Friday, June 17, 2016

Cambadélis “For fair and representative primary” – Release

The first secretary of the PS has long hidden his game. This Friday, hours before the national council of his party, in Paris, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis received us in his office to spread his cards. And announced he would propose to his comrades primary with François Hollande, with – or without -. The rest of the left

The Socialist Party he will organize a primary?

I decided to submit to the Socialist Party national council primary open to popular Belle Alliance [PS, Radicals and some environmentalists and Democrats, ed] if the whole left is impossible.

When does it take place?

We will discuss together this Saturday. If the primary of the entire left is possible, we will keep the mentioned dates, either the first two weeks of December. If it were not, we will organize these primary last two weekends in January.

What will be the conditions?

We’ll discuss it. But they should not go beyond those of 2011. The Socialists are free, on condition sponsorships to attend. If this is the primary of the entire left, we will raise the question of who represents the PS. If this is the primary space of the Beautiful People’s Alliance, nominations will obviously free. One of the primary Monitoring Committee is in place. It will make proposals for the month of September.

Francois Hollande is it aware of your initiative?

I have informed.

What did he say?

That the Socialist Party is determined as desired.

if candidate, so it will necessarily by the primary box?

I hope so.

Many of his relatives, such as the Prime Minister, however, are against the idea of ​​a primary, judging that the head of state is by nature legitimate imagine …

I respect this position. I agree with them, the outgoing President of the Republic is not any competitor. It is likely to be the candidate of the left. And – this is a personal position – it may be that he is the only one able at this stage, left, to win the presidency. What saddens me is that the left is now in a battle to decide the left government of protest left. It is not up to the challenges facing us.

Why have raised this week a “extraordinary congress” to amend the articles of PS and not to primary?

It was one of the options on the table. But the press sees only one that allows for the buzz

You say. “. If the primary of all the left can not be” Can you clarify?

on February 6, the PS took position for the primary of the entire left. He has unanimously reaffirmed in an address on 9 April. We waited for the PCF and the Greens Congress. They have closed the door to any alliance and any primary left. The Communists have pushed their decision in November but said there was an “impenetrable wall” between the left and they defend the left of government. I deeply regret. They mésestiment the political situation and what the right has in its cartons. I do not ignore the presidential 2017. It is one of the most important elections of the past twenty years. There it will play the destiny of France, both socially as republican principles. To skip to speculate about a political realignment after a scheduled defeat and sometimes, for some, has organized a political mistake to history and left. Stop fragmentation and undertake a process of recomposition. The primary of all the left could afford. We slammed the door in our face, without further consideration a punitive will of the PS.

At the same time, we doubt you’ll have believed, this’ all primary the left “…

I take people to the words. When the PCF and the Greens have condemned the secession of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, I could not believe it was a settling of accounts between them. I can not believe either that environmentalists and communists have given up on their national representation in Parliament, on the pretext that they disagree with the policy. Our friends are making a strategic mistake. It is never good to turn away to the left and to his unit when threats are piling up right.

You offer them a legal agreement in exchange for a unit for president?

at this stage, I offer them nothing. The only thing I suggest is a primary whole left where they undertake to respect the verdict of the vote. It can not be easier! I note only that they do not want. I do not want to wait for their procrastination leads to the PS can no longer do so.

In 2011, you needed a good year to organize the primary. Is it really possible in six months?

We are aware that time is running out. That the situation is complex. But it will provide the means for this primary is fair and representative.

In late January, everyone will be a candidate except you. Is it too late?

This is an issue that the commission will investigate. But if we do it in December, will reproach us not leave time for debate.

Is the primary one way to bring left a very divided today?

Yes. It is a way to gather. It is also a way of measuring the nuances, interrogations, divergences … and to convince! As we face the fact that “it gets better” economically and on the unemployment front, but the French do not perceive it, it is also an opportunity to know and understand.

the link however seems cut from the left to the government and its electorate …

I do not think. There is a deep sense of unity. The voter left distinguishes its assessment of such government action on the need to come together to Stop the extreme right and the right beat. There is a discrepancy between the devices and the electorate. Some are radicalized. The others are attentive. We are in a phase of fragmentation of political representation. The president will be a recomposition vector.

At the same time, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is now at par with François Hollande.

I do not confuse a moment of disagreement between the left on the way forward on labor law and the real balance of power in the country. These surveys should have say at the polls. This is not the case.

Mélenchon is not a threat for 2017?

At this stage, I do not measure his campaign axis. On one side, there is a popular battle front than we had already seen in 2012. But he also accents the Beppe Grillo [head of the Movement Five Stars Italy, note] I did not know him out of the European treaties, hi assigned to a residence, the idea that the right would be as bad as the left … did he choose an axis of overflow or a new offer

How can the socialists avoid the fracture on the labor law?

the expression of our MPs is free but the undermining of solidarity by filing a motion censorship is not acceptable under our statutes. This is a red line. If some of us going until then, there will be sanctions.

What inspired you the violence in the demonstrations?

There are many violence in the French and European society. Today, one can kill again for ideas in Europe, or the name of a misguided faith. the mask can wave of hatred against refugees. Democracy is a precious commodity. We must keep this possibility of dialogue, exchange and to disagree. I asked the CGT to pause because the events are manipulated by people who want violence to violence. It is not a matter for them to stimulate social movement but to impose the strategy of chaos. Who would win? The extreme right. The President is totally in his role when he reminds the law.

At the same time, when the government does not move against a reform unpopular in opinion and that 49.3 brandished the fault of majority in the assembly, this …

[this section] I was at the first version of the labor law, said I found the text unbalanced and that he was not votable in the state. It was not trivial from a first secretary of the ruling party. The government has moved. He declined. He suspended the text together all unions and intelligence built with a compromise. In this text, the most critical elements have been removed and those desired by the PS – young warranty, first step towards a professional social security – have been increased. A compromise was found. Then the unions expressed their total disagreement and a socialist minority allied with the Communist and Green MPs to create a blocking minority, which led the government to 49.3 to enforce this compromise.

Is it possible to avoid a new 49.3 return the text to the Assembly early July?

Given the hostility, I do not see minority parliamentarians opposed the text on their return position. Certainly they are not in withdrawal but in improving the text. But their conditions are such that it would alter the compromise from the government. The path is not closed, but it is very close

Lilian Alemagna Rachid Laïreche


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