the first piece of dominoes fell with the victory of “Brexit” at the referendum held in the United Kingdom, Thursday, June 23 For Marine Le Pen and his Eurosceptic allies, who want to break up the European Union, the challenge now is whether other parts of the game are properly aligned, and whether they will be driven by the drop in Britain.
the only major french political party to openly campaign for an output of EU British National Front jubilant. The far-right party was quick to claim on Friday the organization of a similar referendum on the participation of France in the European institutions. “Victory of Freedom! As I asked for years, it is now the same referendum in France and in the EU countries “, wrote the FN Marine Le Pen president in a message posted on Twitter. This election should even take place “as soon as possible” outbid his right arm, vice president of the party, Florian Philippot, for which “the freedom of peoples always ends up winning” <. / em>
26% of French in favor of a “Frexit”
the neologisms are now output: “Frexit” in France; “Nexit” the Netherlands … Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch PVV, ally of the FN in the European Parliament, also wished the organization of a referendum in his country. “Now it’s our turn” , has launched its next boss of the Italian Northern League, Matteo Salvini, another partner of FN. “The time is ripe for another Europe, a Europe of nations” , welcomed for its Frauke Petry, President of the AFD in Germany, which advocates a rapprochement with his party FN.
figurehead of Euroscepticism on the Old Continent, Marine Le Pen will make “Brexit” an electoral argument until the presidential election of 2017. for the National Front, France a “more reasons to leave the EU” that the UK could be in itself, since it belongs, unlike the British, the euro area and space Schengen free movement.
Le Pen party offers since 2013 the organization of a referendum on the European Union or on the maintenance of France in the single currency. A proposal that continues to scare some of the electorate, especially retirees, disinclined to vote for the far-right. According to a survey published in June OpinionWay, only 26% of French would vote in favor of a “Frexit” and 51% against (the rest of the respondents did not comment).
mantra repeated endlessly
in recent months, the
“Victory of Freedom” , “springtime of peoples” … The National Front is trying as much as possible to counter his message positive finery, who has often been accused of progress on a rhetoric of fear. A countdown of an EU that generates, according to her, the “confusion” , “disorder” , “conflict” , the “chaos” , Marine Le Pen proposes a “Europe of nations” , a project that wants to, of course, “realistic” , “serious” , “serene” , “prosperous” , “appeased” . The last word has even become the slogan of the President of the National Front party since the beginning of the year, a mantra repeated endlessly to try to end a clivante still image.
Victory proxy
“The EU is failing, it cracks everywhere. Either we expect the flood, explosion, or we will put around a table and construct a Europe of Nations, which will replace the totalitarian EU that we know today “, said M me Le Pen on TF1, Tuesday, June 21 the Evidence nevertheless likely to prove more decisive than the choice of words for the FN. If the consequences of Brexit would be unfortunate, especially from an economic point of view, the British example take the lead in the wing.
In any case, Marine Le Pen can finally boast a victory by proxy. In May, the Freedom Party and its candidate Norbert Hofer had failed by a hair in the Austrian presidential elections. There is one year, the FN lamented the choice of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to maintain his country at all costs in the euro area.
In June, the MEP Celebrates First Anniversary the creation of the group Europe of nations and freedoms (ENL), she chairs the European Parliament, and which serves as a platform to address the heads of State and government. His shots permanent battering accompanied breaches on the French political scene.
Bruno Le Maire, a candidate for the Republican primary, pledged Friday to organize a referendum in France on “new European orientation” if elected. “The lesson is that the European Union, we change it or leaves (…) Time for Plan B will sound. My candidacy for the presidential election is that the output of European treaties “, ensured his side Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Left Party. The dominoes fall.

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