At the heart of a scandal involving sexual abuse by religious of his diocese, the archbishop of Lyon Philippe Barbarin Archbishop wants to learn from the past by raising four priests in their ministry and by enacting a series of measures very farms to depart from future offending.
This new policy that the cardinal had partly unveiled at the end of a meeting of the local clergy, April 25 near Lyon, shows a much more severe positioning prelate against religious suspected abuse.
the Primate of the Gauls, one of the most influential personalities of the Church of France, finally seems to respond concretely to the criticism that he is the subject for more than six months for not quickly dismissed the priests of his diocese caught by accusations of pedophilia or sexual assault.
complaints in this regard have triggered an investigation for “failure to report” sexual assaults and “duty to rescue”.
Usually very reserved as to the action of the Archbishop of victims of abuse have welcomed the contrary Thursday “absolute good sense” of the measures it has announced, through the voice of Bertrand Virieux, a spokesman for the association La liberated word
-. the known cases of justice –
the decision to remove from office four priests, whose identity was not revealed, was taken after consulting a panel of experts – composed of a high honorary magistrate, d a psychiatrist, a psychoanalyst, a doctor, parents, the clergy of the social worker, the chancellor of the diocese vicar general and moderator.
“These priests brought involved or not in the press, already convicted or not, “said a diocesan source, without more details.
other priests of the diocese of Lyon are subject to measures of” accompaniment particular”. These are priests who have already been tried and who will benefit from a “monitoring” of the diocese, said the source.
“For all the situations concerned, the facts are known to the judicial authority, “the diocese.
Do not appear in this list the father Bernard Preynat, indicted in January for sexual assault of young scouts under 15 years between 1986 and 1991 and already noted
his case became emblematic of silence and embarrassment of the Lyon Church these abuses led to cascading revelations in recent months.
– ‘Why did it take so long?’ –
A countdown of the attitude of the Church against the Preynat case, the new diocese of standards now provide that “any priest who committed acts of sexual assault on a minor, whatever the date facts and the date of discovery of these facts, will be definitely ruled out any ministry. “
every priest suspected of sexual abuse facts,” if it is the subject of a formal examination or prosecution before a criminal court, will, by interim measure, dismissed from office during the time of the procedure, while respecting the presumption of innocence, “the diocese indicating that a canonical investigation will being conducted in accordance with canon law.
in addition, “you will be asked a certificate signed by his superior” to any outdoor welcomed priest in the diocese of Lyon for a department, even temporarily. This will certify that the priest “meets the diocesan criteria in the fight against sexual abuse and has no history in this area.”
“This is great, we waited the standards of good absolute sense and we can only be satisfied, told AFP, Bertrand Virieux. Even if asked why he took so long to get here. “
” There is a downside, however. be it own decisions in the diocese of Lyon and not national and it is not necessary that these ads serve against fire for exempting Cardinal Barbarin, “he added.
the Church of France had announced in April a series of measures to “light” on pedophilia in its ranks, including the oldest facts. Prosecutors in Lyon meanwhile must decide soon on the investigation of the archbishop.

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