Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pyrénées-Atlantiques: access to ski resorts banned –

Pyrénées-Atlantiques: access to ski resorts banned –


Pyrénées-Atlantiques: access to ski resorts banned

with Paul Guyonnet

The weekend is still snow in the Pyrenees. This January 31 evening, the prefecture of Pyrénées-Atlantiques even decided to close access to the ski resorts of the department for the night from Saturday to Sunday, a choice motivated by the risk of avalanches statements in the evening to their maximum level.

“A snow loaded and very unstable” caused avalanches in the day, “some reaching the road,” but without property damage or victim , specifies the

Prefectural release. The falls will intensify in the night.

The descent to the valley framed

Saturday, several avalanches rolled down to the road , forcing authorities to intervene on several occasions to provide assistance to vehicles in trouble . If tourists will spend the night in the resorts of the department. Local, in contrast, were invited to return to the valleys in the late afternoon.

The descent vehicle will be held up to 23 hours convoys ” and “accompanied by firemen and gendarmes,” continues the prefecture calling users ” limited to what is necessary “their road trips to the end of the weekend, starting 500 meters.

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Antiterrorism: 5 indictments after the crackdown in Lunel –

Antiterrorism: 5 indictments after the crackdown in Lunel –

IFNU net Coup January 27, 2015 in Lunel (Hérault)

They will appear for “criminal association in view of the preparation of acts of terrorism.” The five men arrested on Tuesday, including Lunel (Hérault), in an investigation of a jihadist die to Syria, were indicted and imprisoned in Paris on the night of Friday to Saturday, January 31, do we learned from judicial source.

Aged between 26-44 years , the five were indicted for “criminal association for the preparation of acts of terrorism.”

Two suspects reportedly stays in Syria

Two are believed to have gone to Syria in held areas jihadists . One was arrested in Aimargues (Gard), have spent three months in Syria in late 2013 early 2014. The other arrested Caussiniojouls (Hérault), would have returned more recently.

The last three all arrested in Lunel (Hérault), are believed to have wanted to go to Syria and have sent the equipment on site. One of them is also suspected to have played a role relay in these departures for Syria, where two of his brothers were


A young twenty Lunel went to jihad

A Lunel, twenty young people between 18 and 30 years have gone since October to fight in Syria, according to the elected representatives of this town of about 26,000 inhabitants. Six of them have died, according to the French authorities. The police operation was conducted Tuesday commission Parisian anti-terrorist judges.

3,000 people to watch in France

“If the involvement of suspects is confirmed by the courts, it will be a particularly dangerous and organized network that has been dismantled this morning , a more, “said Tuesday the Minister of the Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve.

In the wake of the attacks committed in Paris in early January, the Prime Minister Manuel Valls had said last week that services terrorism had to monitor 3,000 suspected gravitate in the jihadist sphere.

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AirAsia: Commander has a moment left his seat –

AirAsia: Commander has a moment left his seat –

AirAsia: Commander has a moment left his seat

The Indonesian commander AirAsia flight that crashed in the Java Sea in late December was not in place and conducting an unusual action when his French co-driver apparently lost control. And when he returned, it was too late, say two people familiar with the investigation.

The information that appears last moments of the flight QZ8501 pointing particularly to maintenance problems. The Airbus A320 had problems for over a week on a major flight computer and, according to a person familiar with the matter, the commander flew on the same plane with the sometimes defective unit a few days before the crash.

AirAsia said not to comment until the investigation of the Indonesian Commission for the Transportation Safety (NTSC) is in progress.

Reuters reported this week that the maintenance problems on a computer, the Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) and how the pilots responded were the focus of the investigation. After attempting to reset this unit, the pilots off the power by operating a switch, Bloomberg reported Friday.

This is the Indonesian captain who took this action, indique- does one source familiar with the matter, not French co-driver, junior, who was piloting.

The failure has probably not directly destabilized the plane but deleted protection flight envelope, which is there to prevent the pilot to maneuvers that would force the aircraft beyond its safety limits. So that the co-pilot had to manually run the unit in high altitude conditions difficult.

“very unusual”

                   The decision to cut the FCC has surprised those who follow the investigation because the usual procedure for the restart is press a button on the top control panel.

“You can reset the FCC but cut the power is very unusual, “said an A320 pilot who wished to remain anonymous. “We do not shoot the breaker except in cases of absolute urgency. I do not know if that was the case, but it is very unusual.” This

is important because for breaker operation, the commander had to get up from his seat.

The fuses are located on the right wall panel behind the copilot. It is difficult or impossible to reach them from sitting on the left side where the captain, according to two experienced pilots and given the plans of the cockpit.

Shortly after this action , the first officer was suddenly up the plane, at which time, the investigators said, the aircraft stalled.

The commander eventually regain control, but, according to a person familiar with the record, it was not in a position to intervene immediately to recover the trajectory. “The first officer brought up the plane and when the captain took control, it was too late,” said a source close to the investigation.

Family Complaint

                   The family of the officer filed a complaint against the company in Paris for endangering others. According to their lawyer, “the real problem” is that AirAsia had no permit to fly on the day of the crash. Investigators said the accident was not related to a matter of authorization.

Specialists of air safety issues believe that aircraft accidents are often caused by a chain of events, each of which is necessary but not sufficient to explain the root cause of the disaster.

