Sunday, November 30, 2014

UMP: “victory” of Holland – The Point

UMP: "victory" of Holland – The Point

Visitors night and other times the state in one way or another: as an opponent, Holland prefers Sarkozy. Oh sure, he never said, never say unless absolutely necessary, the name of its predecessor! But while the election results in the UMP are not yet official, the president already exults. He sharpens his first bites, more than 4000 kilometers from the Elysee. In Dakar, where he was at the grave of Leopold Sedar Senghor, Francois Hollande answers the question of a journalist: “Africa is not only in history, but Africa is also a part of our future. “dropoff window No need decoder to see a pic addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy, also in Senegal in July 2007, had this unfortunate sentence: “The tragedy of Africa is that the African man is not really entered in history. ” And presto, a first joke!

But that’s not all. Later, at the residence of France, he said: “It is always a delicate time for a personality to leave public life There are some who will never give up.”. Then he said, sounding falsely sorry, to some reporters: “You’ll remember that …” Indeed! And that is the objective. Eleven years as first secretary of the Socialist Party were enough to learn what a little phrase and how it clears the rest of a speech. So in Dakar, in the summit of the Francophonie, Francois Hollande thinks only Nicolas Sarkozy and barely cover. And think Sarkozy is thinking about 2017, not poverty, debt or school failure.

Opponent pr ef

er e

This barely concealed joy is less strange than it seems. The most unpopular president of the Fifth Republic, which has greater hope to hold on, Nicolas Sarkozy sees an opponent number one much brighter Alain Juppe or even François Fillon. On the one hand, it looks surveys and notes that the new president of the UMP wins more of Accession with the members of the party that voters in general. A “cleaving” positioning, as analysts say, which may discourage the centrists and return to the fold of the disappointed hollandisme a growing population.

On the other hand, he does not forget, as recalls the episode Jouyet-Fillon, court threats to Nicolas Sarkozy. It now chairs a party that has brought a civil party in the Bygmalion folder, where it appears that the 2012 presidential campaign has benefited from a system of false invoices. An ambiguity in the Elysee does not deprive operate if the opportunity presents itself.

While unemployment continues to rise, the President therefore welcomes the return to the center stage of his favorite opponent.


Red alert weather in Roussillon, near … 3000 – The World

Red alert weather in Roussillon, near … 3000 – The World

The Vineyards flooded Berre in Portel-des-Corbières, in Aude, November 30, 2014.

In the Pyrenees-Orientales, a man of 73 years died of cardiac arrest while trying to cross a flooded car bowl, Rivesaltes. The rains have caused a rise in the water even stronger than in the deadly flood of 1999, which required the evacuation of nearly 3,000 people in the Aude and Pyrenees-Orientales.


The interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve promised that the state would hire a filing in a state of natural disaster procedure “Monday morning” to the Aude and Pyrenees-Orientales.

At midday, 2 000 people of both sides of the dikes of the river Agly had been evacuated by order of the Pyrenees-Orientales prefecture. By late morning, 560 people were already safe in other affected areas, especially on the Vermilion coast (Canet, Argelès-sur-Mer and Le Barcarès), said the prefecture.

Over 600 procedures were performed by 160 firefighters and 70 police mobilized, and 70 men of Civil Security.

Cars swept away by the Berre in Portel-des-Corbières, in Aude, November 30, 2014.

In the department of Aude, 250 people were evacuated as a precaution from the town of Sigean, in the east, and security updates in a multipurpose room, ” dyke the Espinat at risk of overflow “, said the prefecture around 5 am 30.

In the afternoon, 58 people settled in the campsite of the

same village were also evacuated as a precaution. “The water rose very quickly on several rivers. Berre rose red vigilance. The Stop and Orbieu are orange alert. The rise of Orbieu is also worrying, 14 municipalities are involved, including Ornaisons, where 40 inches of water flooding the city and Luc-sur-Orbieu, covered with 20 centimeters of water, “, said the prefecture.

A total of 152 firefighters and 80 police are engaged in the Aude, and a helicopter.


The Prime Minister Manuel Valls said in a statement to follow “very carefully” the situation in the Aude and Pyrenees-Orientales. “The situation is under control thanks to the decisions taken by the prefects and mayors to evacuate the exposed areas” , Matignon concludes in a statement.

Météo France, who placed the red alert Aude “rain-flood” little before 5:00, warned that there would be no respite until Sunday 16 hours.

watch map Météo France, 30 November 2014.

