Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mohamed Chirani “Salafism is incompatible with community life” – BFMTV.COM

How to measure the influence of Salafist current, ultra-minority estimated at 1% among the French Muslim? About the Manuel Valls on Monday night in a closing conference in Paris on “Islam and the populist recovery in Europe” had a strong impact. The Prime Minister said that a minority Salafist was going to “win the ideological and cultural battle” of Islam in France. The President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), Anwar Kbibech, cautioned against pronouncements “cleavages” and “anxiety”.

“This is sectarian”

Mohamed Chirani, consultant in preventing radicalization, said Tuesday night on BFM TV that his remarks were legitimate. “It was time. I consider it absolutely crucial in the fight against radicalization and ideological war,” he said. The specialist did not like the term “Islamofascism” used by Manuel Valls after the attacks in Copenhagen in February 2015. “It was a mistake because there is a generalization of a religion, “he developed. While in designating the Salafis, the problem is clearly identified, according to the expert.

The consultant insisted he was the difference between the majority pietistic Salafism “is not violent” and one who is violent as that of Daesh or terrorists. However, he said that “Salafism is incompatible with community life and values ​​of the Republic.” The question is what Islam is compatible with democracy and living together, he answers yes.

While the ideology of Salafism door, in his opinion, “the seeds of ‘ not living together ‘is sectarian There is a kind of separation. we and other There is an emphasis on the appearance of a dress code in the drawing, music, the ratio. men and women”.

First results on the Internet

Despite the low proportion of Salafists, he regretted that these ideas are now contaminating other Muslims. The prayer rooms where they preached between 60 and 80 are about 2.5000 minority in the country. Yet Mohamed Chirani found that when doing Internet research on Islam initial results refer to Salafi sites. He explained this craze that Salafis have religious legitimacy. This would come from Saudi Arabia who holds the holy places of Islam.

Mohamed Chirani argued that “living together” was possible in the land of Mecca but as soon as “Salafism fate Saudi Arabia, it becomes problematic “in Arab countries, especially in Western countries with several religions. Another argument advanced by the specialist, Muslim leaders have interests with the Saudi kingdom. A remark which was also addressed to Manuel Valls Tuesday. Socialist MP Alexis Bachelay told BFM TV microphone, which could not be “a side room in the hands of Saudi and come here to declare war against Salafists”.


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