A search was conducted tonight at the drug squad of the Paris police, at 36 quai Goldsmiths, after the disappearance of some 50 kilograms of cocaine. The men of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN, “police the police”), assisted by specialized dogs, investigating the disappearance.
Drugs were, according to our information, seizure early July after dismantling a network of traffickers Senegalese gang. It was found in the 18th and 19th districts of the capital in cars, hidden through highly sophisticated systems.
A flight that would amount to € 3.5 million
Police sources, this is an unprecedented case that shook a prestigious Brigade Wharf Goldsmiths. According to the first elements of the investigation, it appears that only officers of the brigade could be involved, hence the exceptional on-site presence of the prefect of police. Senator of Paris, Pierre Charon, he has already demanded an explanation of his disappearance.
The drug was indeed stored in the sealed room, secure and shielded, where no can
enter alone. The police are the only ones to have access. Cocaine was still there on July 23; disappearance was found this morning when an officer wanted to show the room to a trainee. He then realized that all the cocaine stored (and had this one case) had disappeared. The disappearance of 50 kg of cocaine is particularly disturbing that such a quantity implies the thief is behind a network for the flow. At 70 euros per gram, the amount of the theft amounted to 3.5 million euros. Police sources told the Figaro it was a year services officials asked that a camera is placed at the entrance of the room to monitor the comings and goings.
A search was conducted tonight at the drug squad of the Paris police, at 36 quai Goldsmiths, after the disappearance of some 50 kilograms of cocaine. The men of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN, “police the police”), assisted by specialized dogs, investigating the disappearance.
Drugs were, according to our information, seizure early July after dismantling a network of traffickers Senegalese gang. It was found in the 18th and 19th districts of the capital in cars, hidden through highly sophisticated systems.
A flight that would amount to € 3.5 million
Police sources, this is an unprecedented case that shook a prestigious Brigade Wharf Goldsmiths. According to the first elements of the investigation, it appears that only officers of the brigade could be involved, hence the exceptional on-site presence of the prefect of police. Senator of Paris, Pierre Charon, he has already demanded an explanation of his disappearance.
The drug was indeed stored in the sealed room, secure and shielded, where no can
enter alone. The police are the only ones to have access. Cocaine was still there on July 23; disappearance was found this morning when an officer wanted to show the room to a trainee. He then realized that all the cocaine stored (and had this one case) had disappeared. The disappearance of 50 kg of cocaine is particularly disturbing that such a quantity implies the thief is behind a network for the flow. At 70 euros per gram, the amount of the theft amounted to 3.5 million euros. Police sources told the Figaro it was a year services officials asked that a camera is placed at the entrance of the room to monitor the comings and goings.
It’s a debate as old as the history of the left who spoke Thursday, July 31 at Cafe Croissant, in Paris, on the occasion of the centenary of the assassination of John Jaurès. In 1905, the man managed Carmaux, with others, to unify the revolutionary and reformist currents of socialism under the banner of the SFIO, the forerunner of the Socialist Party. These fractures, awake for many years, have arisen in his memory.
François Hollande was the first to reach the scene, in the early morning, under the curious gaze of onlookers. The Head of State, accompanied by the German Vice-Chancellor, the Social Democrat Sigmar Gabriel, laid a wreath at the foot of the plaque commemorating the murder of Jean Jaurès by nationalist Raoul Villain there is exactly one hundred years.
Read class=”lire”> policy responses: “Unity”, “heritage”, “treason” … the tribute left Jaures
Accompanied by the former mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoë, Hollande merely a coffee under the eye of photographers and has not expressed. The president did not, however reluctant to its action in the continuity of Jaurès, the “reformist”. No doubt he has not forgotten the boos that accompanied his arrival in Carmaux (Tarn), land of the great man election on April 23.
This is Bertrand Delanoë who is responsible for investing the political executive at the heart of jaurésien heritage. “Jaurès fought for the reform to be effective,” , held in front of cameras former mayor of Paris, which has long been defined as a “social liberal.” “Do not try to exploit it for himself , has he continued. Think Jaurès, it deserves better than to settle its small accounts. “ That is the response to criticism by the Left Front, which accused the government of betraying the memory of the founder of the SFIO.