Météo France then provides a decrease in the intensity of rain Sunday afternoon and early evening. The rains will be limited “ gradually Pyrénées-Orientales department, mainly the Pyrenees, in the Aude, the Pays de Sault” and “will fade during night next », says the institute.

By the night of Sunday to Monday, accruals will be around 50 mm to 150 mm in the south of the Aude and much of eastern Pyrenees-Orientales. They will add to the totals already fallen Saturday.

Over the entire episode, higher spot maxima at 400 mm are possible on the east and the Pyrénées-Orientales center. In Hérault, where they had feared the worst Friday because of the flood of the Orb, the river water flowed back Saturday afternoon.


Mobilizing opponents Center Parcs Roybon – The World

Mobilizing opponents Center Parcs Roybon – The World

The project of Center Parcs Roybon, in Isère, is described as

Organized by the collective ZAD (zone defending) Roybon is at least the third rally against the project in the region since the launch of the clearing, on 20 October. This new event takes place after the announcement by the President of the Republic for its willingness to open the major project of a more local, participatory democracy on development projects with impacts on the land.

“NEW Sivens”

For four years, the project proponents and opponents are fighting a court battle relentlessly. On 3 October, the Isère prefect had issued an order validating the project after a favorable advisory opinion of the County Council environmental and health risks. The public inquiry had however been made this an unfavorable opinion, pointing to the negative impact of future tourist complex on the environment. Describing the project “crippling” , she pointed in particular the lack of public debate and an impact on wetlands evaluated “at least” 110 ha and 120 ha .dropoff window “Ten times Sivens! “, shout opponents.

The situation ” is now moving to the stage of a new Sivens “, says Meneu Francis, president of the Frapna ( Federation Rhône-Alpes nature protection) Isère. The reference to the protests against the dam Sivens or airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes regularly in the mouths of opponents, hoping to provoke a national debate on the issue.

With the Frapna and Drôme Fishing Federation, the Association for opponents without Chambaran Center Parcs (PCSCP) filed an

application for interim measures at the Grenoble Administrative Court to stop the felling of trees, which already affects more than 30 hectares. A hearing is scheduled on 12 December.


At the end of the work, the site will cover 150 hectares, or “0.42% of the total area of ​​the forest” , says the group Pierre & amp; Vacation, which highlights also created 697 jobs and tax benefits for local communities. These arguments have convinced many of the Isère elected, right and left, the first of which the Secretary of State André Vallini (PS), former president of the council.

“The Center Parcs traders await impatiently. Economic activity is needed. Pretext that 33 000 hectares of forest, it will not stay to look down chestnuts in autumn “, argues Marcel Bachasson, General Counsel (UMP) and former mayor of Roybon (2001- 2014)


Pierre & amp.; Holidays ensures the contrary designing the project “in the greatest respect for the environment” , according to Eric Magnier, major projects director Pierre & amp group; Vacances-Center Parcs, which denounces “against-truths” and only mentions 76 hectares of destroyed wetlands. The construction of homes should begin in the fall of 2015.

If he was born in late 2017, the Center Parcs Roybon will be the sixth in France and 25 th in Europe. The building site is subject to “harassment” and acts of “vandalism” almost “every night” with damaged fences , surveyor stakes and moved equipment fire, according to Eric Magnier. “We are forced to move every night clearing gear” , he said, explaining that the work had already took fifteen days to three weeks late.


UMP: Sarkozy elected, the hard part for him to do – The Obs

UMP: Sarkozy elected, the hard part for him to do – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – After his election to the presidency of the UMP, the hard work is needed to Nicolas Sarkozy: rebuild the UMP, battered financially, “together”, and prepare an “open primary” for 2017 which risk of fire in the war chiefs.

After his victory, with nearly two-thirds of the votes (64.5%), a score slightly lower than expected, the boss of the main party of Opposition by number of members and elected officials, will speak Sunday evening at JT TF1.

On Monday he will meet with “top leaders” of the party with as stated goal to bring together ” terms of the broader rally. “

Bruno Le Maire particular, one of the two presidential candidates of the party, become indispensable after more than respectable score (29.18%) will be him received by Mr. Sarkozy on Monday 09:00.