The flight of the Airbus A320 crashed into the Java Sea on December 28 after taking off from Surabaya in Indonesia Singapore with 162 people on board

(ats / 31/01/2015 8:10).

(TTY / 01/31/2015 8:10) ^ – ->

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Clermont: a patient in a psychiatric hospital kills sixties … – TF1

Clermont: a patient in a psychiatric hospital kills sixties … – TF1

A man who, after permission had not returned to the psychiatric center of Clermont ( Oise ) in which he was interned, likely killed a sexagenarian at his home before traveling, do we learned Saturday from sources. The 45 year old man presented himself to himself at the gendarmerie in Clermont Friday around 18:00, said a source close to the investigation, which confirmed a report in the Courrier Picard.

“He introduced himself to report the facts, he led the police on the spot. The first findings are consistent with the information he provided,” he Amelia said Cladière, Attorney Senlis. According to the first elements of the investigation, he did not know the victim, a man in his sixties who lived in the neighborhood of Sands, in Clermont.

The suspect used a knife on site

The two men met for the author’s permission alleged facts, which lasted two hours, between 10.00 am and noon Friday. The victim died at the arrival of police. The alleged killer used a knife had there. The suspect has “not really offer any explanation,” reported Ms. Cladière.

He was interned in interdepartmental hospital (CHI) of Clermont in 2004, said the director of the institution François Leclercq. Homeless or

known family, he had a criminal record “distant” and disorders “related to a painful childhood,” he reported, did not specify the nature of these psychiatric disorders.

The healthcare team “stunned”

“The hospital stay was held without major problems and without any recourse justice “for ten years, stressed Mr. Leclercq. “It is a terrible circumstance, especially since it was such that there was no evidence the point to,” he added. The medical team was “stunned.” The patient had received since Monday released two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Until then, he continued the center twice a week to attend a therapeutic workshop in the countryside, a few kilometers from Clermont.

After checking his physical and mental health, he was taken into custody. It will likely be brought before a judge on Sunday afternoon, after a further verification of the compatibility of its health. The question of discernment at the material will also be examined, audits that will later be ordered by a judge. No details were given about the reasons for his detention in a psychiatric hospital.


Hostage to the Hyper Hide: Amedy Coulibaly would have succeeded in … –

Hostage to the Hyper Hide: Amedy Coulibaly would have succeeded in … –

To be published, your rating:

– Must comply with legislation. In particular and without limitation are prohibited: incitement to racial hatred and discrimination, incitement to violence; defamation, libel, insult and slander; incitement to suicide, anorexia, incitement to commit acts contrary to law; text collages subjected to copyright or copyright; innuendo racist, homophobic, sexist and stigmatizing jokes

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The commander of Air Asia flight had left his post in the crash – TF1

The commander of Air Asia flight had left his post in the crash – TF1

New in the disaster AirAsia. The Indonesian commander of the Air of the Asian company that crashed into the Java Sea on December 28, making 162 victims, had left his post and was conducting an unusual action when his French co-driver apparently lost control. When he returned, it was too late, said two people familiar with the investigation.

The maintenance problems are the cause of the Crash , according to the information that appears last moments of QZ8501 flight. The aircraft, an Airbus A320 had problems like this for over a week on a major flight computer. According to a person familiar with the matter, the commander flew on the same plane with the sometimes defective unit a few days before the tragedy. AirAsia has decided not to comment until the investigation of the Indonesian Commission for the Transportation Safety (NTSC) is underway.

The maintenance issues at the heart of the investigation

Reuters reported this week that the problems

Maintenance on a computer, the Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) and how the pilots responded were the focus of the investigation. After attempting to reset this unit, the pilots off the power by operating a switch, Bloomberg reported Friday. This is the Indonesian captain, Iriyanto, who took such action, indicating does one source close to the case, not his co-pilot, the French Remy Plesel, less experienced, who was piloting.

failure has probably not directly destabilized the plane but removed the protection of the flight envelope, intended to prevent the pilot to maneuvers that would force the plane to go beyond its safe limits. Everything suggests that the first officer had run the device manually in delicate high altitude conditions. The family of the officer filed a complaint against the company in Paris for endangering others. According to their lawyer, “the real problem” is tha t Air Asia had no permit to fly on the day of the crash.


Coulibaly had sent a video of the attack Hyper Hide – Le Parisien

Coulibaly had sent a video of the attack Hyper Hide – Le Parisien



Attack in Charlie Hebdo

Coulibaly would have sent a video of the attack Hyper Hide

Amedy Coulibaly, the author of the hostage Porte de Vincennes January 9, would have sent over the Internet images of slaughter before the final assault by the police, reveals the site of “The Express” . Police investigators …



News Miscellaneous Various Facts, National, 2015, Coulibaly, sent a video, from, attack


Lunel, miniature laboratory of jihad “made in France” – Le Monde

Lunel, miniature laboratory of jihad "made in France" – Le Monde

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Police arrest suspect in Lunel, on 27 January.