In a perfectly coordinated ballet, Patrick Le Hyaric, Director Humanity and Communist MEP, took over a few minutes later. “There is no shortage of politicians who parade right here and organize the second death of Jaures’ , he was held in a vehement speech denouncing ” small interfering media propaganda mind “ that would prevail in his last few days.
Very applauded by hundreds of activists PCF, Mr Le Hyaric found that” the political legacy of Jaurès n ‘ [was] not respected “ today. “He was a supporter of the conquest of power by the employees and workers. Today, democracy is sold off in the company, it is given to shareholders. “
Patrick Le Hyaric is also attacked frontally foreign policy France. “If we were in France Jaures, France would take initiatives to silence weapons into Gaza and stop to provide the Israeli right-wing government. “
Some white-hot by this speech communist militants attacked later Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, first secretary of the Socialist Party, Benoît Hamon, Minister of . Education, came to the scene to make them as tribute to Jaurès
The attacks have blended in a brief stampede “Social traitor! Betrayal! “” Treason? You’re going to say that 60,000 teachers I recruited “, Benoît Hamon got upset with a militant. “It’s been a month we talk with the CPF so that it does not happen that way” , laments does one side of the Rue de Solferino.
See also: Mélenchon, Valls, Aliot, Sarkozy jaurésiens all …
The two men have not had the opportunity to speak!. They quickly rushed inside the cafe for lunch with Jean-Marie Le Guen, State Secretary for Relations with Parliament, Kader Arif, Secretary of State for Veterans. “memory Jaurès belongs to everyone. Nobody knows what he would have said today, “, considers the latter. Unsuccessful attempt to reconcile.
div Libe Info By Willy Le Devin and Dominique Albertini
PS deputy Olivier Faure wrote Wednesday, July 30 letter to the Minister of the Interior, published by the Lab, in which he said he wanted to understand why ” the Jewish Defense League is authorized in France » . While, according to our information, the government wants to dissolve the JDL, the member for Seine-et-Marne reminded that violent groups do not have their place in the French Republic.
In your letter, you write have been detained by your constituents on the activities of the JDL …
people feel that there is a double standard. On the one hand, some pro-Palestinian demonstrations are banned because of violent elements taking part. The other, a group banned in other countries is allowed. We must find a balanced position on the issue.
Should dissolve the JDL?
I ask simple questions. We live in a state of law, and we have an organization which claims links with a banned organization in Israel, where it is considered racist, and the United States. I would like some clarification on its ramifications. If the French organization is linked to the banned Moreover, the solution is the only way.
The French JDL appears to act independently …
Even though it has no direct link with the banned organization in Israel and the United States, it is not more tolerable. Especially if it claims the same modes of action and sharing the same values and the same references.
Some believe that such a group can concentrate activists and that the dissolution betray themselves …
This does not mean that acts of violence will disappear. The risk is always there. But the ban is a symbolic act. We must remember that in our republic, there is no room for militias or violent action groups. The diagram suggests that Christians defend the Christians, Jews defending Jews and Muslims defend the Palestinians stems from a community vision that has no place in our Republic. The Republic itself provides civil peace for all.
Bordeaux (AFP) – A young woman of 21 years was killed and a 23-year-old seriously injured when their car was struck Wednesday by TER circulating without passengers in the north of the Gironde, has-been learned from sources.
For some unknown reason, the car was on the track, up to a crossing at Gauriaguet, 35 km north of Bordeaux, when she was struck by a to 9:30 p.m. EST circulating vacuum in the north-south direction on the Saintes-Bordeaux line, has indicated it does with Prefecture.
The driver of 21 years was killed in the clash, the passenger 23 years, which had to be désincarcéré, was taken in the evening to the Bordeaux University Hospital in critical condition , his prognosis is promised, do you
the same source and with relief.
driver and the inspector aged forty years aboard the TER were shocked, and supported by a psychological unit set up, as well as the families of the victims, do you
A police investigation was opened into the causes of the accident .
