Wednesday, June 22, 2016

LIVE. labor law: Martinez and Mailly received by Cazeneuve 11 am – The Point

– aberrant decision, Cécile Duflot

– the CFDT condemns protest ban

– François Hollande who, in 2012, stated that …

– a decision “right” according to François Hollande

the prohibition of the event scheduled for Thursday in Paris against labor law is “a business management decision of public order” and not within a “arbitrage” the President of the Republic, does one said Wednesday in François Hollande’s entourage. “We said that we avoid having the same problems as last week and had to find the right balance between preserving freedom and respect for public order. It is on this basis that there was a dialogue between the police headquarters, the Interior and the organizing organizations, and that the decision was taken, “did you said.

– Philippe Martinez and Jean-Claude Mailly received by Bernard Cazeneuve at 11 am

the interior minister will receive the bosses of the CGT and FO at 11:00 Place Beauvau, a statement of Bernard Cazeneuve.

– Thierry Solère (LR) agreed” to personally “

” This is a decision (to ban) I understand and I approve personally, “responded his side on i & gt; Tele MP (Republicans) Thierry Solère. “I call the CGT to return to the negotiating table. It does not require removal by the street, that’s not it, the democracy,” he said.

– a decision” very serious for freedoms public “

on i & gt; TV, the national secretary of the Communist Party (PCF) Pierre Laurent expressed his” amazement response “at this decision” authoritarian and irresponsible. ” For the political coordinator of the Left Party, Eric Coquerel, it is a “very serious decision for public freedoms.” Not since the February 8, 1962 to find in history a decision of this type. The unions had then demonstrated against the “fascism”, despite the ban issued by the government of the day. Nine people died in clashes between police and demonstrators.


– A “very serious matter” to Aurélie Filippetti

– political reactions are numerous on Twitter

– What could protesters

if they decide to go demonstrate, opponents of the labor law risk a sentence of six months imprisonment and 7 500 euros to fine, according to Article 431-9 of the criminal Code. Only the organizers of the event are subject to a possible penalty.

– Meeting of the Inter at 12 h 30

one of the Inter press conference will be held at the headquarters of the CGT during the lunch hour, according to a statement.

– The police commissioner said” no ” the demo

Finally, it is “no”! The prefect of police has banned Thursday’s demonstration against the labor law. The prefect of police in Paris said Wednesday banning the demonstration against the labor law that wanted to organize Thursday in Paris opposing unions in government project. The seven protesters unions initially wanted scroll between Place de la Bastille and Place de la Nation. But authorities insist they choose since Monday for a “static” event rather than a parade, citing security reasons after the violence that marred the national demonstration on 14 June in the capital. Read our article


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