To the chagrin of its residents, the town of Lunel, in Hérault, became an object of media curiosity. Nicknamed “Little Jerusalem” in the Middle Ages, a Protestant stronghold fought by royalty in the seventeenth th century, the city is now regarded as a miniature laboratory of jihad “made in France”. To the extent that article was devoted to him in the pages of New York Times , January 16

Since November 2013, twenty Lunellois. – Counting women and children – joined Syria. Six have lost their lives, nearly a tenth of the number of French deaths in the country. The “French” section of this routing cell was dismantled, Tuesday, January 27, for a raid. After police custody on Saturday 31, the five young men arrested were indicted for “criminal association in relation with a terrorist enterprise” .

Read also: Lunel, embarrassment and denial after the death of five jihadists in Syria

B. Adil, 36, and Ali A., 44, recently returned from Syria. Mr Hamza, 26, whose three brothers went to jihad, is considered the “relay” principal between Lunel and Aleppo. Jawad S., 28, is believed to have wanted to ride scams to finance his journey and that of his comrades. As for Saad B., 26, is accused of having facilitated the departure of his brother who died.

Twenty jihad candidates in a common barely 26,000 souls : the case has caught the imagination. Yet there is no lunelloise specificity. A Lunel, as in Strasbourg, Nice and Toulouse, routing cells are built by capillary action. This is usually bands of friends who influence each other to constitute departures from homes. A horizontal dynamic likely to affect in the same proportions big cities and small towns.

Wave departures

Members of Lunel cell are mostly known in college. They played basketball together. A few years later, they reconnected attending the

El Baraka Mosque of Tabligh obedience, one proselyte pietistic movement that does not call for violence. On the sidelines of the community of the faithful – the generation of their parents – they are a “prayer group” in which they find themselves in the evening. They work in parallel in a Muslim charity that helps sick and needy families.

Inspired by this humanitarian quest, religious and community, young people gradually interested in the Syrian conflict. They check on the internet, watch videos, immersed the duty to defend their “brothers” oppressed. In November 2013, two months after the United States withdrew their intervention against the army of Bashar al-Assad, a first-equipped flew to Syria. These pioneers are believed to have joined a “katiba” – a battalion. – Affiliated with Al Nosra Front, a jihadist group agreed with Al-Qaida, that of Mourad Fares and Omar Diaby, the two main French recruiters


Among them, Abdelkarim B., treasurer of the association, will lose his life in December 2014. His brother Saad, 26, suspected of helping from, was set Saturday Review. In February, May and July 2014 will succeed three new departures waves. The destination has changed: Lunellois now join the ranks of the Islamic State, which has taken over militarily and media-Al Nosra. According to the intelligence services, some serve as “facilitators” at the Turkish-Syrian border, other supervisors or instructors.

The three brothers M., both of whom died in combat are suspected of the worst abuses. The fourth sibling, Hamza, who never left, has also been put in Saturday Review. It is considered by the General Directorate of Homeland Security as the most active member of the lunelloise cell, one that animated the meetings of the “prayer group”. This is the young man who, through his brothers in Syria is believed to have acted as “relay” for weak-willed.

The mosque of Lunel, of Tabligh obedience, she has had an influence on the decision of these young people to join Syria? Probably not directly. This missionary movement is apolitical and rejects violence. But to him who managed the mosque until 2012, its literalist reading of the texts could help legitimize their departure

Read also:. Dies jihadists: the limits of security response

“They wanted to live their religion. They are dead, it’s their choice , says Ben Abdelkader Meziane. They made no attempt in France. Why do they leave? Because they are prevented from practicing their religion: there is the veil of problem at school, certificates for Eid , he lists. My son wanted to learn the religion. He never spoke of fighting. “ He died in Syria in May.


Valls invited Chinese investors to come to France “Chinese” – TF1

Valls invited Chinese investors to come to France "Chinese" – TF1

On a visit for three days in China , Manuel Valls ended his tour in Shanghai Saturday hoping -in Chinese- “Welcome to France” to investors. In a speech to the Franco-Chinese business community, the Prime Minister has again made an effort by using the national language, after “My government is pro-business” in London and “Ich mag die Unternehmen” (like businesses) in Berlin. “I say here in Shanghai: Huanying Faguo lai” (“Welcome to France”), declaimed the head of government, not without difficulty, adding, “I think the message is clear.”

Once again, Manuel Valls has opened the door to Chinese investors: “France, more than ever, is eager to welcome Chinese enterprises,” which are “welcome “. Although France has “serious challenges” ahead, it is competitive, he said. “The image that we do not reform our labor market, and it is impossible to dismiss in France, is false,” said the Prime Minister.

A photo with


“The protection of employment is higher in Germany than France “and the 35 hours are” a reference time, “said he again emphasized. Arrived around 9:00 (0100 GMT) from Beijing, the Prime Minister began his day in the economic capital of China with the official inauguration of a research and development center of the French giant Michelin tires. He got the souvenir photo with a costumed employee Bibendum, causing laughter. Several executives of French companies in the country have expressed their concerns to Mr Valls. Issues of progress in their relations with the Chinese administration were also discussed.

Even if sending “raise a number of obstacles”, “things are moving,” he assured them that Manuel Valls on Wednesday when he arrived in China, had asked for more “reciprocity” in trade relations between Europe and China.