Forty firefighters were deployed, and the way was being release two hours after the accident, but the disruption to traffic should a priori be minimal: the only trains provided on the line after the accident was a train of freight and a passenger train in the South-North direction from Bordeaux, whose twenty passengers should be transported by bus from the station.
Bordeaux (AFP) – A young woman of 21 years was killed and a 23-year-old seriously injured when their car was struck Wednesday by TER circulating without passengers in the north of the Gironde, has-been learned from sources.
For some unknown reason, the car was on the track, up to a crossing at Gauriaguet, 35 km north of Bordeaux, when she was struck by a to 9:30 p.m. EST circulating vacuum in the north-south direction on the Saintes-Bordeaux line, has indicated it does with Prefecture.
The driver of 21 years was killed in the clash, the passenger 23 years, which had to be désincarcéré, was taken in the evening to the Bordeaux University Hospital in critical condition , his prognosis is promised, do you
the same source and with relief.
driver and the inspector aged forty years aboard the TER were shocked, and supported by a psychological unit set up, as well as the families of the victims, do you
A police investigation was opened into the causes of the accident .
Forty firefighters were deployed, and the way was being release two hours after the accident, but the disruption to traffic should a priori be minimal: the only trains provided on the line after the accident was a train of freight and a passenger train in the South-North direction from Bordeaux, whose twenty passengers should be transported by bus from the station.
François Hollande made Thursday a solemn and sober tribute Jean Jaurès, a hundred years to the day after his assassination, while the left of the left accuses the head of state to trample the ideals of this icon socialism.
To mark this historic anniversary, the President visited Holland in the early morning on the premises of the assassination of Jaurès, July 31, 1914, before the former Café growing at 146 rue Montmartre in the 2nd arrondissement, the neighborhood of the press at the time. He was joined, a symbol, the German Vice Chancellor and Social Democratic Minister of Economy, Sigmar Gabriel. Both were then laid wreaths to the front of the property, renamed the Taverne Crescent, surrounded by Republican Guards in full uniform. When asked what message he held Jean Jaurès, François Hollande said in a few words: “peace and unity, the gathering of the Republic.”
Many, to the left of the left, however, deny him the right to claim his inheritance. Jean Jaurès, “is the opposite of François Hollande, is a mind engaged while Hollande is primarily a stashed mind. Someone who seeks to (not) go into battle, to spend time to flee, “fumed Thursday Mélenchon, Co-Chair of the Left Party. In the same vein, a number of PCF, Pierre Laurent blasted Wednesday “usurpers” of the legacy of Jaurès and praised its “spirit of revolutionary change,” he said only way to counter “soft barbarism us every day imposed. ” “Shut up and let Jaurès talk!” still urged Pierre Laurent, for whom “those who wear make their measures of social and economic decline behind the words Jaurès can deceive.”
“social Vive!”
François Hollande and his German host were seated within a few minutes of coffee at the place even where Jaurès fell under the bullets of a French nationalist fanatic, just hours before the outbreak of the Great War, tragedy socialist tribune was afraid and had vainly tried to prevent.
At arrival of François Hollande rue Montmartre, have blended some applause from onlookers massed on the opposite sidewalk, behind a row of barriers. The president then delivered a quick walkabout, lending the game for autographs and photos with onlookers. Unlike many of his recent trips to the provinces, marked in recent months concerts boos, no whistle was sounded this time, the president receiving messages of encouragement, however tinted warnings. “We know it’s hard, sometimes it is not happy, but we know that it is not the cake,” threw him a woman before encouraging: “Well, go, go . ” “I’m glad you came to see me, Mr. Holland, but be careful anyway,” warned another. “We paid attention,” replied the president.
New applause marked the departure of two French and German leaders while we hear a “thank you, Francis!” “Vive Jaurès, Bright Holland, social live!” was proclaimed another. A good-natured atmosphere that contrasted with that especially his visit to Carmaux homeland Jaurès, April 23. “Today, being faithful to Jaurès not give up, not to give up, to surrender because it is difficult, it is just the opposite,” had then justified François Hollande, in a plea in favor of the pact liability or savings of € 50 billion level. But on the street, booed and jeered, he faced the great displeasure of disappointed voters.
