Saturday, February 11, 2017

Protest against police violence in Bobigny, france – The World

This collection of enamelled clashes comes nine days after the alleged rape of Theo L. by police in Aulnay-sous-Bois.

Rally in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Saturday, February 11, nine days after the arrest violent in Aulnay-sous-Bois, Theo L., the victim of an alleged rape by police officers.

Nine days after the violent arrest of Theo L., the alleged victim of a rape by police, an event bringing together hundreds of people stood Saturday, February 11 afternoon, in front of the tribunal of Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis) to denounce the police violence.

Gathered in front of the tribunal of this city located at the north-east of Paris and supervised by police forces in number, they have called ” justice for Theo “. the ” The police violated “, ” I’m not a bamboula “, ” the police kills innocent people “, could be read on placards.

According to several images and videos circulating on social networks, the tensions took place in the margins of the gathering. After over an hour of protest, of police officers stationed on a bridge just above the place of the rally have received of missiles being thrown by protesters. The shouts, the sound of firecrackers and the crowd followed.

The thugs were taken, including shots of feet, in the windows of a building and street furniture. A van badged RTL has been set on fire. The protesters began to disperse shortly after these incidents.

also Read : Police and city youth : the confrontation

” I do not think that it could still exist, “

Theo L., a young man 22 years of age, said to have been a victim on 2 February of a rape with a baton telescopic in the course of an interpellation to the ” city of the 3 000 in Aulnay-sous-Bois. Still hospitalized due to serious injuries in

the rectal area, he was prescribed 60 days of total incapacity to work (ITT). One of the four officers who conducted the arrest has been indicted for rape. The other three for violence. They have all been suspended by a decision of the minister of the interior Bruno Le Roux.

A sign calls for

” I do not understand. I do not think that it could still exist “, has launched to the Agence France-presse (AFP), Saturday, at the event, Anissa, 18 years old, referring to Theo L.. ” I do not understand that one can say that it is an accident. I do not consider these men as police officers “, has added the young girl coming from the common close to the Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis).

The demonstrators chanted slogans denouncing the police violence, citing also Zyed and Bouna, the two teenagers died in an electric transformer at the origin of the riots in the suburbs in 2005, or Adama Traoré, who died during his arrest last summer in the Val-d’oise.

Rally in Bobigny against the police violence, Saturday, 11 February.

Toulouse on Saturday, a demonstration was attended by some 250 people in the peace on the Capitol square, according to police and organizers.

In the night from Friday to Saturday, eight people were arrested in Seine-Saint-Denis, where tensions following the alleged rape of Theo have dropped a notch, according to police. Twenty-five people had been arrested the previous night.