Friday, January 30, 2015

Carlton affair: one of the lawyers for the plaintiff wants a trial … – TF1

Carlton affair: one of the lawyers for the plaintiff wants a trial … – TF1

process opens Monday. And facing the media agitation that announcement, including the presence of Dominique Strauss-Kahn among the defendants, one of the lawyers for the plaintiff in the trial of the case known as the Carlton Lille will ask the camera before the Lille criminal court.
Gérald Laporte said Friday that he would defend his request Monday afternoon, at the opening of the trial, confirming a report by The Obs . The court, which will make its decision on the field, can either grant his request or refuse, or may grant a private session, for example only for some auditions. Mr. Laporte represents two former prostitutes, who was a civil party in the trial. Two others are planning to do the same. “There has four (former prostitutes) civil parties in the

trial Carlton, so although two more,” he told AFP the Secretary of movement Nest, Grégoire Thery.
“He it has two or three days that these people hav e brought civil party lawyer has arranged, “said for his part Bernard Lemaître, regional delegate Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardie’s Nest, adding that fifth prostitute had withdrawn. But a judicial source contacted by AFP, “we is the day of trial, plaintiff if there is not only if the court allows their constitution.” The former head of the International Monetary Fund, in the heart of this trial, compared alongside thirteen other defendants for aggravated procuring. The discussion should last three weeks.


Murder Oceane: Blondiau, 3rd man sentenced to life … – The Obs

Murder Oceane: Blondiau, 3rd man sentenced to life … – The Obs

Avignon (AFP) – Vaucluse Assize Court of Appeal on Friday condemned to imprisonment for life without parole Nicolas Blondiau for murder and rape Oceane, 8, committed in November 2011 in the Gard .

The court upheld the first instance verdict against Nicolas Blondiau, 28, who becomes the third person sentenced in France to life imprisonment, the heaviest existing after Fourniret and Pierre Bodein. A third accused, who had first been sentenced to this real life, saw his sentence reduced on appeal.

In his submissions, the Advocate General Bernard Marchal had called for life imprisonment but had however, at the discretion of the court the incompressibility of the sentence.

“This is not a sentence of vengeance I ask you, but a query. Do you have the certainty look what Blondiau said, in light of what the experts said, it will not reoffend? ” asked the magistrate.

“If you are not able to answer + no +, then you will confirm the first conviction,” said he advised the jurors.

the Gard Assize Court had decided in December 2013 to life imprisonment without parole against Nicolas Blondiau Oceane who kidnapped while going to get a video game on the evening of November 5, 2011, a friend of the family lived 160 m from her home in the old quarter of Bellegarde.

After raping her, choked and stabbed, he had left his body at the foot of an olive tree, three kilometers from the village.

“You see Mr. Blondiau you can call ten times, a hundred times, wipe all seated over the benches, there are definitive in life things, there irreparable acts “said the Advocate General, addressing the accused stayed all the time debates head down.

” I do not come to ask for leniency, mercy I just ask you a sentence that is fair, “pleaded in defense Blondiau Nicolas, Jean-Pierre Cabanes

-. Remorse –

The lawyer asked jurors to disregard the real life “for that boy who did nothing before, which is a mediocre, a coward because he did not fit into the category of extreme these ex-death row that are the killers series. “

” This is a murderer, a rapist who used acted as a factor that is still a dark mystery, “added Mr. Cabanes, for whom” this trial is a double hell. “

Mutique and haggard at the first trial in Nimes because of its heavy medical treatment, Blondiau was more talkative, although he was reluctant to detail the progress of the crime.

“If I could give my life to return Oceane, I would have done without hesitation. I’m really sorry to have taken the life of Oceane, “said the accused, reiterating Friday remorse Thursday.

” I’m up to my car. This is where I went in my delirium, I’m excited, “said he told earlier.

” Why I did it for the moment I do not know but I want to know and Oceane parents also want to know, “he said, his hands clasped behind his back, finely trimmed beard and cropped hair.

said he saw a psychologist and a psychiatrist detention to understand his acting out.

“It makes me really scared, Nicolas Blondiau because today, three years two months and twenty-five days later, we do not have a shred of explanation, “he told in his oral argument counsel for the parents of Oceane, Me Beatrice Lobier-Tupin.

” It may be sorry, it does not bring back, “he whispered to the bar Friday morning the mother of the girl, Erika Luna.

The child’s father listened in tears to tell his wife the” sunbeam “Oceane that was a child” happy all the time “that” I miss every day. “


Murder Oceane: Nicolas Blondiau sentenced on appeal to the … –

Murder Oceane: Nicolas Blondiau sentenced on appeal to the … –

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– Must comply with legislation. In particular and without limitation are prohibited: incitement to racial hatred and discrimination, incitement to violence; defamation, libel, insult and slander; incitement to suicide, anorexia, incitement to commit acts contrary to law; text collages subjected to copyright or copyright; innuendo racist, homophobic, sexist and stigmatizing jokes

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Jean-Christophe Cambadélis does not believe that will break … Cécile Duflot – LeLab Europe1

Jean-Christophe Cambadélis does not believe that will break … Cécile Duflot – LeLab Europe1

Unlike Jean-Marie Le Guen, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis does not consider that Cécile Duflot or “in the process of radicalization” . Posture, recurrent attacks of the former housing minister against government policy? This is what implies the boss of the PS in confidence to the edition of the magazine Challenges published Thursday, January 29:

It will remain warm at the edge of the Rubicon, because the water is too cold. Anyway, it does not break with us, because it would break his party in two.

