Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Highway A381: Ségolène Royal angered elected PS and … – 20minutes.fr

Highway A381: Ségolène Royal angered elected PS and … – 20minutes.fr

POLICY – A UMP senator calls the “lady” who “despise ment and” the people …

Ségolène Royal succeeds in making the union of some of the elected left and right region. The reason? Minister of Ecology opposes the proposed highway Vendée, the A381, a stretch of about sixty kilometers linking Fontenay-le-Comte in Vendée Rochefort, Charente-Maritime.

Several elected

left, which Auxiette Jacques, president of the PS Pays-de-Loire, and right, including Dominique Bussereau, the UMP president of the General Council of Charente-Maritime, therefore Monday sent a letter to government to denounce the veto and request arbitration Manuel Valls.

“The archetype of a caste that has never known the galley plugs”

Among the signatories , there is also the UMP Senator David Retaillau, who swung a vitriolic statement this weekend: “The Marais Poitevin is not the garden of Ségolène Royal. And the Vendee and Charente-Maritime are not beggars who bow without flinching the passage of their lady, “Senator furious, accusing Royal” Ségolène lie and despise the people from which she draws, as an elected its sole legitimacy. ” For him, this decision is “the archetype of a caste that has never known the galley plugs, because it travels in cars with an escort. A caste that never crosses Marans to get a campsite in Oleron island! . “

The minister justified its decision on two grounds: that the cost, estimated at over 900 million euros, and the ecology, since the project must pass in the heart of the swamp Poitevin, who received in 2014 the label Regional Park. But in 2011, when he received the green light from François Fillon, the park was not labeled. “The public inquiry date ten years. Should redo the whole school, “she was justified, calling instead for improving national road that passes by Marans. And has she added, this project is not a priority in the region.

Elected favor of the project challenge advanced by Ségolène Royal cost and ensure that the environmental protection of a marsh is assured.



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