Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Labor law: the firmness of Manuel Valls away out of the crisis – The Point

The government made a gesture Wednesday to clear the dispute over the Labour Law but his refusal to change the focus of the dispute, Article 2 away from a crisis, Hollande said he was ready to 49-3 again next week in the national Assembly.

“We will not return” on the “primacy” of the company agreement, said Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Wednesday, closing the door to union protesters received earlier along with the Minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri.

After four months of social movement, the executive made a gesture receiving social partners and providing amendments to Article 13 to clarify the role of professional branches. But without touching Article 2, spine text, which allows, for business negotiation, to waive the provisions on working time.

Manuel Valls acknowledged the “real differences of background, with the CGT and FO, differences that must be assumed. “

both union leaders have confirmed. The CGT is still “strongly disagrees” with Manuel Valls on the draft Labour Law, the “small steps are way off the mark,” said Philippe Martinez.

“There is no to top out, “he told his side Jean-Claude Mailly (FO), deploring” the blocking of the Prime Minister “on overtime pay.

A new day is already scheduled for next Tuesday, the day of return of the text in the Chamber

-. Use of 49-3 if necessary –

by releasing ballast, a few days before the return of the project to the national Assembly on July 5, the government hoped to save the use of Article 49-3, as he had to bring himself in first lecture. But Mrs El Khomri kept him under wraps in ruling that the use of this constitutional weapon would be “not a forced passage”.

In an interview with Les Echos, published Thursday, François Hollande clear. “The law will be passed and promulgated on time” and no majority, the government will “again using Article 49-3.”

Before the Socialist parliamentary group and Le Monde the Minister explained his choice. “In cases where the law does not provide the

primacy of the company agreement”, that is to say everything that is outside the highly contested Article 2, “we hope that within each branch , employers and trade unions to define the topics on which an enterprise agreement can not derogate from the branch agreement, “she said.

These negotiations should be opened” before 31 December 2017 “in the different branches, responsible to report before mid-2018, said one government amendments.

the move was inspired by a proposal from the CFDT, the main trade union support Labor law.

the number one Laurent Berger, said he was “satisfied”, leaving Matignon, that “the core of the text is not touched,” referring to the maintenance section 2. the chairman of the CFTC Louis Philippe has also expressed its satisfaction.

But Mrs El Khomri must also convince the rebellious deputies. At midday, their leader Christian Paul considered “a compromise was at hand,” but on condition that the government says “clearly a company agreement shall impair the purchasing power employees”. However, Article 2 allows a decrease in overtime pay from 25 to 10% in case of majority of business agreement.

On Thursday, it was the turn of François Hommeril (CFE-CGC) at 14:30, followed by Pierre Gattaz (Medef) at 3:15 p.m., François Asselin (CGPME) at 16.00 and Jean-Pierre Crouzet (UPA) at 4:45 p.m., to be received by the head of Government and Minister of Labour.

Since March, FO and CGT demanded the withdrawal of the project. Tuesday, the 11th day of mobilization brought together over France 64,000 demonstrators according to the police, 200,000 according to organizers

06/29/2016 9:26:54 p.m.. – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016


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