A hint (undiplomatic) the centrifugal forces that bully Europe

Ecologie-Les Verts always split between those who argue for the union of all the left, PS understood and those calling unify all the opposing left formations to the policy of the executive as too liberal.

Last significant episode of this divide, this call to a spokesman of EELV organize primary 2017 brings together environmentalists, the Left Front, New Deal and the Socialists in rebellion against the line of the executive. An initiative condemned by Jean-Christophe Cambadélis but also by several leaders of the Greens.


Manuel Valls wanted to meet the “real China”, his guests … – The World

Manuel Valls wanted to meet the "real China", his guests … – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls received in Beijing by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, 29 January 2015.

In official trip to China, the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, was to meet Friday morning January 30, in a French gallery in Beijing, several personalities of Chinese civil society. It has not happened: all withdrew under pressure from the Chinese authorities. Ahead of the visit of Mr Valls, arrived Thursday in Beijing, six to eight figures – academics, bloggers, artists or journalists who are far from being considered dissidents – were approached to speak so informal and discreet with the Minister, anxious to meet with the “real China” . There are some days, only three were still available, a professor at Tsinghua University.

On Thursday evening, the day before the meeting, Le Monde has learned that one, the film actor and director Jiang Wen, 52, one of the biggest stars of his generation, known for its spirit of independence, remained in contention. Las Mr Jiang, whose last film was a moderate success at the box office, said he was no longer able to honor its promise

Mr.. Valls, accompanied by Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and part of the delegation, has maintained its passage early this morning at Yishu 8 Gallery, housed in a symbolic location since it is an ancient university Franco China founded in 1920, where he shared with two painters. This step had not been the official program of a tour that fits primarily in the logic of economic pragmatism. So at the Embassy of France, before lunch, Mr. Valls was finally able to meet with members of civil society. – Meeting on which the entourage of the Prime Minister declined to give more details

acrobatic Exercise

Still, the practice of meeting with civil society is acrobatic for any

leader of a Western democracy in China. None, for example, has ever attempted to meet with “dissidents” identified as such – like Liu Xia (Liu Xiaobo’s wife) or the artist Ai Weiwei – for fear of offending the host . Chinese

Angela Merkel, specialist thing has regularly seen its guests neutralized at home – as was the case in 2012 for the lawyer Mo Shaoping (who defended Liu), again . unable to meet the German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel in April 2014

France plays low profile: Hollande and Jean-Marc Ayrault had both met with figures for informal discussions in the premises of the Embassy of France during their official visits in April and December 2013 – for example, Hu Shuli, the editor of the magazine Caixin . These meetings are usually ignored. M me Hu directs an authorized media, so under the supervision of the Party and government -. But shows that there was more daring in the Chinese press

Manuel Valls had hoped that such a meeting is outside the embassy. Either symbolically in Chinese territory. But his visit came as the political atmosphere is particularly harmful for critical voice rarely Chinese civil society – even the use of the term “civil society” is now controlled in the press and universities – will suffered much pressure

2014, black year

A kind of emergency that does not say his name reign. anti-corruption campaign particularly opaque and brutal inside the Party, is coupled to the outside of a witch hunt that decimated circles of protest, multiplying persecution and arrests of lawyers, journalists and even academics.

2014 has been a bad year, with the sentence of four years in prison lawyer Xu Zhiyong and university Uighur Tohti in perpetuity. A third emblematic figure of the fight for civil rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, who was arrested in May and awaiting trial, is exposed to a heavy prison sentence given the very serious charges against him.

The NGO China Human Rights Defenders, based outside China, considered in a recent report that “political crimes carried out under Xi Jinping a comeback.” The NGO recognized “22 cases of human rights defenders indicted for inciting subversion of state power or subversion of state power since May 2014″ .

The Chinese president, Manuel Valls will meet Friday afternoon, said that China – in fact the Party – through “a Danger Zone ‘ and noted in all areas tolerances. However, in this context, and despite the fear, people start to speak: in Beijing, members of the intelligentsia, even the most moderate, wear a look of growing criticism of the authoritarian tendencies of the new Red Emperor.


Maximum sentence upheld on appeal to the murderer Oceane – TF1

Maximum sentence upheld on appeal to the murderer Oceane – TF1

It is the third man to have sentenced to the maximum penalty in France after Fourniret and Pierre Bodein. The Assize Court of Appeal of Vaucluse Friday condemned to imprisonment for life without parole Nicolas Blondiau for killing and rape committed Oceane in November 2011 in the Gard confirming the first instance verdict in December 2013

In his submissions, the Advocate General Bernard Marchal had called for life imprisonment but had, however, left to the discretion of the court the incompressibility of the sentence. “You see Mr. Blondiau you can call ten times, a hundred times, wipe all seated over the benches, there are definitive in life things, there irreparable acts,” said the lawyer General, addressing the accused stayed all the time debates head down. His lawyer had pleaded for “a sentence that is fair.”