Thousands of motorists were stranded in their car on Wednesday after a fire guarrigues along the A9 motorway. Nearly 300 firefighters Aude, Pyrenees-Orientales and Hérault we had to fight the fire in the afternoon with significant air assets. According to police and firefighters, the fire broke out on a hilly area near Peyriac-de-Mer (Aude) in mid-day, and has grown rapidly, driven by a strong wind from the northwest with gusts to more than 100 km / h.
Magnanerie At 20h, over 400 hectares of scrubland were destroyed, according to firefighters Aude, who took eight hours to “stabilize the situation.” It was not until the nightfall the fire was extinguished, said an official of operations to 23 hours. align=”justify”> In a statement released Wednesday, the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve “praised the work of all mobilized in the Aude forces to face the first big disaster Summer “. The minister added in this release that it “wishes to lend its support to firefighters who sontmobilisés last few days in Corsica, in the south-west and the south of France.” align=”justify”> The wind, which had fallen to 70km / h early in the evening, fell around 40km / h after nightfall, making it easier for rescue. These were reduced to 160 men about the size on site to monitor any times during the night. In early afternoon, the flames jumped over the highway, which was closed in both directions for five hours of 2:20 p.m. over 19h due to a large smoke prohibiting circulation. A force rotations water bombers, rescuers succeeded in late afternoon to loosen the grip of the flames, which helped to reopen the highway to traffic from 19h. class=”S4030″ align=”justify”> No loophole, 17 km caps
align=”justify”> According to the operator Vinci Autoroutes, priority was given to the reversal of plugs stranded motorists on the highway for hours, and the lifting of access restrictions were gradually follow to 20h from Béziers to the north, from the south Leucate and Lézignan (A61) from Toulouse . Peaked caps to 17 km in the north-south direction and 13 km in north-south direction in mid-afternoon, the operator holding motorists away from the disaster, to ensure their safety. The prefecture of the Aude stated that the median of the highway was open to the north and south of the disaster site to allow motorists to turn around.
align=”justify”> A Narbonne , according to the prefecture, the town opened the exhibition to allow them to cool off and park in the parking lot. However, no escape was possible throughout the afternoon as the secondary network was also threatened by fire. No home has however been threatened by fire, according to police and firefighters. In addition to two hundred firefighters Aude and twenty men of civil security, relief mobilized throughout the afternoon forty firefighters stepped in Pyrenees-Orientales and much of the Hérault. They came with forty trucks fight against the fire to fight fire in a difficult access area. The number of Canadair water bombers mobilized increased gradually from four to six, which were added two aircraft Trackers and Dash spilling retardants. align=”justify”> VIDEO. The story of the Special Envoy of TF1 Wednesday
POLICY – July 31, 1914, Jean Jaurès died under the bullets of a young nationalist. “20 Minutes” asked several people to answer the question: “What is left of him in 2014?” …
Posterity Jaures is visible in everyday life. Difficult to find a city without its street / avenue / boulevard named after the famous member of the Tarn and “Jean Jaurès” remains in the top 5 most names given to schools. But as the country celebrates the hundredth anniversary of the death of the great man, what remains really him in 2014, other than plaques on public buildings or gadgets?
