“ We come out … ‘says a friend of the president. Which completes immediately, dismal, “… feet first.” In the corridors of power, the flight into firmness, decided by François Hollande and Manuel Valls after the violence in the Parisian procession Tuesday gives cold sweats. To the point that some do not hesitate to talk to off, the “crisis of authority”
The reason:. The decision of the two heads of the executive to ban demonstrations against the Labour Law case by case. And the inflexible stance of the Prime Minister, who closes the door to any evolution of El Khomri bill and repeats that he will go “to the end”. “Who will pay in the end? This is Holland! Valls wants to end the killing, “a furious figure of the PS, very far slingers. So back again the host Matignon suspected to be the evil genius and lead his side, the president with the edge of the precipice …
“Valls takes us into the wall. Holland and let it happen, because he thinks the primary right will be a disaster and that it will be the lowest common denominator at the end, “sighs an adviser to the government, annoyed. “Valls wants a knockout victory over Martinez, but divide our political base that does not thugs, nor the Labour Law! “Thundered a government source. “It is useless to offer scalps and show that we are stronger,” says a leading socialist leader, who almost made his mourning to victory in 2017 and even judge the president … “scorched”.
brandishing possible bans on demonstrations, Holland and Valls could paradoxically provide crisis to the CGT, the base wants to do battle. But the verbal escalation of the Prime Minister has piqued the unions, the FO leader Jean-Claude Mailly accusing him of being a “pyromaniac”. A term taken willingly, anonymously, in the majority.
Myriam El Khomri, the labor minister, becomes trapped, she was sending signs of openness and healing before return text to the Assembly in July. Friday she has an appointment with Philippe Martinez. But the Prime Minister was clear: no question of moving the content of the text. “He wants his 49-3″ plague a part of PS.
On the left, some brandishing this Ifop-Fiducial poll where Holland (-6 points to 21%), Valls (-7 36%) and Macron (-12 to 43%) fall heavily after three months of social tension. “I’m not even sure that François is in condition of return” whispers an old comrade of the head of state. Another begins to nightmares, ten months of the presidential: “We’re going to defeat honking …”
VIDEO. Demonstration in Paris: violence escalates
VIDEO. Paris: first clashes on the fringes of the protest against the Labour Law
Le Parisien
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