COMPUTER GRAPHICS / VIDEO – The refoundation of Europe is becoming a major theme of the primary right. The former head of state appears ready to consult the French referendum and proposes the establishment of a “new treaty” European structured around five pillars, the first is the creation of a Schengen 2.
the rebuilding of Europe was already a common objective for all candidates to the primary from the right. Now even Nicolas Sarkozy appears ready to consult the French referendum for the Union to start over on a democratic basis. The boss of the Republicans did not address that point in the statement he made after Brexit Friday from the party headquarters, but he writes in the program “13 h 15 Sunday” devoted to scenes of his return to be broadcast Sunday on France 2. Commenting on the failure of the constitutional referendum in 2005, he wanted to overcome in 2009 thanks to the Lisbon Treaty, he assures that he had himself “not included “the question before voters. “It depends on the question,” he insisted, saying that “we must not be afraid of the people.” He said that “if the European ideal, we did not believe, and we are afraid of the referendum is that went wrong.” “If I call a refoundation of Europe, with a new treaty (…) the referendum question will arise,” he said.
“My proposal is responsible and positive: first we reinvent the project, we will submit it to the French”
Le Monde May 18, Nicolas Sarkozy had however said: “I do not think a referendum is the best way to answer such complex questions about the rebuilding of Europe, which are the competence of parliamentary representation.” It was also a response to the plea for “a referendum on the European Renewal” by Bruno Le Maire in Berlin, ten days earlier. The former Minister of Agriculture had beautiful clear that it would not be a “Frexit” but voted “organized in the current five-year term on the changes necessary treaties to new European guidelines “all his rivals in the primary were outraged, accusing him of wanting to surf the anti-European sentiment. “My proposal is responsible and positive: first we reinvent the project, we will submit to the French,” said he reiterated Friday on i-Tele. Nothing to do, he said, with “a referendum” of the FN which only seeks to ‘step into the breach “opened by the British.
Especially rebounded in May against the candidate of the” renewal ” Alain Juppe reiterated Friday morning on Europe 1 that “today hold a referendum in France” would “deliver a victory on a plate to Ms. Le Pen,” but he has spoken publicly for the first time for a referendum that is “a culmination.” An analysis shared by François Fillon. Partisan him as a “profound transformation of the European project,” he called Friday for Bordeaux “a parliamentary debate before the European Council to set the outlines of this transformation project.”
A Schengen 2 , a symbolic measure
Nicolas Sarkozy, president of the party Republicans, as demand for the victory of Brexit, a European “new treaty”, provides in particular for the restoration of border controls and stopping the process enlargement of the European Union. “It is time for lucidity, energy and leadership,” said the former head of state, referring to a “major crisis”.
The former president ‘request that a meeting of heads of state and European government took the decision to develop a new treaty that will show the people of our continent that Europe is decided to take their destiny in hand. ” It proposes to revolve around “five pillars”: a Schengen 2, the creation of a European economic government, the stricter application of the principle of subsidiarity, the consolidation of the powers of the European commission and shutdown process enlargement.
We need to have a government of interior ministers who will implement a Schengen 2
Offer Schengen 2 is the most symbolic measure of the five proposals of the former head of state. “Europe has borders, we must enforce them and it is in this spirit that we must have a government of interior ministers who will implement a Schengen 2. The free movement of Europeans in Europe not in any way mean that non-Europeans can enter and move freely on our continent, “said Nicolas Sarkozy. “More than ever I hear defend the European ideal. But this ideal, I want with the people of Europe, not against them. There is a European civilization, a European identity, European culture, a European way of life based on the nation “he said.
What is Schengen currently

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• Since when is Schengen?
the Schengen agreement, named after the Luxembourg town where it was ratified, was signed June 14, 1985 at the initiative of Germany, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Given the lack of consensus within ten then-members of the European Union, these five countries are to achieve the objective of free movement of persons , stated in the Treaty of Rome of 1957. Schengen came into force in 1995. Since 1999, there is integrated into the institutional and legal framework of the European Union.
• What does Schengen?
the agreement removes checks internal borders of the European Union and guarantees the free movement for all nationals of the signatory States . They can travel without having to show their passports, provided with a simple identity card. Everyone, even from a non-Schengen member countries can move freely in space, once he set foot in one of the member countries. The agreement therefore places . a heavy responsibility to countries with external borders
in fact, the controls remain at the external borders of the countries of the Schengen area: Greece, Italy, Spain and the Balkans. All signatories must agree to monitor them. To help them, they have the Schengen Information System (SIS). This database, accessible fonts and consulates, identifies the list of missing persons and unwanted and objects and stolen cars. The police of a State may pass in a prosecution border with a criminal. The anti-drug cooperation is facilitated. In airports, European passengers traveling within the Schengen area are separated from others.
Schengen also establishes common rules on asylum and single list of non-EU countries whose nationals must obtain a visa, costing 60 euros to enter the Schengen area. A black list of visa-ban exists. Other EU states must abide by solidarity within justify “humanitarian reasons” or “international obligations”.
• How has the Schengen area ?
twenty-six countries are members now twenty-both from the EU and four third countries – Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Cyprus, Ireland and the United Kingdom have not joined Schengen and keep checks at their borders. Since the 2000s, Dublin and London, however, participate in SIS.
The Schengen candidate countries must obtain permission from the 26 members of the space. They must have completed checks in airports criteria, data collection, police cooperation, visa procedures etc. Bulgaria and Romania have been repositioned in 2011 , due to opposition from the Netherlands, dissatisfied with the progress made in surveillance of external borders and combating corruption. The previous Greek has scalded minds. Entered Schengen in 1992, Athens fails to control its border with Turkey.
• Under what circumstances can a country restore controls at the border?
At the time of the migration crisis, some require the use of the clause to suspend Schengen. Article 2.2 permits a country to do so temporarily for reasons of “national security” or to deal with an unexpected situation.
“In cases of serious threat to public order and internal security , countries may exceptionally reintroduce controls at internal borders for a period of maximum 30 days (extendable with the conditions established by the code) or for the foreseeable duration of the serious threat. This should be taken as a last resort. “Says the Schengen code.

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