20 Minutes has asked several personalities, here are their answers.
Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, First Secretary of the Socialist Party
“From Jaurès? It remains ashes. They based their rightful place in the Pantheon, by vigils all grateful country. Flame Jaurès, it burns in every socialist and sometimes illuminates the political right in lack of ideas. “They killed Jaurès” cried on July 31, 1914. But Jaurès, man of letters and a man of struggle, is still alive. Moreover, it is to this that the great men we recognize: they survive themselves. Jaurès is the Republic until the end, that is to say social. Jaurès, it is this voice that still resonates to defend those who live with little. In 2014 and beyond. Jaurès, the reformist socialism in action, which does not take refuge behind diehards verbal postures but seeks to continually improve positions, step by step, by compromise. So Jaurès, what remains? The essentials. Thought Jaurès, the ongoing battle for justice and the war on the war. What has he more current? “
Pierre Laurent, national secretary of the Communist Party
“Think Jaurès today is primarily greet the man of peace, tireless fighter who paid with his life for his commitment against war. How not to be reflected in these words “I dare say that the great human peace is possible” at the time in the world so many conflicts ravage lives and territories? How not to think with emotion when the Gazan people is once again under fire and deadly bombs and around the world thousands of men and women mobilize for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians? Honour Jaurès is also wearing his top fighting for social justice and human progress never forget that nothing can be done without the people. Continue the fight Jaurès in 2014, is finally not let the torch of political battle for a more just society, combating denial is fighting tirelessly to bring forth the hope of a better world. All this should remember that in 2014, those who claim the legacy of Jean Jaurès. “
Valax Jacques, MP PS Tarn as Jaurès there 100 years
“Jaurès, he is a man of modernity. He had no taboo, was ahead of its time, but now, we tend to live in the past, it is a bit conservative. My problem, so it is rather “Jaurès would have done today?” For example the income tax – which was one of his biggest fights – we are timid compared to him. Or debate on the regions: he would have said that we must go further, it must be suppressed. I think that would Jaurès in 2014 a social liberal. It had a modern discourse about the company. While it’s famous, that’s fine, but it should certainly celebrate his philosophy, that of modernity, and bring new ideas. In the district, there is a very striking personality, and people keep for him a deep friendship. What differentiates today’s policies, it is the proximity to those he spoke, he had both the spirit in the stars and feet in the mud. “
Laurent Bouvet, Professor of Political Science, Director of the Observatory of the political life of the Fondation Jean-Jaurès
“The great legacy of Jean Jaurès, it is above all the unity of the socialist family . By uniting the diverse SFIO in 1905 groups, it has brought the French socialism and the Republic. And it lasts until today. For the rest, it is difficult to assess his legacy. He did not leave a theoretical and doctrinal work, and ideological level, rather Jules Guesdes won. Such a point of view of its legislative work: if he participated in the great debates of his time (on secularism, the income tax …), it has neither given its name to a law or participated in government on the contrary such a Clémenceau. His work is his life, his speeches, his fight for peace. “
right seized in 2007 the figure of Jaures. Nicolas Sarkozy has proclaimed there seven years “heir” of the person who was previously an icon on the other side of the political spectrum, saying that the current left “conservative, motionless and petrified ‘,’ n ‘ has much more to do “with that of Jaurès. At the initiative of the appearance of Jaurès in the discourse of the right is Henri Guaino, former special adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy now a member of Yvelines. Contacted several times by 20 Minutes , Henri Guaino ultimately did not respond to our requests.
RIDDLES – PS From the UMP via the FN, all political dispute the legacy of Jean-Jaurès
Political tributes from all sides will not miss Thursday for the centenary of the death of Jean Jaurès. All political parties now dispute the legacy of the socialist leader, attracted by its image Republican hero.
summoned and invoked by all or substantially all of the UMP PS via the FN , the founder of Humanity would be enough to turn in his grave, according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “Jaurès, they no longer have that name at the mouth!” Mocked the leader of the Left Front in an article published Sunday in vitriolic JDD . “Shut up and let talk Jaurès”, carried away on Wednesday, a number of PCF Pierre Laurent in a long statement to the “free contemporary performers left or right or extreme right, looking to the enlist, if not to steal. “
But who said what about Jean Jaurès? Europe1.fr offers guess …
>>> Who said “Jaurès would have voted Pact responsibility”
Answer: Manuel Valls. In this June 25, he inaugurated the exhibition “Contemporary Jaurès 1914-2014,” Manuel Valls been unfaithful to his model Georges Clemenceau. “If it had been a Socialist deputy, Jean-Jaurès would he voted Pact responsibility,” asked a reporter from France 2. “Without doubt, in the name of accountability. Would have been alongside those want to govern and who want the government left in the period, answered, smiling, Prime Minister.
