Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Labor law: the Senate adopts a hardened version of the text – The Point

The Senate on Tuesday adopted the draft labor law by 185 votes against 156, after much more liberal given at work, while the text was again challenged in the streets by the tens of thousands of opponents. Socialist senators, communists, environmentalists and RDSE (PRG to majority) voted against, while the right majority in the Senate, voted for. Following the vote, the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri assured that it remained “persistent and determined to bring the bill to the end”.

On behalf of the Socialists, Nicole Bricq denounced a “completely unbalanced” text in the upper house. “In full debate of the primaries, you had to show your muscles and therefore make war booty. But was it really necessary to return to the 35 hours? “She launched the Senate majority. Ecologist Jean Desessard denounced a text which leads to the “lowest bidder social.”

“We are not fooled”

But for Alain Milon, President (LR ) of the social Affairs Committee, the text of the Senate “constitutes real reform that does not fall into caricature some have complained.” Dominique Watrin (Communist, Republican and Citizen) criticized a “project right which is the Siamese twin of the government project”. “We are not fooled,” he began.

In the wake of the vote, deputies and senators, meeting in a joint committee (CMP), were to try to propose a common text, failure

seemed inevitable given the progress of the project during his visit to the Upper House. Indeed, Senators ended the 35-hour lock, removed the widespread youth guarantee, partially emptied personnel account activity, revised upward social thresholds or caps prud’homales restored benefits (in 15 months’ salary).

Recourse to Article 49.3

This version should however be unraveled by MPs during a new play from July 5, during which the government does not rule again resort to Article 49.3 to pass its version without a vote.

the unions hostile to the text are in turn determined. After the 11th day of action Tuesday, the secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez has already announced a “new day of action” at the back of the text before MPs. And if Prime Minister Manuel Valls has made a step in accepting Wednesday and Thursday the unions and employer organizations, Matignon warned that there was no question as to open “negotiations” on the text, but “make a point” with each of the points of agreement and disagreement.


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