menacs via Facebook.


the Paris prosecutor yesterday opened an investigation into recent death threats received by the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, including eight members of the editorial were shot by the brothers Kouachi January 7, 2015, have we learned from a judicial source.

the preliminary investigation, opened on 22 June, was assigned to the brigade fighting crime against the person ( BRDP) of the Paris police, the source said, confirming a report in Le Parisien.

threatening messages on the Facebook page

According to a source close to the investigation, the newspaper received since June 8, a score of threatening messages on his Facebook page. On June 22, a handwritten letter was addressed to the editor, containing the word “Allah Akbar” and reiterating the death threats. The newspaper had filed a complaint in the process.

“No one has been arrested at this stage in the context of this case and investigations are continuing,” the source added.

members of the writing still subject to enhanced security measures since the attack on 7 January 2015 in which twelve people, including eight members of the editorial, were shot by the brothers Chérif and Said Kouachi at the weekly seat.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

El Khomri law: the ultimate retreat to calm opponents – Le Figaro

The government will table amendments to the text carried by the Minister of Labour to strengthen the role of professional branches.

After more than four months of standoff in the streets and in Parliament, the executive wants to close the painful sequence of El Khomri act peacefully, by a majority vote in two weeks in the Assembly, without the use of 49 -3. To that end, Manuel Valls and Minister of Labour made a final step towards the protesters to offer them a new modification of the text. Even further weaken the principle of strengthening business negotiation which was to remain, after the many pre setbacks, like the heart of the law.

On Wednesday evening, after an initial burst Matignon meetings with unions (CFTC, CFDT, CGT and FO), this political gamble seemed close to being won. The government could already be proud of having “won” FO movement. On arrival at Matignon, Jean-Claude Mailly has indeed said that “the labor law was in progress, even if this was not enough to come out on top.” The general secretary of FO had said earlier in the day not to “be in logic, for now, to continue the demonstrations.” Starting with those of July 5, the terms should be defined on Thursday night in Inter.

“The disagreements are confirmed. Small advances are far from the account “

His alter ego of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, has however not disarmed and called the French to continue to mobilize against the project law that will return next Tuesday at the meeting. “Disagreements are confirmed. Small advances are way off the mark, “he began as he left Matignon.

As for slingers, a majority believed Wednesday that a compromise was now possible. This session was dedicated to rewrite them, rather than to the unions, including the mobilization crumbling from week to week no longer fear to the executive. “We believe that the proposed amendments to the expectations of slingers”, has also assumed Myriam El Khomri in an interview in the world.

A few months before the Socialist primary, Francois Hollande has indeed to heart to appease his troops that were torn during passage of the text at first reading in the Assembly. It was he who had pushed to compromise, even if it still promised last week to go “to the end” of the labor law. The threat of a new use of Article 49-3, which allows a government to adopt a text without a vote of the deputies, seems to go away. First reading after 20 hours of heated debate, knowing he would not get a majority, Manuel Valls had to bring himself under the invectives of all elected officials, including those of its majority.

A conjuring trick

the government, in coordination with the rapporteur of the text to the Assembly, the member Christophe Sirugue, so will file three amendments to the bill, including the examination social Affairs Committee begins this Thursday. The first, relatively transpartisan, plans to involve the social partners as a result of rewriting the Labour

Code. The other two will amend Article 13 to give more weight to the professional sectors.

This is first left to the social partners of the branches to define the issues on which an agreement company will not deviate from a branch agreement, where the primacy of the company agreement is not specified by law. A third amendment clarifies the outset that, on the subject of professional equality between men and women and arduousness, a company agreement may not be the lowest bidder a branch agreement.

“the heart of the text is not touched, so the CFDT is satisfied”

the government and raised its bet not formally touch Article 2 of the bill, which expands the business scope of bargaining, while giving guarantees to those who were alarmed of a possible social dumping. This sleight of tower, once again, was inspired by Laurent Berger. The secretary general of the CFDT will thus remained in full the first board of the executive in the development of this law. In an interview published Tuesday in The Opinion , the union proposed that “in each branch, negotiations can be opened to define the set of rules to which the company agreement may derogate”. Consistent with itself, it merely stated, on leaving Matignon, “the heart of the text is not touched, so the CFDT is satisfied”

Gattaz. “He will remain as constraints “

These amendments will undoubtedly complicate the work of the negotiators in business. Their exact consequences are difficult to predict. Everything will depend on how the players in the branches – for those active at least – will seize. They could follow multiple directions. Especially in the midst of restructuring, branches now have the most diverse profiles, some representing only a handful of companies.