How to turn the UMP, debt and image crumpled by the Cope-Fillon War 2012? It is to this task that will now tackle the former head of state, against socialists in trouble but up until at least 2017, a center for wayward part in his personality, and especially a Front National booming, which has just re-elected its president Marine Le Pen

First mission for Mr. Sarkozy. “show signs of gathering (…) The UMP has a leader, it is undeniable and at the same time, there are many voices in the UMP that absolutely must speak, “summed Sunday Eric Woerth on iTV.

Nicolas Sarkozy, who has not proposed to new ideas since his comeback in September, will have to redefine the party’s ideology, between its liberal and conservative wings of a hand-centrist gaullo other. But where to place the cursor? If it moves too far to the center, what about the most right-wing fringe activists radicalized since 2012?

“I have the feeling that the right will take a new look that will bring it closer to the extreme right, “he firmly told the Secretary of State PS, Thierry Mandon Sunday on Radio J

Mr Mandon.” UMP activists have hesitated – and understandably – to choose someone a (…) which will have to spend more time with his judges with them. “

Mr. Sarkozy will indeed have to get down to restore the finances of the party, which has a deficit of more than 74 million euros (43 however corresponds to the purchase of the seat), after Bygmalion case assumed false system bills at the

expense of the UMP to finance his own presidential campaign.

Bygmalion is one of the cases in which the name of Nicolas Sarkozy is quoted. Indicted for corruption, those cases, if they have not prevented his return to politics could thwart his ambitions

-. ‘A center with us, morning, noon and night’ –

Mr. Sarkozy will also organize the “open primary” in 2016 he promised to his future competitors, Alain Juppe in mind. Himself a candidate for this primary, he will abandon the presidency of the UMP “not later than fifteen days before the date fixed for the filing of nomination papers,” says Article 35 of the statutes of the party.

Yet will it be that he and the others (besides Juppe Francois Fillon, Xavier Bertrand, can be Bruno Le Maire), agree on the definition of “center”.

Nicolas Sarkozy has already given his answer: “a center that would be with us morning, noon and night.” “It’s a little easier to get elected mayor of his city by collecting on its name some of the exasperated electorate right and evening to elect Francois Hollande. This is an alliance which we do not want!” He -t he stressed during his meetings.

So exit François Bayrou, the president of the modem, which chose to give his vote to Hollande in 2012. The IDU, another centrist party, say in 2016 if she participated in the UMP primary, according to its president, Jean-Christophe Lagarde.

But Juppe, one tenor UMP have supported the mayor of Pau in the municipal last spring, and Sarkozy was allowed to make whistle because he had called for an alliance with the center, has no intention of letting go.

More primary will be open, the better it will be for Mayor Bordeaux, who is climbing in the polls with the French.

However, the right of supporters continue to believe that the former head of state is better able to win in 2017 as he , according to an Ifop poll published Sunday.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Poll: for supporters of right, Sarkozy best position … – Le Parisien

Poll: for supporters of right, Sarkozy best position … – Le Parisien

<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.0057909488677979 sec -> This should complete the beautiful evening Nicolas Sarkozy, newly elected president of the UMP but with a disappointing score of 64.5% of the vote. According to an Ifop poll for the Journal du Dimanche published on Sunday, 43% of straight supporters believe the new head of the UMP is more likely to win in 2017 Alain Juppé.
<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.00022387504577637 sec -> On the other hand, 40% of French people think the opposite.

The French banking on Juppé …

We already knew – via several opinion polls – the mayor of Bordeaux was the preferred candidate of the French right, Nicolas Sarkozy remains the favorite of the right. According to the survey of the JDD, the situation remains the same when asked to respondents not which candidate they wish to represent even the right, but which candidate seems best suited to their eyes to win the race for the Elysée. The battle for the primary promises to be tight.

At the national level, in fact, 40% of respondents believe that Alain Juppé has the most “ability to win the 2017 presidential election” against 25% for Nicolas Sarkozy. 35% think neither has the ability. They are also the majority find Alain Juppe more serious (53%) Nicolas Sarkozy (16%), more able to gather voters right and center (47% against 21%), to represent the UMP for the election 2017 presidential (43% against 27%) or more sympathetic (43% against 18%).

… but the right sees

Sarkozy win

Among supporters of right, the ratio is reversed in contrast with 43% believe that Nicolas Sarkozy has more capacity to win the presidential election of 2017, 71% think it is more dynamic (against 11%) 63% that it has more authority (against 20%), 53% that it has more courage (against 23%), 46% that it has more capacity to represent the UMP in 2017 (against 33%).

