Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Legislative: Patrick Balkany renounces be present in the Hauts-de-Seine – The World

Patrick Balkany, 23 June 2015.

Vice President of the national Committee of the party investiture Republicans, Roger Karoutchi, announced on Twitter Tuesday, June 28, that ” at the express request of Patrick Balkany “, he would nominate Agnes Pottier-Dumas for the riding of Levallois-Clichy. The candidature of Levallois-Perret mayor and incumbent of the Hauts-de-Seine was challenged even in his party.

On his Facebook page, Patrick Balkany announced that he would not be a candidate
due to accumulated Act”
mandates. “I never give up my term as mayor of Levallois! “, he said. It “therefore wished, with the full agreement of the President of the Republicans, Nicolas Sarkozy, to ask the Commission investiture (LR) to invest from (Tuesday) afternoon Agnes Pottier-Dumas, Councillor Levallois-Perret “. This young woman of 31, “Bride and will be a mother in 15 Days” says Mr. Balkany was his “parliamentary tied for almost ten years and therefore knows very although the work of the Assembly. She is currently the associate, responsible in particular for Hauts-de-Seine, Valérie Pécresse to the Ile-de-France region “.

The National Commission for the inauguration party The Republicans approved June 21 the vast majority of party candidates for the parliamentary elections of June 2017. Patrick Balkany, like all incumbents, were automatically in the nomination, despite his indicted for tax evasion, tax fraud laundering, corruption passive and false statement, causing discomfort to the right, particularly in Alain Juppé; François Fillon and Bruno Le Maire, candidates for the primary for 2017

Read also:. Despite its indictments, Patrick Balkany

invested by Republicans for legislative

outcry against his inauguration

Alain Juppe said again Tuesday on France Inter that he wanted the nominations to legislative be reconsidered . “They should be reviewed in due course” , has he insisted, without wanting to mention the case of Patrick Balkany, merely to explain that particular “should be a discussion with the center” for alliances.

Sunday, François Fillon also warned him that if he won the primary for the right, it would review the nominations, including that of Patrick Balkany, according to “ethical criteria”. “To restore the authority of the state, I think that the political leaders must be blameless” , argued the former Prime Minister, pointing “People who do not pay their taxes, which have accounts abroad that are not reported or have business in every sense. “

Bruno Le Maire had ” disapprove “ June 22 on his Twitter account nominated Mr. Balkany deploring “the same old politics! “.

Hervé Mariton had assured the next day on France Info that” the way to make Patrick Balkany policy is totally contrary to (its) principles “. and the Republicans MP of the Drôme to add that “it is absolutely shocking that (his) political party continues to place its trust in this environment.”

Read also: Why the nomination of Patrick Balkany legislative is disputed

a petition launched on Change.org website to say “no to the candidacy of Patrick Balkany Republicans” has been signed by nearly 124,000 people since June 23 The text recalls that “the personal situation of Mr. Balkany is too tainted with doubts over the function it intends to exercise, and its indictments contribute to support the rejection of the political class as a whole” .


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