The law should in any case always give primacy company agreements on such sensitive topics as the fixing of the rate of increase overtime (when it is not less than 10%) or exceeding the average weekly working time, within the limits of 46 hours on a continuous period of 12 weeks.

Pierre Gattaz, president of Medef, welcomed with great pessimism this new modification of the text. If it comes to “do as Article 2 is neutralized, there will be nothing left, there will only constraints,” he said Wednesday. “You have to go through the reversal of the hierarchy of norms.” As representatives of the CFE-CGC, the CGPME and UPA, the boss of bosses will be received Thursday at Matignon.


El Khomri law: the ultimate retreat to calm opponents – Le Figaro

The government will table amendments to the text carried by the Minister of Labour to strengthen the role of professional branches.

After more than four months of standoff in the streets and in Parliament, the executive wants to close the painful sequence of El Khomri act peacefully, by a majority vote in two weeks in the Assembly, without the use of 49 -3. To that end, Manuel Valls and Minister of Labour made a final step towards the protesters to offer them a new modification of the text. Even further weaken the principle of strengthening business negotiation which was to remain, after the many pre setbacks, like the heart of the law.

On Wednesday evening, after an initial burst Matignon meetings with unions (CFTC, CFDT, CGT and FO), this political gamble seemed close to being won. The government could already be proud of having “won” FO movement. On arrival at Matignon, Jean-Claude Mailly has indeed said that “the labor law was in progress, even if this was not enough to come out on top.” The general secretary of FO had said earlier in the day not to “be in logic, for now, to continue the demonstrations.” Starting with those of July 5, the terms should be defined on Thursday night in Inter.

“The disagreements are confirmed. Small advances are far from the account “

His alter ego of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, has however not disarmed and called the French to continue to mobilize against the project law that will return next Tuesday at the meeting. “Disagreements are confirmed. Small advances are way off the mark, “he began as he left Matignon.

As for slingers, a majority believed Wednesday that a compromise was now possible. This session was dedicated to rewrite them, rather than to the unions, including the mobilization crumbling from week to week no longer fear to the executive. “We believe that the proposed amendments to the expectations of slingers”, has also assumed Myriam El Khomri in an interview in the world.

A few months before the Socialist primary, Francois Hollande has indeed to heart to appease his troops that were torn during passage of the text at first reading in the Assembly. It was he who had pushed to compromise, even if it still promised last week to go “to the end” of the labor law. The threat of a new use of Article 49-3, which allows a government to adopt a text without a vote of the deputies, seems to go away. First reading after 20 hours of heated debate, knowing he would not get a majority, Manuel Valls had to bring himself under the invectives of all elected officials, including those of its majority.

A conjuring trick

the government, in coordination with the rapporteur of the text to the Assembly, the member Christophe Sirugue, so will file three amendments to the bill, including the examination social Affairs Committee begins this Thursday. The first, relatively transpartisan, plans to involve the social partners as a result of rewriting the Labour

Code. The other two will amend Article 13 to give more weight to the professional sectors.

This is first left to the social partners of the branches to define the issues on which an agreement company will not deviate from a branch agreement, where the primacy of the company agreement is not specified by law. A third amendment clarifies the outset that, on the subject of professional equality between men and women and arduousness, a company agreement may not be the lowest bidder a branch agreement.

“the heart of the text is not touched, so the CFDT is satisfied”

the government and raised its bet not formally touch Article 2 of the bill, which expands the business scope of bargaining, while giving guarantees to those who were alarmed of a possible social dumping. This sleight of tower, once again, was inspired by Laurent Berger. The secretary general of the CFDT will thus remained in full the first board of the executive in the development of this law. In an interview published Tuesday in The Opinion , the union proposed that “in each branch, negotiations can be opened to define the set of rules to which the company agreement may derogate”. Consistent with itself, it merely stated, on leaving Matignon, “the heart of the text is not touched, so the CFDT is satisfied”

Gattaz. “He will remain as constraints “

These amendments will undoubtedly complicate the work of the negotiators in business. Their exact consequences are difficult to predict. Everything will depend on how the players in the branches – for those active at least – will seize. They could follow multiple directions. Especially in the midst of restructuring, branches now have the most diverse profiles, some representing only a handful of companies.

