Tafta, posted workers, external borders of the Union … Manuel Valls estimated Sunday that the British vote in favor of starting EU allowed to “clarify” the debate to build a European project “refounded, rebuilt “.
Brexit” clarifies the debate and (allows) to bring a European project refounded, rebuilt, “estimated the Prime Minister before some 200 socialist activists gathered in Belleville-sur-Mer (Seine Maritime). Francois Hollande, who will be in Berlin on Monday, before a European council Tuesday and Wednesday, he himself promised “initiatives”.
The prime minister reviewed several areas of European themes that raise the concern, especially on the left.
He wanted so categorical on the draft free trade treaty between the United States and the European Union (Tafta or TTIP): “I tell you frankly, it can not be a transatlantic treaty agreement. This agreement is not going in the right direction. “
The French authorities show for several weeks before increasing reluctance that negotiated draft agreement to the Europeans, the European Commission and which Germany wants a hasty conclusion.
“from now on, no free trade agreement should be concluded if it does not meet the interests of the Union. Europe must be firm. France will ensure there, “warned the head of government. He said the Tafta impose “a vision that would not only reads populism, but merely a vision that would be bad for our economy.”
Negotiated in the greatest secrecy since mid-2013, the the agreement aims to remove trade and regulatory barriers between the EU and the US to create a vast free trade area supposed to boost economic activity
-. “banish social dumping” –
It is necessary “to ban social dumping tax within the EU, in particular with the same minimum wage and very clear rules on the posting of workers,” said Manuel Valls.
Prime Minister denounced in this regard “illegal detached work (which) is devastating.” “This can not continue
He also addressed the themes of the external borders of Europe and the Schengen area, very sensitive after the unprecedented immigration pressure experienced by the continent last year, and the enlargement of the EU.
“Europe has borders. Yes. External borders which are not as customs posts, but also symbolic limits that say what we are and what we are not. Europe starts and stops somewhere. This can not be a race for accession to other major areas that we respect, “he said.
As for the Schengen area,” which was considered a great opportunity, (he) is now perceived as a threat, “lamented Manuel Valls hoping that Europeans can regain” full control “of the question.
when there are voices right to demand a referendum on a new European treaty, Manuel Valls has delivered a plea for national parliaments: “when Europe is not the right level of decision, then it must be clear, and let the States decide “.
” A choice has been made and from that choice, we must rebuild the European project, “finally said the prime minister about the Brexit, repeating the procedures for departure the EU Britain should engage quickly.
According to a government official, “even British supporters Brexit currently have a hangover” to the referendum results.

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