Friday, June 24, 2016

Labor law: short demonstration in Paris without excesses – Liberation

Several thousand people opposed to labor law expressed under surveillance and an exceptionally friendly atmosphere on Thursday in Paris, on a short trip but-won by the unions, who call in to François Hollande to leave the crisis.

radiant sun, roses distributed to police, the CRS without visors or helmets … the parade, under strict surveillance, took place in an unusually quiet since the beginning mobilization in March. Far from the image of the violence of June 14 in the capital, the scale was originally a standoff between government and unions on the event this Thursday.

The procession of 60,000 demonstrators, according to the unions, 20,000 according to police, was shaken to 2:15 p.m. Place de la Bastille, for a limited course of 1.6 km around the basin of the Arsenal. Barely an hour after the start, the union head square had finished the race and returned Bastille Square.

The previous Paris event comparable to Thursday, May 26, brought together 100,000 people in Paris, according to unions. This June 14, national scale – hundreds of cars came from all over France. – Brought together in a million according to organizers, 75,000 to 80,000, according to police

The authorities had taken up lead. One hundred people were arrested ahead of the parade and more than 2,000 police were mobilized.

The security had been drastically strengthened: pre-filtering operations with pat-downs, searches and even identity checks were carried out, the police preventing access to demonstrators holding helmets …

Done singular, protesters beat the pavement loop. The “official” parade was joined by activists of Night Stand walking in reverse, combining their slogans in a joyful cacophony. “Removing the labor law!” “Everybody hates the PS,” “The police hate everyone …”

Since early March, vandals had systematically interfered in protests and unions and government had turned the tables on their respective responsibilities for security parades.

on June 14 had was marked by violence and significant damage, including Necker hospital -Children sick.

– Deterioration in Rennes –

Initially, Thursday’s mobilization was not meant to be a key date.

But the threats to ban the two heads of the executive, in the name of

security, have changed the situation. Until the ban issued Wednesday morning –a first since 1962– which caused a political outcry and union side before being quickly removed. “If Manuel Valls did not make public his intemperate statements, there would have been no demonstration today,” said the leader of FO, Jean-Claude Mailly.

Some protesters in Paris but also in regions, said cycle for the first time because they were keen to defend the freedom to demonstrate.

“I am very concerned when I hear that a minister can have even a moment in mind to prohibit union activity, “testified David, college professor. “It happened Wednesday is unworthy of a government in a democracy,” said Daniel, unemployed in Rennes.

Focusing their criticism on Manuel Valls, CGT and FO insisted again Thursday to be received by François Hollande, who said he would go “to the end” of the labor law.

The president “can go all the way through force, using the 49-3, but it can also go through discussing and making changes,” commented Mr. Mailly.

in addition to the Paris show, a national call for strikes and demonstrations had been throughout France, the tenth since March at the initiative of seven unions (CGT, Solidaires, FSU , UNL, UNEF, Fidl) who always demand the withdrawal of the bill and hear “not let go.” The text is examined in the Senate until a vote Friday before June 28, when a new mobilization.

According to the figures recorded by the AFP offices, participation declined in regions including Havre (3,400 people according to police, 20,000 according to the protesters, against 40,000 June 9), Marseille (2,800 according to police against 5,000 June 14), Lyon, Bordeaux …

They were also held in the quiet except in Rennes where young hooded demonstrators committed many damage.



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