asphyxiation threatened by the Socialist Party primary, Emmanuel Macron against attack. The Minister of Economy organizes the first large public meeting of his movement in March this July 12 at the Mutualité in Paris. A well together elected officials, business leaders, personalities of culture and sport, all members, young movement hopes to revive its dynamics. Is that these days were a little rough for En Marche. Since early June, the enthusiasm of the first few weeks has given way to doubts. The memberships flow (Free) was gradually dried up (nearly 60,000 people). Between altercations with opponents of work and controversy on his law ISF, the star of Macron significantly Pali. Among supporters of the left in the perspective of 2017, elbow to elbow with Arnaud Montebourg, it now will initial behind Mélenchon, Hulot and Valls. Especially, the Minister will, reaffirmed Friday, June 17 at RTL, to remain in government sows confusion in the ranks of his supporters, many beginning to doubt his genuine desire to be a presidential candidate.
living Conversation
what Macron force to take the initiative without waiting for its Great Walk scheduled for late July or developing its “diagnosis on the state of France “ waited for the start. The great rout of July 12 is timely to reassure his troops. Meanwhile, Macron continued to distill his ideas by interposed media. And his face-to-face with Michel Houellebecq, editor of a day Inrocks published this week, whose beliefs are diametrically opposed to his. The ambitious Minister of Economy of liberal conviction. This same liberalism that the writer is the first source of the existential malaise of modern man … “You interviewed me or I interview you?” Macron begins, transforming the outset a potentially bitter face-to-face seating of conversation between good friends, a priori in real life they are not.
Houellebecq were amenable, who requested the meeting with a curiosity political philosopher who, like him, claiming “to the right or left.” Strong misleading banner, reading the minutes of their meeting. And this is especially true on the organization of democracy. Thus “neither right nor left” Houellebecq covers rejection of parties and representation systems. Strong supporter of direct citizen consultation, the writer to say elsewhere for a democratic referendum that “should cover almost all subjects” .
Tel No. is not the case at all Macron. Wary of the referendum – one in 2005 on Europe having finally convinced that pro-European of the danger there is to consult the people directly – the unelected minister defends representative democracy. He believes “verticality forms of decision making,” for “There is no human organization without recognition of a form of authority” . If there is indeed a “democratic malaise” , the Minister did not therefore attribute to the lack of consultation of citizens, but their expectations for displaced policies. “No political organization can make people happy in spite of themselves. Their role is not to promise intensity and happiness, but to provide a framework for citizens to free themselves and become self-sufficient. “
” consensus conferences “
Casually, Macron take this opportunity to outline the next experiments it intends to pursue as part of its movement in March. A referendum failure, the minister pronounces in Inrocks to another form of citizen participation. “I think rather to methods such as consensus conferences that enable best experts to train citizens so that they can make proposals knowingly. I believe in the enlightened conscience. “
In the autumn, En Marche should try the case. The idea is to bring together twenty citizens ‘representative’ to make them discuss under the eye of cameras from a thorny issue, such as health reform, national education, etc. For four consecutive weekends, participants are encouraged to review all facets of the problem, digging the thorniest points by calling on experts, to discuss them, to finally agree on a reform consensual way. A concept actually already tested by the Institut Montaigne, liberal think tank whose general manager is Laurent Bigorgne, a personal friend of Macron developed for agreeing to host initially movement to his personal home. The question is whether these experiments will then enroll in a broader political ambition.

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