When it comes UMP, they are even 53% think that Nicolas Sarkozy is more likely to grab the lead (36% against Alain Juppe), that 57% it has more capacity to represent the UMP for the presidential election (against 34%) but 49% think it is Alain Juppé who has the ability to bring voters to the right and center (against 40% for Nicolas Sarkozy).

The survey was conducted online from 25 to 28 November before the election of Nicolas Sarkozy at the head of the UMP, on a sample of 1,827 people representative of the French population aged 18 and older. Quota method.

Check out our site about the battle of the UMP


The 21h log: Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of the UMP –

The 21h log: Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of the UMP –

The 21h log: Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of the UMP Download
with Celine Landreau, Writing RTL

This Saturday, the UMP activists have appointed Nicolas Sarkozy to lead the party. He was elected in the first round with 64.5% of votes. The former Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire has meanwhile obtained 29.18% of the votes, ahead of the MP for the Drôme Hervé Mariton (6.32%).

The Internet balloting, which had been disrupted by cyber attacks, was also marked by the strong mobilization of activists of the UMP. He saw the participation of 154,000 members, or 64% of party members.

class="item-title mdl"> Weather: orange alert in the Aude, Herault and Pyrenees-Orientales

This Saturday, Weather France has maintained the Aude, Hérault and the Eastern Pyrenees vigilance to rains and floods. These departments have known for a few hours of “heavy rain locally heavy Pyrénées-Orientales side and on the Corbières, with intensities of the order of 20 to 30 mm / h,” said the agency in its bulletin 16h.

Remember that the Var was particularly affected by the bad weather that shook the South of France since Thursday. The human toll in this department is currently reported four deaths and two people are still missing.

The editorial recommends


Presidency of the UMP: Sarkozy, elected in the first round, is less well … – Le Parisien

Presidency of the UMP: Sarkozy, elected in the first round, is less well … – Le Parisien

<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.0042319297790527 sec -> Nicolas Sarkozy returns to the head of the UMP. But not marshal. The former president was elected in the first round on Saturday night at the head of his “political family” -as he said .
<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.00029206275939941 sec -> But only 64.5% of the vote. A disappointing score.

It is far from what was promised, before it back down into the arena. Far as the 85% who had worn (already) at the head of the party there ten years. Is that his challenger Bruno Le Maire has largely achieved its goal by collecting 29.18% of the vote, far ahead of Hervé Mariton (6.32%).

As soon announced his victory, the former Head of State thanked the members of the UMP, via Facebook. “Their mobilization, an unprecedented level in the history of our movement is the best response to two years of internal strife and divisions,” he is pleased with reference to the divisions that have plagued the party after the Cope-Fillon war fall 2012.

“The mark of a new beginning”

Above all, Sarkozy wants to show he does not expected to “take action”. “On Monday, I will meet with key officials of our political family in order to create conditions for broader rally,” he said on Facebook. The vote tonight is said the former head of state, “the mark of a new beginning for our political family.”

For if in 2004, Sarkozy had inherited a war machine that had orbited towards the Elysee, it happens this time at the head of a leaded party. For business, for an abysmal debt, the war of egos and rivalries 2017. The former president does not make a mistake, he wants to “change everything” to the UMP. Even

the name. Exit as currents, up to a modified organization and new head. Its priorities? “Finding new ideas and bring everyone together.”

Reset, especially the party in working order for the presidential 2017. For if he says nothing at the moment, Sarkozy is certainly not out of retirement to settle for the rue de Vaugirard. It is at the Elysee that he wants to relocate. At the head of UMP he will be able to reorganize his hand, he now has a trump card. The battle for the UMP nomination to the 2017 presidential election will have provided nothing from a path of roses. Just to be convinced to observe the reactions … polished his main rivals this Saturday night.

QUESTION OF THE DAY. Presidency of the UMP Nicolas Sarkozy can it be satisfied with his score

Nicolas Sarkozy’s message in full

VIDEO. Sarkozy elected president of the UMP, his score lower than expected

Check out our site about the battle of the UMP


Friday, November 28, 2014

UMP presidency: already 35,000 votes and an “outside attack” – France Info

UMP presidency: already 35,000 votes and an "outside attack" – France Info

Physical polling places were provided for participants who do not have internet access. The headquarters of the UMP in Paris will host including the Federation of Paris. A hotline was set up. Voting will close on Saturday at 20h and the results announced in the evening by the lawyer Anne Levade, President of the High Authority of the party.

