Several leaders of the left of the PS amounted Thursday against the threat by the executive to ban further protests against the bill work, Arnaud Montebourg lampooning a “blow permanent force” Laurent and Pierre (PCF) a “manipulation”. The executive threatened on Wednesday to ban demonstrations in the wake of fresh violence and damage on the sidelines of the Paris show, with at least 29 police officers and 11 protesters injured and multiple impairments, especially against the Necker Children’s Hospital patients.
“We are facing the permanent coup policy” has lampooned the former PS minister Arnaud Montebourg on France Culture. “You have a parliamentary problem, the fate 49-3. You have a motion of censure about to be filed by members of the majority, exceptionally, one leaves the machine to punish. You have a problem with trade union organizations, petitions, you forbid them to demonstrate. You have a problem of unpopularity of the president who might be not having his nomination for president, you remove the primary “ he has listed.
The government accused of wanting to “discredit a social movement”
same story with the leader of the deputies PS “slingers” Christian Paul. If violence is “absolutely unacceptable and reprehensible,” “it has nothing to do with the social movement (…). And I think it would be a historic mistake of undermining the freedom to demonstrate, “ he said on LCP. ” I appeal to the judgment and composure, “ has launched Christian Paul. “I would like to hear from the lips of Manuel Valls once the will of compromise, and not simply the desire to bend such a union or that part of his majority.”
the national secretary of the Communist Party (PCF) Pierre Laurent, meanwhile, accused the government of engaging in a “huge manipulation to hide the reality of the event and so we no longer speak of the labor law” .
“We saw amazing things in the event. Why the rioters are they still the same? Why are not they arrested? There are things that do not work, “ added the Senator of Paris, accusing the will of government ” discredit a social movement. “
” Vision complotiste “retorted Le Guen
in a statement, the left Party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced the ” authoritarian government “ he accuses ” instrumentalize the heinous terrorist act against police officers “ on Monday night in Magnanville (Yvelines).
on RTL Thursday morning, the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez was surprised at the “load” the government against its center. The prefect of police in Paris Michel Cadot said Wednesday at the end of event, a group of 100 to 200 demonstrators from the CGT “participating in acts of violence.” For Philippe Martinez “there was an order, I think of the prefecture (…), to ram protesters.” “When it’s like this -this is not the first times- each tries to defend because it is violent enough that kind of contact.”
“it is both a bit sad to see this kind of defense from Mr. Martinez and at the same time it’s serious, because from a certain point of view, he comes to justify violence” . “It’s a vision complotiste” retorted iTELE on the Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament, Jean-Marie Le Guen.
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