VIDEOS – Manuel Valls asked the CGT no longer manifest, while François Hollande announced Wednesday by the Council of Ministers that there would be more if permission to demonstrate preservation ‘goods and people “could not be” guaranteed “.
This morning on France Inter, Manuel Valls expressed his disgust at the result of new overflows that occurred Tuesday on the sidelines of the ninth national demonstration against the labor law. His answer is clear: “I ask the CGT not to organize this type of event on Paris.” Asked about the possibility of prohibiting the future this type of rally elsewhere in the country, Manuel Valls replied: “Case by case, because you know that you can not pronounce a general prohibition, we will, we, our responsibilities. ” A theme echoed by François Hollande, who announced Wednesday by the Council of Ministers that there would be more if permission to demonstrate the preservation of “property and people” could not be “guaranteed”, reported the holder Government spokesman Stephane Le Foll. It also regretted the violence of the previous day in Paris, especially against the Necker hospital that serves children, have “elicited no condemnation by Philippe Martinez,” the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez.
“» Read also: wave of outrage after the degradation of the Necker hospital
• the CGT and its “service ambiguous order “
Manuel Valls strongly criticized the CGT and more specifically the” ambiguous attitude “of his security service. “When a union takes a flyer on police violence, there is of course ambiguous. And every time there is a demonstration, we see many breakers. There were 700 to 800 rioters yesterday, “he recalled. “When one is not able to organize events, we do not organize this type of event that can escalate,” he began. “Police and gendarmes are doing their job. These policemen are facing the thugs that blend in the demonstration organized by a union, the CGT. A great union, I respect, must assume its responsibility to ensure that its security service is not in ambiguity when it comes to rule breakers to a group, “insisted Manuel Valls. “We can not have this sad spectacle, this headlong rush into the organization. We face terrorist threats, we welcome the Euro football in difficult conditions. In this particularly heavy atmosphere, everyone has to take responsibility. ”
“When one is not able to organize events, we do not organize this type of event that can degenerate”
• work Bill “will not change”
Manuel Valls, who note in passing that there was this Tuesday throughout France “fewer demonstrators on the occasion of other appointments”, reiterated the government’s position on the labor law. “The text will not change because we believe that it is a text that meets the public interest (…) Everyone should know that the government will not change a text that is already the result of a compromise with the reformist unions there several months, “he explained. According to him, it is “a good text for employees and businesses. It gives more rights to unions (…). I am convinced that our country faces heavy choice. We need the French can come together around a project which carries the progress, compromise and the values of the Republic. The CFDT and UNSA are quite representative of the employees. We must accept that there has been a compromise. ” Article 2 and other key items of the bill reforming the labor market, including the CGT demands the withdrawal, “can not move and they will be adopted,” also said Manuel Valls.
• Valls agitates the threat of a return of the right ultraliberal
to defend the controversial project to reform the labor law, Manuel Valls has reproduced the pattern of meetings ” Hey oh the left “: he tried to use the threat of a return of the right to power. “If we fail to adopt this text, if the text was not until the end, the bottom would be the victory (…) those who tomorrow would push through their ultra-liberal vision of society” has it slipped. In his sights including: the fact that the candidates for the Republican primary (LR) will be converted to almost all economic liberalism, and indulge a race with shallots in this area for weeks
. • A good agreement with the SNCF
the Prime Minister returned on the agreement reached with SNCF on working time. The CGT announced Tuesday that it will not sign. “There was an agreement, a dialogue with the reformist unions, which prepares the train to the great challenge of the opening of competition while protecting the security of railway. CGT and Sud continue their movement (strike) and I regretted it, “said Premier.
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