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Presidency of the UMP: bug when opening the ballot – Liberation

Presidency of the UMP: bug when opening the ballot – Liberation

On the same subject

Just half an hour after the opening of electronic voting open to UMP militants until Saturday 20 hours to designate their next party leader, some have got cold feet at headquarters, rue de Vaugirard in Paris. And had to scroll through the memories of the fiasco of the Cope-Fillon election of 2012. First time to vote, first bug. Can not access site where members must mention their usernames and passwords to vote.

According to the High Authority, the site saturated connections was the subject of a cyber attack. “With regard to the monitoring of the system, the High Authority found outside attack” says the body chaired by Anne Levade and responsible for the conduct of elections. Technically, the electronic voting system was entrusted to a service provider, the company Paragon Elections. Anxious to reassure the troops, the High Authority said in a statement, that “it is one of the anticipated risks, and (that) provisions were implemented . But at 23:30, the site continued to row, as if lamenting for example several militants on Twitter.

Meeting at the headquarters

According to preliminary figures released by the High Authority, near 8,000 voters – about 268,341 members to date of contribution – were recorded from 20:30 to 22:30 and 11 700

A meeting was to be held in the evening at party headquarters, with the High authority. representatives of the three candidates.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, the very sarkozyste Isabelle Balkany playing computer tow with members who lost their nerves.

And as the party of the server continued to grind on Twitter, Alain Juppe called, meanwhile, “our members to vote in large numbers to give back to our UMP new momentum” . Not win.

Laure Erquy


Presidency of the UMP: bugs disrupt the voting has … – Le Parisien

Presidency of the UMP: bugs disrupt the voting has … – Le Parisien

<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.019474029541016 sec -> The dreaded bugs were quick. While the UMP members vote online from Friday 20 hours to elect the new president of the party, the electronic voting system has experienced several failures in the evening.
<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.00020909309387207 sec -> The High Authority for the proper conduct of this election even announced in a statement that “found outside attack” of its monitoring system

“. This is one of the anticipated risks and planned measures have been implemented, “the High Authority shade. There is little doubt in any case that this attack was the cause of the slowdown of the voting platform.

On Twitter, many users, including politicians like Isabelle Balkany or Dominique Bussereau complained in the evening not to vote correctly.

The party general secretary Luc Chatel even experienced a

moment of loneliness when he was filmed by a camera BFMTV the vote …

VIDEO. Luc Chatel face a “connection problem”

According to the UMP, nearly 11,700 of the 268,337 members of the UMP had already voted to 22:30. They have until Saturday 20 hours to choose which of Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruno Le Maire and Hervé Mariton take the key of the party.

Check out our site about the battle of the UMP


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Holland ready to host a conference on Palestine –

Holland ready to host a conference on Palestine –

France is ready to take the lead on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. While the government is pressed to act by the socialist majority, has filed a bill at the National Assembly asking it to recognize a Palestinian state, Francois Hollande wants to do otherwise. In an interview with France 24, RFI and TV5 Monde media, the president said Thursday he had “not (to) vote on this resolution.”

However, “there has a diplomatic initiative that France must lead, “said the head of state. Which then referred the organization of “a conference just to find a solution to this conflict.” “This is what Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius has to say” on Friday during a debate organized by the National Assembly on the resolution.

Francois Hollande gave no details of the date on which the conference could be held either with what participants. But he stressed that in France, the conflict should be resolved “on the basis of what has always been the major parameter of the French position: a Palestinian state recognized alongside an Israeli state with the guarantee of its security” .dropoff window The executive has not made clear what he would do if adopted next Tuesday the resolution of socialist deputies. Nothing committed to following this recognition, while negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians have stalled and violence are increasing in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.


is working instead on a resolution that could be submitted to the UN, reaffirming the need for the international community to act in the resolution of this conflict. This had been announced Francois Hollande during a meeting in September with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas. “We have to be very clear in a resolution to be presented to the Security Council, which we now expect the process and what should be the solution to the conflict,” he had said. “What we need to look for is a lasting peace agreement,” he added, is the condition imposed so far by France to recognize the Palestinian state.

Read also interviews with two members of the parliamentary resolution:
Alexis Bachelay (PS): “Return of diplomacy where there is only violence”
Pierre Lellouche (UMP): “The Assembly is fun!”

Thursday, November 27, 2014


National Front in Europe, in a voice that bothers – BBC

National Front in Europe, in a voice that bothers – BBC

The FN and Ukip exclusively use the European Parliament as a platform to serve their national ambitions.

