1 74 km. This is the course that will survey graph – for how many laps? – Opponents of the Labor Law which will parade around the Bassin de l’Arsenal in Paris on Thursday. That does not facilitate securing the procession or the counting of protesters.
After a tense standoff, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the government reached an agreement with the Inter seven organizations called for a new mobilization. But this gathering of 23 June, which was to be only one of the ten other organized since March, turned into an appointment. We can expect an on-mobilization.
The police expect they also over-demonstrators. To secure the procession, and avoid violence that took place in the capital on June 14, 2000 police officers will control the surrounding area. filters will be installed as the gates of the stadium, to prevent the introduction of dangerous objects or projectiles.
Meanwhile, political scold the “Valls-hesitation.”
& gt; & gt; & gt; Follow the course of the day live & gt; & gt; & gt;
8:55. Martinez Gattaz assistance. “Mr. Gattaz, when we do not agree with him, believes that is wrong. On unemployment insurance, said Mr. Gattaz okay to talk only about what is proposed “irritated Philippe Martinez on RMC and BFM TV, visibly tired.
8:40. In fact, the CGT still wants the withdrawal. “We must radically transform the backbone of this text that will create social dumping,” says Philippe Martinez (CGT).
8:35. We will not talk much. “We have had no contact with (Manual) Valls from our famous Saturday morning phone call,” says Philippe Martinez (CGT) on RMC and BFM TV. The CGT says ask to meet with the Prime Minister since May 20, with no response so far.
8:28. The FN has on Europe. “I read each year the EU recommendations to France under threat not to validate its budget, this law (Labour) is a requirement of the European Union says on France Inter vice-president Florian Philippot FN. “We’re right in the deregulation of the labor market. (…) The roadmap (government) place according to European requirements. ”
8:15. Waltz in Nantes too. At Nantes, the prefect prohibits “any parade anticipate or prolong the assembly” scheduled at 14 hours, instead Bouffay.
8:07. The libertarian determined. A group of antifaschistes denouncing police violence the tone on Twitter: “Let a little tired torturers mutilated comrades, wounded, imprisoned” at the last event
READ . Work demonstration anti-how Valls has lost face
7:56. Thank you for this evidence. “Violence is bad for the movement and for the demonstrators,” Judge Eric Coquerel (PG) on RFI.
7:55. No political crisis. “You are wrong to consider” Francois Hollande unleashed Manuel Valls, ensures Jean-Marie Le Guen on RTL. “There is no difference between the president and prime minister, nor between the Prime Minister and the Interior Minister.
7:52. Coquerel bis. “Valls feeds the FN and the right,” criticizes the spokesman of the Left Party, this time on RFI.
7:50. Le Guen again the game. “We had nothing against the union organizations that want to demonstrate but we have against people protesting violently,” says Secretary of State to Parliament Jean-Marie Le Guen on RTL. And remember the “maximum pressure” on the front of terrorism: “We are in a period completely special where security forces are hyper-stressed”.
INTERACTIVE. Labor law: the chronology of the dispute
7:48. Mailly still calls for Holland. “Major conflicts such as the CPE in 2006, at some point, it is at the Elysee it was settled. To him [the president] at a time of taking
7:30. Given South. Emmanuelle has arrived in Paris Wednesday for two days of business meetings. “I’m not sure to be able to catch my train to Aix-en-Provence this evening,” if she asks. No disruption is however expected to SNCF.
7:20. The left fire on Manuel Valls. “It would be normal in a democracy with a prime minister who is blocking the country for weeks, he would resign,” said Eric Coquerel on Sud Radio, coordinator of the Left Party. “Today, one that puts a lot of tensions, divisions, is Manuel Valls, even if we are not fooled, he applies the Hollande policy”.
7:17 . Even the police are annoyed. “I hope that the orders will be clearer that the prohibition decisions,” says ironically, Nicolas Comte, spokesman for SGP-FO police unit on RMC.
7:15. SO FO. “We have strengthened our security service,” says RTL Jean-Claude Mailly (FO). “When you see someone wearing a helmet with gloves, padded jacket and a backpack that is trying to enter the event, it repels. Ensures FO.On boss knows that this is not a tourist “
7:10. And in the air? Civil Aviation expects “possible delays” but gave no target to reduce the number of flights airlines. However, Easyjet has canceled preventively sixty.
7 hours. Tick tock, tick tock. The demonstration of June 14, in Paris marked by violent clashes, particularly at the Necker Children’s Hospital, condemned by the unions, was a turning point that could tip the opinion . The government Wednesday strange about-face could have the opposite effect.
6:55. Attention. Bernard Cazeneuve has warned that “no overflow, no violence will be tolerated,” addressed a warning to both breakers that some unions. Manuel Valls, “everyone will have to show greater responsibility to prevent violence from recurring.”
6:50. How garrisons? In the provinces where no demonstrations were prohibited, processions march in Rennes, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Grenoble and Marseille. Philippe Martinez (CGT) will not scroll in Bordeaux, Wednesday’s episode convinced him to be present in Paris.
6:45. The forces. The mobilization was organized on the initiative of seven unions (CGT, Solidaires, FSU, UNL, UNEF, Fidl). On June 14, National Mobilization date, 75 000 to 80 000 people, according to police, had expressed. The unions had claimed, in France, a million participants.
6:30. risk day. more than 2,000 police officers will be mobilized and hundreds of prohibitions “to seem” were taken. CGT and FO have announced a strengthening of their order services, but will not budge: securing them inside the processions, the police securing the outside
& gt; The unions bend Matignon
& gt; 2,000 police on a course 1.6 km
& gt; How Valls has lost face
& gt; the right bang in unison on the government
& gt; Throughout France, union activists galvanized
& gt; “The right to protest is emerging at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”
& gt; INTERACTIVE. Labor law: an opposition movement of exceptional duration
& gt; INTERACTIVE. Labor law: the chronology of the dispute
& gt; INTERACTIVE. Labor law: an opposition movement of exceptional duration
& gt; Labor law: the prefecture banned the demonstration for a few hours …
& gt; Demo against the labor law: 2000 police mobilized a hundred “bans appear”

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