the french government seems closer than ever to sacrifice the Treaty of transatlantic free trade European Union (EU) -United STATES (Tafta) the growing skepticism of public opinion.
Sunday, June 26, at Belleville-sur-Mer (Seine-Maritime), the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, has once again raised
the tone on this highly sensitive issue for the left. In front of some 200 socialist activists, he warned against a negotiation that “is not going in the right direction” , launching an ultimatum to the European Commission. It negotiates Tafta agreement since 2013 on behalf of the twenty-eight member states: “From now on, no free trade agreement should be concluded if it does not respect the EU’s interests. Europe must be firm. France will ensure there. And I tell you frankly, it can not be a transatlantic treaty agreement. “ 

On the bottom as in form, these statements are in line with the attitude adopted by Paris offensive since the fall of 2015. After delayed for months despite protest increasingly powerful and …

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