Saturday, April 9, 2016

Night Stand: Saturday evening a meeting of the # 40mars gaits – The Obs

What the # 40mars is remembered. This is what hope any participant in motion Night Stand.

Meeting at the French Riviera, a bar in the 10th arrondissement of Paris located just steps from the Republic Square, fifteen ” night Deboutistes “brainstormed Friday night on the strategic and logistical organization of the meeting organized on the place this Saturday, April 9th ​​from 18h to 20h, just after the demonstration against the proposed El-Khomri law. . The famous # 40mars

The core is formed by the initiators of the transaction Night Stand, which appear more and more like the brains of the movement: François Ruffin, Frédéric Lordon, Leila Chaibi of ‘black Thursday association, Johanna Silva Fakir, Jean-Baptiste Eyraud said “Babar”, Mary of the association Right to Housing and Arthur, a student at Sciences Po.

joined the unfamiliar faces of militant microcosm, young and old who have taken the phenomenon Night Stand and took responsibility for the “administration” of the fledgling movement. Salim is the logistics referent, Camille (his real name) is responsible for communication while Bruno and Quentin are responsible for relations with the press.

eclectic program

we exchange, we encourage, we scarf and making decisions. There will be no big concert: Zebda agreed but the deadlines are too short to logistics. Each speaker will speak five minutes. François Ruffin will speak in the introduction and Frédéric Lordon concluded. Otherwise, the password is the same as from the beginning: convergence of struggles. This is to make the connection between movement, sociology still rather Paris and graduated, and the working class, the popular districts.

The program retained no shortage of eclecticism. Trade unionists from SUD and CGT -PTT-Commerce will be there, as Almamy Kanouté Emergence of the party, based in Fresnes (Val-de-Marne) that will engage the crowd on the need to expand Night Stand to the suburbs. Amal Bentounsi, sister Bentounsi Amine, who was shot in the back by police in 2012, will talk about his fight for recognition of this alleged blunder.

A Hard intermittent and a member a support group for refugees will also have five minutes. Michel and Monique Pincon-Charlot, sociologists at the CNRS, the upper middle class of professionals and close to the left of the left, will complete the picture – in the style of impressionist fresco – stakeholders

Last question: launch. or not a solemn appeal “on behalf of the initiators” to the end of the meeting, reminding the great values ​​of Night Stand. Thinking # 41mars and the following already.

Etienne Girard

Between Youth and the left in power, the divorce will pay dearly


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