Jean -Claude Juncker would ignore it, but it lets nothing. Marine Le Pen and his allies europhobes found in the case of tax evasion LuxLeaks a golden opportunity to impose their power to harm the European Parliament.

On paper, the first pass of weapons ended in defeat in the open field for MEPs of the National Front, their British allies Ukip and Italian Beppe Grillo. The confidence motion against the Juncker Commission has gathered Thursday that 101 votes against 461 and 88 abstentions. It would have taken at least 376. The extreme right and the “populists” have not had your fill of their voices. The head of the EU executive receives more votes than his election.

wet Firework, the first attempt yet arouses discomfort in the traditional parties. He confirmed that the FN and Ukip exclusively use

Parliament as a platform to serve their national ambitions. It blurs the message of the far left and the Greens, who would have liked to do battle with the Luxembourg past the head of the Commission. He forced conservatives, centrists and socialists to support unconditionally or so.

Jean-Claude Juncker, he gets confidence as in every vote against the Commission launched since 1990. Still, the record LuxLeaks now sticks to the skin, such as plaster Captain Haddock. And nothing in the texts, prevents Marine Le Pen and his allies to return. In the Chamber, they need only to gather 76 signatures for a renewed attack of censorship.


Weather: Southern France orange alert – Le Figaro

Weather: Southern France orange alert – Le Figaro

VIDEOS – Heavy rain and strong winds are expected until Saturday morning in the south of the country. Météo-France has placed on Thursday 13 departments orange alert.

The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve confirmed Thursday the death of a woman in La Londe-les Maures in the Var, where a violent storm caused flooding, adding that three other people, including the daughter of the victim, were missing. The victim is a “lady found outside his car in the river,” said the prefect of the Var Pierre Soubelet videoconference came minister inform the operational center of interministerial crisis management of civil security Asnières- sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). “Her daughter was not found. It is likely that the child died, “he added. In the small town located between Hyères and the Lavandou, dive teams conducted research in the evening.

A new episode of heavy rain affect effect until this weekend the Mediterranean departments, according to * Consult weather. Striking on Thursday an area from Corsica to the Cévennes, it must continue Friday before touching especially this weekend Roussillon, according to a news site. Weather Consult has already placed five departments (Ardèche, Aveyron, Gard, Hérault, Lozère) Heavy rains in orange alert, and two others (Haute-Garonne and Tarn) orange alert strong winds. For its part, Météo France has placed twelve departments of southern France in amber alert: Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Hautes-Pyrenees, Haute-Garonne and the Ariege to high winds and Aveyron, Ardèche, Gard, Hérault, Lozère, Tarn, Var and the two departments of Corsica to the risk of flooding associated with heavy rainfall.

The Var has been hit soon after -Midi. In the areas of La Londe and Grimaud (close to St Tropez), dozens of elementary school students were stuck in their establishments. “We advise parents who have been told by teachers and municipal staff, do not attempt to pick them up. Teachers are with the students, “said AFP chief of staff of the municipality of Grimaud, Bruno Quivy. Some 500 firefighters and 150 police intervened in the evening. Between 16h and 20h, 24 and 68 hélitreuillages land interventions took place

on the Grimaud sector and 18 hélitreuillages in La Londe at the same time. The prefect, Pierre Soubelet, called Var to stay home.

Capturing XE9 & #; & # XE9 notch M; t & # XE9 o Consult.

Screenshot Meteo Consult


According to Meteo Consult, the rains were to strengthen over Thursday night the Hérault department in the Cévennes and on the east of Corsica. In the Southwest, the strong gusts of wind were to généraliseer to Lauragais and extend to the Toulouse region. The rains were to intensify in the Cevennes in the night. Friday morning, the period of heavy rains should continue including Corsican reliefs. The Var and the Alpes Maritimes, the persistence of intermittent light rain could cause significant accumulations locally, while winds reaching 100 to 120 km / h are expected locally in the Tarn. Meanwhile, southern winds could become very violent in the Pyrenean reliefs with gusts to 150 km / h, says Meteo Consult in a statement. Saturday and Sunday, the weather should shift the Roussillon.

The last major weather alert in France dates back to mid-November: Five people in a car were killed in accidents caused by bad weather in the Gard and Lozère. In Morocco, they are at least 32 people died in floods.

