Visitors night and other times the state in one way or another: as an opponent, Holland prefers Sarkozy. Oh sure, he never said, never say unless absolutely necessary, the name of its predecessor! But while the election results in the UMP are not yet official, the president already exults. He sharpens his first bites, more than 4000 kilometers from the Elysee. In Dakar, where he was at the grave of Leopold Sedar Senghor, Francois Hollande answers the question of a journalist: “Africa is not only in history, but Africa is also a part of our future. “dropoff window No need decoder to see a pic addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy, also in Senegal in July 2007, had this unfortunate sentence: “The tragedy of Africa is that the African man is not really entered in history. ” And presto, a first joke!
But that’s not all. Later, at the residence of France, he said: “It is always a delicate time for a personality to leave public life There are some who will never give up.”. Then he said, sounding falsely sorry, to some reporters: “You’ll remember that …” Indeed! And that is the objective. Eleven years as first secretary of the Socialist Party were enough to learn what a little phrase and how it clears the rest of a speech. So in Dakar, in the summit of the Francophonie, Francois Hollande thinks only Nicolas Sarkozy and barely cover. And think Sarkozy is thinking about 2017, not poverty, debt or school failure.
Opponent pr ef
This barely concealed joy is less strange than it seems. The most unpopular president of the Fifth Republic, which has greater hope to hold on, Nicolas Sarkozy sees an opponent number one much brighter Alain Juppe or even François Fillon. On the one hand, it looks surveys and notes that the new president of the UMP wins more of Accession with the members of the party that voters in general. A “cleaving” positioning, as analysts say, which may discourage the centrists and return to the fold of the disappointed hollandisme a growing population.
On the other hand, he does not forget, as recalls the episode Jouyet-Fillon, court threats to Nicolas Sarkozy. It now chairs a party that has brought a civil party in the Bygmalion folder, where it appears that the 2012 presidential campaign has benefited from a system of false invoices. An ambiguity in the Elysee does not deprive operate if the opportunity presents itself.
While unemployment continues to rise, the President therefore welcomes the return to the center stage of his favorite opponent.