The law should in any case always give primacy company agreements on such sensitive topics as the fixing of the rate of increase overtime (when it is not less than 10%) or exceeding the average weekly working time, within the limits of 46 hours on a continuous period of 12 weeks.

Pierre Gattaz, president of Medef, welcomed with great pessimism this new modification of the text. If it comes to “do as Article 2 is neutralized, there will be nothing left, there will only constraints,” he said Wednesday. “You have to go through the reversal of the hierarchy of norms.” As representatives of the CFE-CGC, the CGPME and UPA, the boss of bosses will be received Thursday at Matignon.


labor law: “Disagreements are confirmed,” according to Philippe Martinez – The World

Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of  Force Ouvrière, June 23

” Progress “, to Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO) “profound disagreement” , Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the General Confederation of Labour (CGT): the intense negotiations between government and unions continued, Wednesday, June 29, at the before the return of the work in committee bill of social Affairs in the national Assembly.

the Prime Minister Manuel Valls receives Wednesday and Thursday the eight unions and employer organizations representative to discuss the reform.

  • “Deep disagreement,” Philippe Martinez

After a meeting with the prime minister Wednesday Matignon, the secretary general of the CGT considered that the “profound disagreement” with Mr. Valls persisted on the bill, the “small advances are far from the account” .

He kept the “day of action” scheduled for Tuesday, July 5, and said that its terms would be defined inter Thursday. “The disagreements continue, since we still do not have answers,” on the social dumping that will generate the law, he said.

  • Jean-Claude Mailly gets “guarantees” on the role of branches

Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO) obtained Wednesday “guarantee” Government that professional sectors continue to prevail in a number of areas, including salaries, but got nothing on overtime, where the agreement of business will prevail.

the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri has shown a sign of openness Wednesday morning, announcing that the government would file “further amendments” to the project . Act as meaning

Read the interview with Minister: Myriam El Khomri “the 49.3 is not a forced passage”

“We get a priori that, on a variety of themes, branch, tomorrow, will be confirmed as the level of

negotiation” , said the leader of FO, citing “the salaries, classifications, job training, welfare, professional equality and arduous “. ” this means that we guarantee that the sector is still tomorrow is a good thing ” , welcomed Mr. Mailly, claiming a seventh theme is added to the list. “employment”

against “that is negative is that overtime, night work and part-time remain within the company,” , says Mr. Mailly. FO, “today it remains a blocking point” . The representative estimated that “This is progress, but it is not sufficient” to a “top out” .

on the next day of action on 5 July, however, he said: “We’re not in logic, for now, to continue protests”


the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), the main trade union support for the draft reform of the Labour code, has for its part called “satisfied” of the amendments made by the government on the role of the branch, said Lawrence Berger, general secretary, following an interview with Mr Valls and M me El Khomri.

This meeting allowed to bring “clarification facing a debate going hysterical on the alleged disappearance of the branch, while this is not the case. It is not at all what was in the text “, said Mr. Berger, the central inspired an amendment Wednesday by M me for El Khomri “reaffirm” the role of the industry.

  • Meet the unions

Mr. Valls received Wednesday and Thursday the eight unions and employer organizations representative to discuss the reform, which amounts to the National Assembly for a second reading on 5 July.

The Inter including the CGT, FO, the union Solidaires union, the Federation of unitary Unions (FSU), the national Union of students of France (UNEF), the national Union schoolgirl (UNL) and the independent and Democratic Federation schoolgirl (LDIFs) opposes the past four months Bill work. It stands in particular against the reversal of the hierarchy of standards for the organization of working time.


Labor law: the firmness of Manuel Valls away out of the crisis – The Point

The government made a gesture Wednesday to clear the dispute over the Labour Law but his refusal to change the focus of the dispute, Article 2 away from a crisis, Hollande said he was ready to 49-3 again next week in the national Assembly.

“We will not return” on the “primacy” of the company agreement, said Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Wednesday, closing the door to union protesters received earlier along with the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri.

After four months of social movement, the executive made a gesture receiving social partners and providing amendments to Article 13 to clarify the role of professional branches. But without touching Article 2, spine text, which allows, for business negotiation, to waive the provisions on working time.

Manuel Valls acknowledged the “real differences of background, with the CGT and FO, differences that must be assumed. “

both union leaders have confirmed. The CGT is still “strongly disagrees” with Manuel Valls on the draft Labour Law, the “small steps are way off the mark,” said Philippe Martinez.