response Jean-Luc Mélenchon still struggling to digest. “Manuel Valls wanted to enlist for his sordid gifts MEDEF. Jaurès would ‘probably’ voted pact responsibility, has he dared, “writes Jean-Luc Mélenchon Le Journal du Dimanche .” Make the dead speak to the living asleep. ! The Sting. “, He plague
>>> Who said” I feel the heir of Jaurès “
Answer: Nicolas Sarkozy . During his presidential campaign in 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy repeatedly invokes Jean Jaurès to castigate the left. One remembers a meeting in Toulouse on April 12, 2007. An hour of speeches and 27 references the member Carmaux. “The left of today has little to do with the left Jaurès, he starts to stand (…) For Jaurès, the work was worth. The left today do not like the work. The proof is that it prevents those who want to work more to earn more able to do, “joked the candidate of the UMP. This is in the same speech that Nicolas Sarkozy will launch a famously and ruffled a lot left: “I feel the heir of Jaures. Hi, Mr. Holland, “said he insisted, mocking the first secretary of the PS, which had accused him of” property grabbing “.
>>> Who said” Jaurès National Front would have voted? “
A.. Louis Aliot” I think today Jean Jaurès would have voted FN as a series of left-wing patriots “, stated the vice-president of the FN Louis aliot on Europe 1, during the 2009 European elections. since the National Front regularly convenes the socialist tribune. Just elected mayor of Henin-Beaumont, Steeve Briois did move the bust of Jean Jaurès who sat in the lobby of the hall to his office. A symbol, even though the assassin of socialist deputy Carmaux is claimed nationalism.
>>> Who said “Jaurès was not a dreamer, there was optimism “
Answer:. François Hollande This April 23, the President went to Carmaux on land Jaurès, with the desire to reconnect with the French President’s visit turns. Calvary, François Hollande, for the first time, really bumpy. “Jaurès, he spoke not like you!” Gives him a resident. Later a little more, in a speech away from the crowds, François Hollande invokes the “optimism” of Jean Jaurès. As if to defend his early quinquennium and encourage the French to believe in his politics. “Jaurès was not a dream, it was an optimist. Were always laughs optimistic, we think they imagine reality in their own way. Optimism by Jaurès was courage. And courage, is to bear unflinchingly events “
The only socialist city of the department organizes a ceremony tonight in honor of Jean-Jaurès was assassinated, there was just a century. Program, an exhibition to discover the member Carmaux, poems, the projection of a film … <- Excerpt: end ->
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Nearly 300 firefighters Aude, Pyrenees-Orientales and Hérault had to fight all afternoon with significant air assets to back a violent fire garrigue, which caused the closure of the A9 highway for five hours.
gusts over 100 km / h
According to police and firefighters, the fire broke out on a hilly area near Peyriac-de-Mer (Aude) in mid-day, and has grown rapidly, driven by a strong wind from the northwest with gusts over 100 km / h.
At 20h, over 400 hectares of scrubland were destroyed, according to firefighters Aude, who took eight hours to “stabilize the situation” . “We hope the master before the night as the wind dropped to 70km / h» , said an official of operations.
A lot of smoke on the A9
early afternoon, the flames jumped over the A9 highway, which was closed in both directions for five hours of 2:20 p.m. over 19hh due to significant smoke prohibiting circulation.
To force rotations water bombers, rescuers succeeded in late afternoon to loosen the grip of the flames, which helped to reopen the highway traffic from 19h.
17 km caps
According to the operator Vinci Autoroutes, priority was given to the resorption plugs stranded motorists on the highway for hours, and the lifting of bans on access should gradually follow to 20h from Béziers to the north, from the south Leucate and Lézignan (A61) from Toulouse.
The peaked caps to 17 km in the north-south direction and 13 km in north-south direction in mid-afternoon, the operator holding motorists away from the disaster, to ensure their safety.
The secondary network also
prefecture of the Aude stated that the median of the highway was open to the north and south of the disaster site to allow motorists turn around. At Narbonne, according to the prefecture, the town opened the exhibition to allow them to cool off and park in the parking lot.
However, no escape was possible throughout the post- afternoon as the secondary network was also threatened by fire.