The evening of November 5, 2011, he removed the 8 year old girl while she was going to get a video game at a friend of the family who lived 160 meters from his home in the old quarter of Bellegarde. After raping her, choked and stabbed, he had left his body at the foot of an olive tree, three kilometers from the village. “This is a murderer, a rapist who used acted as a factor that is still a dark mystery,” said Jean-Pierre Cabanes, for whom “the process is a double hell “.

align="justify"> “Why I did it, for now I do not know”

Mutique and haggard in first trial in Nimes because of its heavy medical treatment, Blondiau was more talkative, even if he was reluctant to detail the progress of the crime. “If I could give my life to return Oceane, I would have done without hesitation. I’m really sorry to have taken the life of Oceane,” said the accused, reiterating Friday remorse Thursday. “I make up in my car. That’s where I went in my delirium, I’m excited,” said he told earlier.

“Why I did it, for now I do not know, but I want to know Oceane and parents also want to know,” he -t he said, his hands clasped behind his back, finely trimmed beard and cropped hair. He said he saw a psychologist and a psychiatrist detention to understand his acting out. “It makes me really scared, Nicolas Blondiau because today, three years, two months and twenty-five days later, we do not have a shred of explanation,” he told in his argument the lawyer parents Oceane, Me Beatrice Lobier-Tupin. “It may be sorry, it does not bring back,” he whispered to the bar Friday morning the mother of the girl, Erika Luna. The child’s father listened in tears to tell his companion “sunburst” Oceane that was a child “happy all the time” that “I miss him every day.”


When Cambadélis (PS) distance spokesman EELV – The World

When Cambadélis (PS) distance spokesman EELV – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Press Conference Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, first secretary of the PS, 23 October 2014.

“Irresponsible” , “dismal performance” , “inadmissible hitch in the union of the left” … But what did Julien Bayou, spokesman for Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), to annoy the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, as to make him sign a press release angry tone?

The answer lies on the site of Huffington Post , where Julien Bayou published Thursday, January 29, a platform calling for the organization of a “primary of Hope” that would bring together, to 2017, environmentalists, the Left Front, New Deal, but all the “disappointed socialist leaders of government policies” who would be part of. “Our socialist comrades slingers to have their place, and their participation is even decisive” , written Julien Bayou, reviving the idea of ​​a primary one left he had worn with Eva Joly in the summer of 2014. This approach did not sit well on the side of the Rue de Solferino.

“Primers radicalism”

“The machine to be divided, that’s enough! “, was

annoyed Mr. Cambadélis few hours later in a press release. “Julien Bayou offers no more, no less, a split in the Socialist Party to organize primaries radicalism” , wrote the first secretary of the PS from Poitiers, where he makes a movement for elections county. Mr. Cambadélis takes up the expression used by Jean-Marie Le Guen against Cécile Duflot: State Secretary for Relations with Parliament ruled on 21 January that the former minister of housing, which shows signs of rapprochement with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was “radicalization oping” .

“The superintendent whistles the end of recess. This is surprising as everyone says it takes debate “, pretended to be astonished Julien Bayou, which does not include the personal nature of the ” disciplinary ukase “. Present in Athens last week to show support for Syriza, the spokesman of EELV, located to the left of his party, said he had at his side many socialists, whose relatives Arnaud Montebourg.

“Danger frontist”

Although it shows vindictive, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis not worried too much. According to him, no socialist should respond to the offer of Julien Bayou. The message of the first secretary of the PS is designed to make an impression on the eve of the first round of the by-election in the Doubs. PS list and a list containing the rest of the left face off Sunday 1 st February, despite the risk of FN qualifying for the second round, he calls “danger FN “. The same day, Mutuality room in Paris Mr. Cambadélis should reiterate its call for unity of left forces in a speech in front of all the PS section secretaries.

the side of the direction of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, one is surprised at the violence of what Mr Cambadélis. “We can not share the ideas of Julien Bayou, but described as irresponsible, it is violent” , a relative of the judge Emmanuelle Cosse, national secretary of EELV. He recalled that the issue of presidential and preparation will not be discussed before the beginning of 2016.


OM suffered a big scam to transfer from China –

OM suffered a big scam to transfer from China –

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A Tourcoing, Sarkozy called for a “new integration contract” – The World

A Tourcoing, Sarkozy called for a "new integration contract" – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

Nicolas Sarkozy with the UMP mayor of Tourcoing, Gerald Darmanin, on 29 January.

Find the fresh air of the campaign to get a good whiff of partisan heat: Thursday, January 29, three days after meeting with Angela Merkel in Berlin, Nicolas Sarkozy made his first visit to France since his election at the head of the UMP on 29 November 2014. After having spoken with doctors, the former head of state was welcomed at Raymond Devos theater Tourcoing (Nord) by militants delighted to sing “Happy Birthday” . Nicolas Sarkozy celebrated his 60th birthday Wednesday, January 28.

During the meeting, Sarkozy has targeted the executive claiming his right to criticism. Despite the terrorist threat hanging over France, the end of national unity is definitely cohosh. “What is national unity? This is not a small bottle of chloroform to each of the parliamentary opposition and the president of the UMP “, said the former president.