“There is no to top out, “he told his side Jean-Claude Mailly (FO), deploring” the blocking of the Prime Minister “on overtime pay.

A new day is already scheduled for next Tuesday, the day of return of the text in the Chamber

-. Use of 49-3 if necessary –

by releasing ballast, a few days before the return of the project to the national Assembly on July 5, the government hoped to save the use of Article 49-3, as he had to bring himself in first lecture. But Mrs El Khomri kept him under wraps in ruling that the use of this constitutional weapon would be “not a forced passage”.

In an interview with Les Echos, published Thursday, François Hollande clear. “The law will be passed and promulgated on time” and no majority, the government will “again using Article 49-3.”

Before the Socialist parliamentary group and Le Monde the Minister explained his choice. “In cases where the law does not provide the primacy of the company agreement”, that is to say everything that is outside the highly contested Article 2, “we hope that within

each branch , employers and trade unions to define the topics on which an enterprise agreement can not derogate from the branch agreement, “she said.

These negotiations should be opened” before 31 December 2017 “in the different branches, responsible to report before mid-2018, said one government amendments.

the move was inspired by a proposal from the CFDT, the main trade union support Labor law.

the number one Laurent Berger, said he was “satisfied”, leaving Matignon, that “the core of the text is not touched,” referring to the maintenance section 2. the chairman of the CFTC Louis Philippe has also expressed its satisfaction.

But Mrs El Khomri must also convince the rebellious deputies. At midday, their leader Christian Paul considered “a compromise was at hand,” but on condition that the government says “clearly a company agreement shall impair the purchasing power employees”. However, Article 2 allows a decrease in overtime pay from 25 to 10% in case of majority of business agreement.

On Thursday, it was the turn of François Hommeril (CFE-CGC) at 14:30, followed by Pierre Gattaz (Medef) at 3:15 p.m., François Asselin (CGPME) at 16.00 and Jean-Pierre Crouzet (UPA) at 4:45 p.m., to be received by the head of Government and Minister of Labour.

Since March, FO and CGT demanded the withdrawal of the project. Tuesday, the 11th day of mobilization brought together over France 64,000 demonstrators according to the police, 200,000 according to organizers

06/29/2016 9:26:54 p.m.. – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016


Dordogne: two died in the explosion of a warehouse of fireworks – Le Figaro

An explosion “powerful” was held in a deposit of a fireworks storage business near Bergerac in the Dordogne. The causes of the incident are not yet known.

Two men, aged 48 and 50, were killed in today’s explosion of depositing a storage business of fireworks in Monfaucon (Dordogne) where they worked, did was learned judicial source.

the explosion occurred during the operation of a “dumbwaiter “said the deputy prosecutor of Bergerac, Charles Charollois. The two victims were employees of the company Brezac Fireworks. One of them was not present in the immediate vicinity of the explosion, indicating that it was “powerful,” said the magistrate, while stressing that the information on the tragedy remained “patchy”. “The investigation is just beginning” and was entrusted to the gendarmes of the brigade of the Force and the Research Brigade Bergerac.

The explosion of still undetermined origin, was produced in the municipality of Monfaucon, about twenty kilometers from Bergerac in a

storage site of fireworks belonging to the company Brezac fireworks. The alarm was raised at 3:40 p.m., and thirty firefighters, supported by a dozen relief trucks were dispatched to the scene. The site of Monfaucon, opened in 2011, is classified Seveso and employs thirty employees.

In August 2015, an employee of the same company had been severely burned during a fire on another the company website at Fleix, also in the region of Bergerac (Dordogne).


New threats to Charlie Hebdo – The Huffington Post

An investigation for “death threats” was opened discreetly, by the Paris prosecutor, June 22, reveals Le Parisien in its edition of June 29, 2016 after the publication of several messages on the Facebook page of the satirical newspaper. Messages, described as “threatening”, suggesting that several members of the editorial would be, again, targeted.

The authors of these messages, posted on the official Facebook page of “Charlie Hebdo” -and since- withdrawn clearly mentioned to want to physically attack journalists of the satirical weekly. “There is in particular a question of killing, again, several members of the editorial,” continues the same source in Paris.

There is something particularly terrifying, there is something of particularly atrocious.

Although it must be careful and wait for the results of the judicial inquiry which should start soon, we can not help thinking that the obscurantist cracked the fanatical ideologues freaks, the bloodthirsty, the misfits and fanatics, want, want to continue to murder journalists.

