Balkany is good comrade. To break the embarrassment his friend Sarkozy, the incumbent of Levallois-Perret, four times indicted, tinkered a pretty fable supposed to prove that the controversy over his inauguration to the legislatures of Hauts-de-Seine is a building of journalists malicious.
He, LR candidate in 2017? He would never have been question, he says in a “Focus” published on his Facebook account. He recalled that as all members mayors, it will unfortunately have to choose to give up one of his two terms in 2017, when come into effect the anti-socialist law accumulated. “I never give up my term as mayor of Levallois!” he proclaims, adding that “all that [it] are close, but the entire municipal team especially all Levalloisian, know that the question does not arise for a moment. “
To make things perfectly clear, he announces that application Tuesday the national investiture Commission (CNI), invest now Agnes Pottier-Dumas, a young councilor of Levallois and collaborator Valerie Pécresse in the Ile-de-France.
comic Argument
If this decision was already made, why does Balkany he has not indicated last week, when the CNI decided to reinvest all incumbents of Hauts-de-Seine? That would have put Sarkozy safe from violent attacks of those who no longer support the extravagant protections most discredited has elected the Republic. Several candidates for the
If the mayor of Levallois has not announced earlier that he would for deputy, is that it was considering indeed spent five more years, warm, to the national Assembly. Agnes Pottier-Dumas, his former parliamentary attached, was actually foreseen that in the event, its very unlikely eyes, a defeat of Sarkozy in 2017.
It is quite comical to Balkany hear invoke the argument of respect of non-accumulation to justify his non-candidacy. For as all sarkozystes deputies mayors, he is betting that the former head of state, once elected, will restore the dual mandate. It would be even, it seems, one of its first decisions.
unhappy Coincidence, it turns out that it is precisely this Wednesday, during a convention on institutions, that the promise of the restoration will be officially listed in the alternating project party Republicans.

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