“This can not go on like this”

Criticizing the Macron law notaries target savings but “dockers who ruined the port of Marseille” or reactivating his campaign themes such as the renegotiation of the Schengen Area or the end of the state medical aid, the president of the UMP is mainly income on recent executive announcements in the fight against terrorism. “What are the decisions you have taken to protect us? “, said the former head of state by asking Manuel Valls to provide € 150 million to pay overtime to police. An idea he had already stated on France 2 Wednesday, January 21

Read. Number and schedules of police, Sarkozy’s errors


weeks after publishing the twelve measures advocated by his party on the subject, Sarkozy made no new proposals. But he reiterated the need to strengthen the powers of the intelligence services that “must be able to trap a suspicious car” and “go in a city search a cellar even inform Justice posteriori “. Returning in the wake of this security analysis on immigration, he asked for a “new integration contract”. “It can not continue like this. Freedom of movement in Europe, it is not freedom of installation of all people of the world in Europe, “ he insists, while refusing the idea of ​​a closed continent as “civilizations died of inbreeding, not mixed.”

“The imperative is appeasement”

Acclaimed by his supporters, the president of the UMP intend to pose as the first opponent of the majority within two months of the departmental elections. Because it comes out of a complicated period. Since the end of the attacks, he was careful not to break the national unity and “to be at the height of the events you have crossed” while trying to exist politically. Whether jostling at the Republican walking or by infusing the idea of ​​the death of national indignity for terrorists. A chance, it is the expression “social apartheid” ordered by the Prime Minister who led the debate and given the tempo of the media agenda. The popularity of the former head of state has weakened this occasion, according to an IFOP poll for Paris Match and Sud Radio.

D ‘ According to this study, the former president of the Republic, who do use the security themes, loses 4 (38% favorable opinion), while Manuel Valls earns 5 points (60%). The Prime Minister became the second French favorite personality behind … Alain Juppé. “Let the editorialists editorialize” has asked Mr Sarkozy, criticizing commentators who engage in “a macabre dance on bottom hole.” “Polls do not interest us when 17 of our citizens were killed,” said the president of the UMP.

Nicolas Sarkozy should intensify its visits to France in the weeks come over. This could make a week without getting into a media frenzy. The idea is always to seek the right balance between its role and stature as a statesman. “You have to show the image of a party that is not excited, not angry. The imperative is appeasement, and work on the bottom. The race will be long “, says Marc-Philippe Daubresse, North MP

Read also:. Alain Juppe between primary


Weather: 27,500 homes without electricity in the Southwest – The Obs

Weather: 27,500 homes without electricity in the Southwest – The Obs

Paris (AFP) – Some 27,500 homes were without power Friday morning after a night marked by strong gusts of wind in the South West, home to half of the eleven departments placed in orange alert to weather Saturday night by Meteo France.

There is no electricity in 12,000 homes in Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées 15,500, told AFP Boutaud Frederick, director of external relations ERDF in the Southwest .

Pyrénées-Atlantiques were the most affected, with 8,000 homes without power, followed by the Hautes-Pyrénées (5,000) and Haute-Garonne (5,000), he said.

The wind blew in gusts over 100 km / h on the night of Thursday to Friday in the Southwest, according to Météo France.

Ariege, Haute-Garonne the Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Hautes-Pyrenees, remained Friday morning placed in amber alert “rain-flood” and “wind”.

The orange alert “wind” has instead been lifted in the Landes Gers. This department remains orange alert “raw”.

Météo France has also placed in orange alert “snow-ice” Ain, Doubs, Isere, Jura, Savoie Haute-Savoie.

The end of the event on the eleven departments is scheduled for early Saturday at 21:00, according to Météo-France.

In Aquitaine, relief conducted a hundred interventions in the Landes and 180 in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, mainly to clear the roads hampered by fallen trees or flooded cellars dry.

falling trees have resulted four traffic accidents that have four slightly injured in the Landes. In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, a carpenter of

41 years was seriously injured in Mont, after falling six meters while he then moved back tiles on a roof

-. High avalanche risk –

Midi-Pyrenees, only a few dozen calls in total were made for water leaks, broken tiles or falling trees.

Haute Garonne, a house collapsed in Labastidette, presumably because of the rain and wind, according to firefighters. Its two occupants had managed to escape before.

In the mountains, snow become very important, with a layer of snow from 50 to 80 cm by Friday evening around 1500 m, locally 1 meter above 1,500 m.

The snow level is going down to 500 m in the Alps, and locally 300 m in some inland valleys and Franche-Comté with showers at times heavy and accompanied by violent gusts of wind.

The traffic conditions are however “back to normal” in Ain, Isere, Savoie and Haute-Savoie, according to the Regional Centre ‘Road Information and Coordination (CRICRs) Rhône-Alpes, which has lifted the ban in force traffic for trucks since Thursday midnight on several roads.

In addition, Prefectures Isère, Hautes-Alpes and Haute-Savoie warned against the risk of avalanches, valued at Level 4 of 5 in many Alpine peaks.

Since the beginning of the winter season 2014-2015, 18 people died in avalanches in France, according to the National Association for the Study of Snow and Avalanche (Anena).


Rennes: he kills his ex-wife and brings the body to the police – MetroNews

Rennes: he kills his ex-wife and brings the body to the police – MetroNews

His calm has puzzled police. Tuesday, around 16 pm, a 41 year old man presents to the police Blosne, a popular district of Rennes. “From the outset, he announces that he has just killed his wife and that the body of the latter is in the trunk of his car,” said Thursday afternoon at a press conference the prosecutor Rennes, Thierry Pocquet of Upper Jusse.