Charlie Hebdo is a symbol, we know. Because his writing had been assassinated in January 2015 and beheaded.

In short, Charlie Hebdo, was everything he hated: a strand of insolence, the darling freedom, the Word, questioning, investigating, denouncing abuses and malpractices , crime, corruption, fanaticism. Charlie asked, bullied sometimes, but was pointing inconsistencies, follies and lies. Charlie Hebdo was talking to the world and because he spoke, it was to silence him for good.

It seems, in these circumstances, it is not enough for the barbarians that many journalists have been murdered since left. It is not enough that the title was in flames and bullets, so we want to still threaten

the editors.

Beyond Charlie Hebdo and recent threats he is still the focus, these are all free journalists who are threatened. These are all the feathers you want to break, they are all the voices you want to permanently silence. These are all loving breaths of freedom, equality and brotherhood that we want to destroy, we want to silence and / or post forever.

There nothing more beautiful, bigger, more noble when a journalist told the truth when his breath questions the world, when his pen, he likes to disturb the powerful and down the walls.

when Charlie Hebdo is threatened when journalists are threatened, it is all of us who are. More than ever, proclaim with one voice this time we are all journalists who all want to remain free men

Read also:.

• Prison for two Turkish journalists who had published a Charlie Hebdo

• the premises of “Charlie Hebdo” relet

• Renaud again columnist Charlie Hebdo

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“Charlie Hebdo” is the subject of new threats –

MEDIA The satirical newspaper, struck by an attack January 7, 2015, filed a complaint. ..

The satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” newsstand. – Allili / SIPA

An investigation for “death threats” was opened on 22 June by the Paris prosecutor after the publication of several messages “threatening” the Facebook page of Charlie Hebdo reveals Le Parisien .

Meanwhile, AFP says, citing a source close to the investigation, the newspaper received since 8 June twenty messages on his Facebook page

& gt;. & gt; Read also: In 2016, the world of comics is always Charlie

Threats also to the editor

Investigators of fighting crime brigade against the person (BRDP) of the Paris police are responsible for identifying the authors of these messages, says Le Parisien .

in these messages, posted on the official Facebook page the satirical newspaper, and removed from, the authors say they want to physically reporters. “There is in

particular a question of killing, again, several members of the editorial,” the source said.

On June 22, a handwritten letter was addressed to the editor, containing the word “Allah Akbar “and reiterating the death threats, says AFP.

” No one has been arrested at this stage in the context of this case and investigations are continuing, “said the source close to survey AFP

& gt;. & gt; Read also: The former premises of “Charlie Hebdo” found a new tenant

Charlie Hebdo a complaint

The newspaper filed a complaint. “This kind of thing did not happen for some time,” said a source close to the management of the newspaper. The latter, requested by Le Parisien , did not wish to speak. “In this new case of death threats, nothing should be left to chance,” says a senior official. “The authors of the threats will eventually be identified and must be explained. “

The journalists of the satirical weekly still subject to enhanced security measures since the attack on 7 January 2015 in which five historic designers of Charlie Hebdo two police officers were murdered by the brothers Kouachi

& gt;. & gt; Read also: A survivor of Charlie bombings, Catherine Meurisse puts bubbles his “healing”



investigation after death threats against Charlie Hebdo – The Express

Charlie Hebdo is again the prey of death threats. And these, after the attack against his local 7 January 2015 that made twelve victims are of course taken seriously. Le Parisien shows that the Paris prosecutor opened an investigation for “death threats” June 22 Repression Brigade of crime against the person (the BRDP) is in charge of the investigation.

Several threats within days

In mid-June, very worrying messages are posted on the official Facebook page of the satirical weekly. At the same time, the writing was receiving at his new address a handwritten letter just as threatening. A source close to the case, and mentioned by Le Parisien , gives some details: “These threats have concentrated on a relatively small period of time, three or four days in mid-June . There is in particular a question of killing, again, several members of the writing. ”

The direction of

Charlie Hebdo then promptly decided to file a complaint. Near the newspaper assures that the title had not been subject to such threats for some time. Because of the attack that killed the writing on the morning of 7 January 2015, Charlie Hebdo team is always surrounded by heightened security measures. Nobody for the moment, was arrested as part of this new deal.