* Meteo Consult is a company of Figaro Group.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

EELV If Duflot combines with Mélenchon, there will be a split in … – Le Parisien

EELV If Duflot combines with Mélenchon, there will be a split in … – Le Parisien

<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.030348062515259 sec -> The leader of environmentalists senators, Jean-Vincent Place, warned Wednesday that Cécile Duflot EELV would experience a split if it resulted in opposition and alliance with the Left Party. It confirms the dissension that arose when both environmentalists Ministers (Cécile Duflot and Pascal Canfin) refused to participate in Valls Government on 31 March.
<- Hard & eacute; e: 0.033176898956299 sec ->

“If the majority of my friends, and Cécile Duflot, leaning towards the opposition to President of the Republic and an agreement with the Left Party there will be two ecologies, “he said to the Association of Parliamentary Journalists. He then explained that any hostile vote environmentalists Budget, instead of their current abstention would be a sign of their descent into the opposition.

Located want more lists PS- EELV

Repeating be in favor of a “primary left” before the presidential election of 2017, he also pronounced for the most common lists between EELV and PS for departmental elections next March. “I am in favor of (union with the PS) , especially when departmental majorities have worked well, they conducted a social policy, a policy ecological, democratic policy, “he


” I hear a few days a refrain that is to say. There will be almost no agreement with the PS and it will be with the Left Front . I asked to see, “recalling signing with Jérôme Guedj, Socialist president of the council of Essonne, a pre-agreement, which should materialize in the coming days. Jean-Vincent Place believes that the departments will be divided into “three thirds” third “with actually the left of the left”, one third of autonomy and a third with PS-EELV alliances.

Duflot: the political executive “exacerbates inequality”

On November 17, Emmanuelle Cosse, national secretary of EELV, had praised the autonomy of his party in the departmental and regional elections of 2015, although in that party alliances are decided at the local level.

Monday, Cécile Duflot again felt that the Executive Policy “exacerbates inequalities” and “creates unemployment” and calls “fundamental analysis error” recent statements by Emmanuel Macron a possible relaxation of 35 hours.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The little phrase on Dati Sarkozy makes debate – The Point

The little phrase on Dati Sarkozy makes debate – The Point

“I had wanted Rachida Dati as Keeper of the Seals, because I was told that Rachida Dati, with father and Algerian and Moroccan mother, to talk about penal policy, it made sense. ” Is a phrase of Nicolas Sarkozy has already started talking to her. A sentence pronounced by the former head of state during his rally in Boulogne-Billancourt Tuesday night in response to a question militant, the output was already twitted. Especially by Gilles Boyer, one of Alain Juppé Advisors (“#Oups”). Or by SOS Racisme (“#WTF”).

When asked by our Brothers Express on

Tuesday night, members of the entourage of Nicolas Sarkozy indicated that the Presidential candidate of the UMP meant that “it was an important signal to send to people of immigrant someone with an Algerian father and a Moroccan mother, can take the head of a sovereign ministry an important ministry. ” “It’s the spirit of his sentence This is a spoken language during a question and answer is a reactive exercise.”, They justified



Disabled motorists. Soon they will not have to pay for … – Ouest-France

Disabled motorists. Soon they will not have to pay for … – Ouest-France

This text already voted in the Senate at the initiative of the Socialist Didier Guillaume there almost a year, to be again passed by the Senate for final adoption as the Assembly made some editorial changes.

This free for the disabled “already exists in 245 towns” , said the rapporteur of the text Annie Le Houerou (PS).

“Free is not a goal but a tool to facilitate accessibility. The bill will prevent a territorial disparity “, is congratulated himself.

The bill establishes a principle of free and non-limitation in time for all seats, reserved or not, but by framing it.

Pay if terminal is accessible by car

The competent authorities have the opportunity to apply in parking lots with input terminals and output accessible by people with disabilities, or the common law tariff or a specific tariff. For managed car parks in the public service delegation, the new rule will apply only from the renewal of contracts.

“From the moment the terminal is accessible from the vehicle, free education did not appear necessary

“, said the rapporteur. “In the private car parks, if the terminal is accessible, it will keep paying” , lamented the UMP Damien Abad.

The fight against fake cards “disabled”

To avoid the problem of cars “buffer” it will be possible to set a maximum parking duration, but at least 12 hours.

With the growing falsification cards Parking for disabled people (one in three would be fraudulent by some estimates), the Secretary of State for the Disabled Ségolène Neuville responded that “the national printing works for a year with the Ministry of Social Affairs to secure these cards “. ” This modernization project should be completed soon and reduce opportunities for fraud ‘, she found.


