Saturday, June 18, 2016

Presidential 2017: the National Council of the PS vote unanimously for the organization of a primary – Le Monde

Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, May 2, at  Paris AFP / Eric FEFERBERG.

a draft version of ‘resolution on primary “ which was submitted to the National Council of the vote indicates that “lack of support of the Greens and the PCF to a primary of all the left, the Socialist Party decided to organize an open primary actors of the popular Belle Alliance and all those who would support the approach.”

A new national council, scheduled for October 2 will ratify the terms of vote and debate, after a discussion Monitoring Committee primary and consultation with partners the PS, according to the text submitted to the National Council.

the text proposes to organize these “primary unit 22 and 29 January,” . The opening date for applications is December 1 and December 15 closing, schedule compatible with that of President Francois Hollande, who announced that he would determine a candidate for a second term “December” .

Regarding the possible participation of the President in this primary, Mr. Cambadélis responded that “the wishes”. And according to information from the World , the decision of Mr. Cambadélis was taken in agreement with the Elysee

Read also.: to the left, to a primary cut for Francois Hollande

the proposal of Mr. Cambadélis, revealed the day before the board meeting, Friday, June 17, was a surprise. A few days before, in fact, the party leadership had suggested to change the statutes of the PS to prevent the organization of the primary. The primary of all the left has become impossible in practice since Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Left Front) refused to participate and announced his candidacy for president. The Communist Party and Europe Ecologie – The Greens have also declined to participate

Read also: The slow death of the primary left



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