No home has however been threatened by fire, according to police and firefighters.
Forty trucks Six bombers
addition two hundred firefighters Aude and twenty men of civil security, relief mobilized throughout the afternoon forty firefighters stepped in Pyrenees -Orientales and much of the Hérault.
They came with forty trucks fight against the fire to fight fire in a difficult access area.
The number of Canadair water bombers mobilized increased gradually from four to six, which were added two aircraft Trackers and Dash spilling retardants.
<- Length: 0.036675930023193 sec -> Following the refusal of the Supreme Council of Audiovisual (CSA) to allow the transition to digital terrestrial television (DTT) LCI, right suspected instance of have taken a partisan decision.
“The killing of LCI is it a political decision?” asks the member North Sébastien Huyghe, in a statement written on behalf of the UMP.
<- pubComplementsArt -> <- duration: 0.053529977798462 sec -> Shortly after the announcement of the CSA, the head of TF1, Nonce Paolini, announced that it was “likely” that emits LCI me after December 31, 2014.
“The competition is a principle applicable to all sectors, except on television? In terms of information, competition is not only a principle of economic freedom is an issue of freedom of information, a requirement of pluralism, “argues Danièle Giazzi, UMP regional councilor of Ile-de- France, also on behalf of the party. A “problem of pluralism” also noted by Luc Chatel, Secretary General of the UMP
“We remember that the left of François Mitterrand was able to free radio revolution.; we note that at the time of François Hollande, we will attempt to stop the revolution in information continuously on television “, asserts that one who wrote” “The media report and digital awarded in 2008 to Nicolas Sarkozy .
“scandal,” according to Morano
On Twitter, Eric Ciotti believes he sees as “very surprising” decision of the CSA “motivations of politicians a very similar institution of power, “Nadine Morano while evokes” a scandal. ” The President of the CSA, Olivier Schrameck, was the chief of staff of Lionel Jospin.
type=”_moz”/> Following the verdict of the CSA, the owners of the World, the triumvirate of Pierre Bergé, Xavier Niel and Matthieu Pigasse confirmed interest in the news channel TF1. “They (journalists LCI, ed) have not been kind to (Hollande)?” Mocks the UDI deputy Jean-Christophe Lagarde. If the trio Bergé-Niel-Pigasse in the wake of the decision by the CSA announced its intention to redeem LCI is that the left wants to “own media more,” said the nephew and Communication Officer Michèle Alliot Marie, Florimond Olive.
“We respect the decision made independently by the CSA,” replied Aurélie Filippetti exit cabinet. “The CSA is totally independent of political power”, had previously said Jean-Christophe Cambadélis on RTL.
However, admitted the first secretary of the PS, “it is true that it is a concern. I understand Eric Revel (owner of LCI, ed) indicating that it is an organization (CSA) which decides the life or death of a string that is a private channel. “
CSA President wants TF1 “agrees to maintain this system”
The President of the CSA Olivier Schrameck said Wednesday on France Info he wanted the TF1 group “agrees to maintain” LCI. TF1 had previously reaffirmed its intention to close the news channel that has not obtained the right to switch to the free DTT, threatening the jobs of 247 employees. “We believe to have committed any error of fact or error of law or error of judgment,” hammered Olivier Schrameck, saying wait any use of “serenity” channels. “We are not here to undermine” the entire audiovisual sector is still defended the President of the CSA.
VIDEO. LCI: “Anger and dismay” of employees type=”_moz”/>
Witnesses reportedly saw two people pushing the man who urinated on the edge of a pier in the 13th arrondissement.
INFO. A man who was thrown into the Seine drowned in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Paris, according to information on Europe 1. The incident occurred around 3:30 am at the quai François Mauriac, in the 13 district of the capital, near the BNF.
According to witnesses who alerted the police, the man was pushed into the river by two people while urinating from the dock. His lifeless body was recovered by the River Brigade. Aged thirty years, it has not yet been identified. The investigation was entrusted to the Paris PJ.
Witnesses reportedly saw two people pushing the man who urinated on the edge of a pier in the 13th arrondissement.