Turning Cartier: “I have seen it in the movies” – Europe1

Turning Cartier: "I have seen it in the movies" – Europe1

Europe 1

Photo © Julien Ricotta / Europe1
Europe 1

“I will never forget that scene I saw why. in the films. ” A witness to the robbery of Cartier jewelry in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, still breathless. Two individuals were robbed jewelery on Tuesday night before taking a woman hostage they quickly released. They then fled before retreat to a hairdresser fifteenth arrondissement, in the southwest of the capital, where a man, this time, was held hostage. Soon after, the criminals went to the police and the hostage was released. tell you the scene through the eyes of several witnesses

& gt;. & Gt; ALSO READ: Hostage in Paris – the criminals went

“They released the woman in the middle of the road” A

witness clearly distinguished by the robbers. full action, close to the Cartier jewelry. “Police arrived at the door. The robbers saw them, they then took a woman hostage to exit. One of the two dropped his weapon, he recovered. They released the woman in the middle of “.

” the road, then they took their scooter a handgun and a machine gun. “ The witness continued:” They dropped a suitcase, they have all recovered on. Just before leaving on their scooters, they fired in the air. They had a handgun and a gray machine gun. ” The man who witnessed the scene, in the heart of the capital, certify that the two individuals

The exclusive video of the leak of the two robbers “were not wearing masks.”

The stage, top view . Another witness was present at the scene for windows located two floors above the Cartier boutique in the corner of Rue François 1er and Pierre Charon. “It is common in the area, there is often noise, but I still had a look,” he says. He then sees a person being shot by one of the robbers.

“Three shots to a minimum.” “ A third person, right next to the other two, then took out a long. As soon weapon I saw that, I tidy up behind the wall. Then I heard at least 3 shots . I did not see when they left, I waited for them to go look again, “we he says. When he throws again an eye, the robbers fled.


Monday, November 24, 2014

VIDEO. Pope expected Tuesday in Strasbourg – FranceTV info

VIDEO. Pope expected Tuesday in Strasbourg – FranceTV info

The safety device is reinforced around the European institutions in Strasbourg for the visit of Pope Francis, Tuesday, Nov. 25.

It will be a quick visit, only four hours, during which he will not go to the meeting of the faithful. Enough to arouse the anger of Catholics in the Alsatian capital. “This is not normal, one hour of Mass, he would have come anyway” , a parishioner is indignant at the microphone of France 3.

“It Pope then do not speak any French, never came to France, has a special attachment with France “, says Frédéric Lenoir, a specialist in religions. In comparison, John Paul II made seven visits to France during his pontificate.

Pope Francis

will return to France in 2015, for a pastoral visit this time.


The other subjects of JT

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Paris: the as harmful as tobacco smoke pollution – Le Parisien

Paris: the as harmful as tobacco smoke pollution – Le Parisien

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A novel study on the fine particles in the air of Paris, in partnership with the City of Paris, Airparif and CNRS, was made public on Monday morning. The measurements carried out for 18 months with a new measuring device embedded in the Generali ball pegged to Andre Citroen Park (XV) are the least alarming, especially those made during the December 2013 high pollution and March 2014.
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During these episodes, Parisians breathed between 5 to 15 times more ultrafine particles or nanoparticles (less than 1 micron) which are particularly carbon. While Parisians breathe averaged 200,000 ultrafine particles per liter of air during a day of low pollution, they have inhaled over 3 million during these episodes. These come in particular from road traffic and wood burning.

The record was set on December 13 with a peak of 6 million ultrafine particles per liter of air measured at 18 hours. That day, all Parisians were then subjected to a form of “passive smoking”. A laboratory study showed that the number of particles produced at

this time is the clear eight cigarettes smoke in a room of 20 m 2 .

Air pollution, particularly one related to particles, “has proven effects on health and contributes to the development of chronic diseases (myocardial infarction, respiratory, cardiovascular, cancer),” the study notes.

The City of Paris confirmed Monday morning wanting to put up “a comprehensive plan to fight sustainably against air pollution.” Measures will be announced “in the coming weeks” after the launch of a major consultation with residents of Greater Paris.

VIDEO. Paris: the “Carnival of asphyxiation” denounces air pollution (February 2013)

VIDEO. Pollution peak: difficult to limit the adverse effects

VIDEO. Pollution in the Ile-de-France associations complain against X (March 2013)

VIDEO. Alert particles Advice epidemiologist