Bernadette Chirac offers support to Nicolas Sarkozy – The Point

If for Jacques Chirac, the heart beats for Alain “the best of us,” his wife, the champion of the right remains Nicolas Sarkozy. Bernadette Chirac said Wednesday on RTL that it intended to “work for the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy” on the primary right, to which the former president is not yet officially a candidate.

“the current period is very difficult, there were these attacks, the violence, these thugs who helped break the new facade of the Necker hospital, revolts also against the police,” described the wife of Jacques Chirac. “All this does not make easy work of the government,” she said. “There will be a complicated year, it already is, we will soon go to the primary” in November, added the former first lady, recalling that it is “very involved in politics.”

Stand United

“I stayed in Corrèze, but I do not work in Corrèze, I intend to work for the campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy when he me ask, of course, “she announced.

Bernadette Chirac has for several years of the

staunchest supporters of Nicolas Sarkozy, President of RS, which could signal the end of August to run for the primary right . In 2012, while her husband had shown her support for François Hollande, as a part of his family, the former first lady had displayed his unwavering support for Nicolas Sarkozy. And had this sentence, called the price of political humor. “Be aware, in my family, they all voted Holland. Except Jacques, but he did not know. “


Brexit: “We must lance the boil,” says Valls – The Point

The British referendum on the Brexit demonstrates that “we must lance the boil” of a Europe seen as “punitive” by its citizens, said Prime Minister Manuel Valls Tuesday detailing how to “move to a new high step “.

in a speech of nearly a half-hour before the national Assembly, the head of government said that the choice of the British out of Thursday’s EU showed” discomfort peoples “who, he said,” doubt Europe. ” “They feel it imposes its choices and systematically works against their interests,” he said.

“Europe will be with the people. Otherwise it will dislocate” Mr. Valls has yet analyzed denying that the European project “capsized and sank, driven by the growing weight of populism”. “I caution those who believe that we will strengthen our sovereignty by drawing a line on Europe,” he also launched the sovereignists, starting with the National Front.

Speaking needed a “shock”, he asked his British counterpart David Cameron out of “in-between, ambiguity” and activate “as soon as possible clause withdrawal of the European Union. ” “It’s not the British Conservative Party, which must impose its agenda”, he launched the applause of members.

As for ways to “move to a new big step” European, he recalled the democratic deficit which it has so far suffered.

“We thought we could enlarge, expand, forced march, that + not + be forgotten thanks to more Europe, that referendums could be circumvented, the growing rejection of Europe is looked after by pedagogy “, detailed the one who had originally called for a vote + not + to the European Constitution in 2005.

” We avoided real debates and we left a boulevard to populism “, he launched

-. Do not play the” sorcerer’s apprentice “-

for those on the right considering or demanding a referendum on Europe, he reminded the risk of “playing the

sorcerer’s apprentice.” “A referendum can not be the way to get rid of a problem,” he ruled.

The prime minister called for “initiative” of France “putting security issues at the heart of Europe.” He thus called for “truly control our borders” but “not out of Schengen” and organize a common defense “worthy of the name.”

About the economy, he said that Europe could not be “the Trojan horse of globalization”, repeating his rejection of the Treaty of transatlantic free trade with the United States as provided today and again advocating a “tax harmonization and social “in the EU.

He also defended a Europe “effective” would be on the offensive where it is “useful,” and able to delete “when skills must remain national or regional.” Advocating the idea of ​​Jacques Delors of a Europe of nation states, Mr Valls suggested the possibility of integration at different speeds. “If we have to carry some 27 that are not ready to do, and do it well.”

So he defended again “democratic governance” of the single euro zone pronouncing themselves against “punitive Europe, acquired the ultra-liberal theories and fiscal austerity,” referring to the rule that public deficits can not exceed the equivalent of 3% of a country’s GDP, to penalties

06/28/2016 4:49:56 p.m.. – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Legislative: Patrick Balkany renounces be present in the Hauts-de-Seine – The World

Patrick Balkany, 23 June 2015.

Vice President of the national Committee of the party investiture Republicans, Roger Karoutchi, announced on Twitter Tuesday, June 28, that ” at the express request of Patrick Balkany “, he would nominate Agnes Pottier-Dumas for the riding of Levallois-Clichy. The candidature of Levallois-Perret mayor and incumbent of the Hauts-de-Seine was challenged even in his party.