The police are heading to the vehicle and discovered the body of the ex-wife locked in a trunk, itself placed in the back of the Twingo he has folded the rear seats. They try several resuscitation, to no avail. The man, an Algerian known to justice for acts of threats and violence towards his ex-wife, but against their two children 11 and 17 years old, arrived at the police “very calm, serene,” said the Marc Guillemois commander, deputy chief of the departmental safety. A man is as to the police with the body of his victim, “these are very rare events,” he said.

He wanted to avoid her children to see body

The man arrived in Algeria in 2001 and brought his family in 2011. His ex-wife filed for divorce in June 2012, before releasing in January 2013, but

they eventually agree to a mutual divorce proceedings in 2014. Since then, the suspect so regularly went to his ex-wife, 36 years old, to see his children. Tuesday, he presented himself at her house around 10:45 am, and the discussion has degenerated. Then he released “wire rope he had brought with him, and strangled in the hallway of the apartment” at noon, said the prosecutor. There is about two hours near the body before going to buy a military-like trunk to put the body and goes to the police.

According to his statement, which remain unclear, “he reproached the victim to have a relationship, “said the prosecutor. And it would have transported the victim to the police to prevent children from being confronted with the corpse of their mother when they return from school. In accordance with the requirements of the prosecutor, the man was indicted Thursday by an investigating judge and the judge of freedoms and detention has placed him in custody. He incurs the life imprisonment.


Rennes: he arrives at the police station with the body of his wife … –

Rennes: he arrives at the police station with the body of his wife … –

This is an unusual case in which police officers Blosne, a popular district of Rennes faced earlier in the week. Tuesday around 16 pm, a man came to their station, ensuring that he had killed his wife and put her body in the back of his vehicle, a Twingo. “From the outset, he announces that he has just killed his wife and that the body of the latter is in the trunk of his car,” said Thursday afternoon the prosecutor in Rennes, Thierry Pocquet Haut -Jussé at a press conference.

The man was referred Thursday night
While the vehicle was parked nearby, the police immediately checked the man’s claims. By searching the car, they noticed that it was right. The body of his wife is effectively found in a trunk placed at the rear of the vehicle with the seats were folded down. The police then tried to resuscitate the woman, but in vain. The man was immediately arrested. Indicted Thursday night, he was in the wake remanded in custody by the judge of freedoms and detention. The latter also placed in custody. The defendant incurs life imprisonment.

He was known for violent acts
According to preliminary evidence gathered and communicated by the prosecutor, the man 41 years old. Born

in Algeria, he arrived in France in 2001 before bringing his family in 2011. He was also separated from the victim since 2012. Their divorce had not yet been passed but both were set to agree on a procedure by mutual consent. Together they had two children aged 11 and 17. The father is known to the police. It has already been heard for acts of violence and threats against his ex-wife and their children.

Also according to the prosecutor, the victim was killed late Tuesday morning. Her ex-husband would have gone home, as was his habit, to see their children. But both would have played him accusing him of “having a relationship”. He then “pulled a wire rope he had brought with him” and “strangled (ex-wife) in the hallway of the apartment” around noon. The man would then waited nearly two hours before putting the body in his car and go to the police. The police, he would have wanted to avoid explained that her children see the corpse of their mother when they return. “These are very rare events,” said Commander Mark Guillemois, deputy chief of the departmental safety.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

A man kills his ex-wife and reports to the police the body in … – Liberation

A man kills his ex-wife and reports to the police the body in … – Liberation

A man of 41 years who visited a police station in Rennes, announcing killing his ex-wife that he brought the body in the trunk of his car was set review and jailed Thursday in Rennes.

It is 4:00 p.m. Tuesday when the 41 year old man presents to the police Blosne, a popular district of Rennes. “From the outset, he announces that he has just killed his wife and that the body of the latter is in the trunk of his car,” said Thursday afternoon at a press conference the prosecutor Rennes, Thierry Pocquet of Upper Jusse.

The police discovered the body of the ex-wife locked in a trunk, itself placed in the back of a Twingo which he turned down the rear seats. Resuscitation attempts are unsuccessful.

The man, an Algerian known to justice for acts of threats and violence towards his ex-wife, but against their two children aged 11 and 17, arrived at the police “very quiet, serene,” said Commander Mark Guillemois, deputy chief of the departmental safety.

That a man is as to the police station with the body of his victim, ” these are very rare events, “he said.

The man arrived in Algeria in 2001 and brought his family in 2011. His ex-wife filed for divorce in June 2012, before releasing in January 2013, but they eventually agree to a

mutual divorce proceedings in 2014.

The suspect was traveling from regular to his ex-wife, 36 years old to see his children.

On Tuesday, he presented himself at her house around 10:45 am, and the discussion has degenerated. He released “wire rope he had brought with him, and strangled in the hallway of the apartment” at noon, said the prosecutor.

There is about two hours near the body before going to buy a military-like trunk to put the body and goes to the police.

According to his statement, which remain unclear, “he reproached the victim to have a relationship,” said the prosecutor. And it would have transported the victim to the police to prevent children from being confronted with the corpse of their mother when they return from school.

In accordance with the submissions of the prosecutor, man has been indicted Thursday night by an investigating judge and the judge of freedoms and detention was placed in custody. He incurs the life imprisonment.