INFO. A man who was thrown into the Seine drowned in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Paris, according to information on Europe 1. The incident occurred around 3:30 am at the quai François Mauriac, in the 13 district of the capital, near the BNF.
According to witnesses who alerted the police, the man was pushed into the river by two people while urinating from the dock. His lifeless body was recovered by the River Brigade. Aged thirty years, it has not yet been identified. The investigation was entrusted to the Paris PJ.
REACTIONS – Gratuity should allow the news channel to head out of the water thanks to funding by advertising …
The High Council audiovisual said no. LCI will not pass on free DTT as desired by the TF1 Group. But free would allow the news channel (which has only 13,000 viewers per average quarter hour) to head out of the water thanks to funding through advertising. In recent months, however, Nonce Paolini had brandished a strong argument. Absence of agreement, the future is threatened LCI
According to several journalists LCI, CEO of TF1 confirmed to unions LCI its intention to close the end of 2014 the chain.
“We are all in shock a decision that makes, I think, definitely jeopardize the future of ICL,” said the Nonce Paolini 8:00 p.m. tray TF1 Tuesday night. However, he raised the possibility of recourse to the group but “take a long time, twelve to eighteen months.”
At the announcement of the refusal of passage of the chain free Tuesday after afternoon, Eric Revel, the CEO of LCI, reacted on its own channel: “I am tonight very angry and very sad for all employees LCI who fought for this chain has a future and today ‘hui are being stopped in their flight “
Some of them have reacted on Twitter after the announcement of the CSA, anticipating a chain closure.
Jean-Pierre Pernaut, deputy director of information and presenter of TF1 JT 13 hours of TF1, also expressed his “sadness” and “anger” on the microblogging site:
The producer TV Xavier Couture is also indignant:
Other observers question on Twitter:
Meanwhile, the NextradioTV group (BFM TV) welcomes the decision CFS. For his boss Alain Weill, “it would have profoundly destabilized the television market and that of the information channels in particular.”
shared by the Association of Chain (ICA) satisfaction which brings together many channels of DTT as BFMTV, RMC Discovery or NRJ12. It welcomed in a statement “the courage and independence of the CSA.” Its president, François Morinière, said that the CSA had recognized “and the role of independent actors, which contribute greatly to the plurality of the media landscape.” AG
INTERVIEW E1 – The UMP Paris believes that the government is not for nothing in business around Nicolas Sarkozy
. INFO. The Paris prosecutor Tuesday denied information Parisien reports “a new preliminary investigation Nicolas Sarkozy” on suspicion of illegal funding opened last July 2007 campaign. Claude Goasguen, UMP Europe 1 guest Wednesday morning, he was reliving the nightmare of Bygmalion?
>> ALSO READ – 2007 Campaign Sarkozy: the prosecution denies any new investigation
“Sarkozy is public enemy number 1″ ‘It gets tiresome to find information in the press that always show the same thing. Sarkozy is public enemy number 1 What is quite surprising is that information multiply, investigations and also in reality, we realize that all this is that the agitation against the possible return of Nicolas Sarkozy. You can not not ask questions. Who benefits from this situation “
” Black firms have always been at the Elysee? “ this question, Claude Goasguen advance itself an answer.” It is clear that the Socialist government is probably not entirely absent from this operation. Black firms have always been at the Elysee. It is a good practice but French secret that we know, and I wonder still if behind all this quasi-judicial and media agitation if there is not a desire to prevent someone who has been president of the Republic to return to active politics “
>> ALSO READ – Sarkozy and Bruni.” two lovers on vacation “
” I believe that he really intends to return. “ Asked about the heavy ambience right and the possibility that some in his own camp, may be tempted to avoid the return of the former head of State, Claude Goasguen believes that “if some fun in this game the UMP, I think they will be sorely disappointed, because I do not think the personality of Nicolas Sarkozy is one to be moved by this kind of deterrence. “
Could it instead to continue his motivation?” To know a little, yes. I saw him there shortly. It is very combative, very strong and very determined not to let the French situation rot this way. I think he really intends to return. “