On his Facebook page, Patrick Balkany announced that he would not be a candidate
due to accumulated Act”
mandates. “I never give up my term as mayor of Levallois! “, he said. It “therefore wished, with the full agreement of the President of the Republicans, Nicolas Sarkozy, to ask the Commission investiture (LR) to invest from (Tuesday) afternoon Agnes Pottier-Dumas, Councillor Levallois-Perret “. This young woman of 31, “Bride and will be a mother in 15 Days” says Mr. Balkany was his “parliamentary tied for almost ten years and therefore knows very although the work of the Assembly. She is currently the associate, responsible in particular for Hauts-de-Seine, Valérie Pécresse to the Ile-de-France region “.

The National Commission for the inauguration party The Republicans approved June 21 the vast majority of party candidates for the parliamentary elections of June 2017. Patrick Balkany, like all incumbents, were automatically in the nomination, despite his indicted for tax evasion, tax fraud laundering, corruption passive and false statement, causing discomfort to the right, particularly in Alain Juppé; François Fillon and Bruno Le Maire, candidates for the primary for 2017

Read also:. Despite its indictments, Patrick Balkany invested by Republicans for legislative

class="heading"> outcry against his inauguration

Alain Juppe said again Tuesday on France Inter that he wanted the nominations to legislative be reconsidered . “They should be reviewed in due course” , has he insisted, without wanting to mention the case of Patrick Balkany, merely to explain that particular “should be a discussion with the center” for alliances.

Sunday, François Fillon also warned him that if he won the primary for the right, it would review the nominations, including that of Patrick Balkany, according to “ethical criteria”. “To restore the authority of the state, I think that the political leaders must be blameless” , argued the former Prime Minister, pointing “People who do not pay their taxes, which have accounts abroad that are not reported or have business in every sense. “

Bruno Le Maire had ” disapprove “ June 22 on his Twitter account nominated Mr. Balkany deploring “the same old politics! “.

Hervé Mariton had assured the next day on France Info that” the way to make Patrick Balkany policy is totally contrary to (its) principles “. and the Republicans MP of the Drôme to add that “it is absolutely shocking that (his) political party continues to place its trust in this environment.”

Read also: Why the nomination of Patrick Balkany legislative is disputed

a petition launched on website to say “no to the candidacy of Patrick Balkany Republicans” has been signed by nearly 124,000 people since June 23 The text recalls that “the personal situation of Mr. Balkany is too tainted with doubts over the function it intends to exercise, and its indictments contribute to support the rejection of the political class as a whole” .


Labor law: the Senate adopts a hardened version of the text – The Point

The Senate on Tuesday adopted the draft labor law by 185 votes against 156, after much more liberal given at work, while the text was again challenged in the streets by the tens of thousands of opponents. Socialist senators, communists, environmentalists and RDSE (PRG to majority) voted against, while the right majority in the Senate, voted for. Following the vote, the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri assured that it remained “persistent and determined to bring the bill to the end”.

On behalf of the Socialists, Nicole Bricq denounced a “completely unbalanced” text in the upper house. “In full debate of the primaries, you had to show your muscles and therefore make war booty. But was it really necessary to return to the 35 hours? “She launched the Senate majority. Ecologist Jean Desessard denounced a text which leads to the “lowest bidder social.”

“We are not fooled”

But for Alain Milon, President (LR ) of the social Affairs Committee, the text of the Senate “constitutes real reform that does not fall into caricature some have complained.” Dominique Watrin (Communist, Republican and Citizen) criticized a “project right which is the Siamese twin of the government project”. “We are not fooled,” he began.

In the wake of the vote, deputies and senators, meeting in a joint committee (CMP), were to try to propose a common text, failure seemed inevitable given the progress of the project during his visit to the Upper House. Indeed, Senators ended the 35-hour

lock, removed the widespread youth guarantee, partially emptied personnel account activity, revised upward social thresholds or caps prud’homales restored benefits (in 15 months’ salary).

Recourse to Article 49.3

This version should however be unraveled by MPs during a new play from July 5, during which the government does not rule again resort to Article 49.3 to pass its version without a vote.

the unions hostile to the text are in turn determined. After the 11th day of action Tuesday, the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez has already announced a “new day of action” at the back of the text before MPs. And if Prime Minister Manuel Valls has made a step in accepting Wednesday and Thursday the unions and employer organizations, Matignon warned that there was no question as to open “negotiations” on the text, but “make a point” with each of the points of agreement and disagreement.
