Thursday, June 23, 2016

LIVE. Demonstration against the labor law 20 000 people in Paris, according to police – Le Point

– The mobilization decline throughout France

The tenth day Action in March was followed less than previous, and throughout France. The figures released by the AFP offices, participation declined in regions, especially in Le Havre (3400 people according to police, 20,000 according to the protesters, against 40,000 June 9), Marseille (2800 according police against 14 June 5000), Lyon, Bordeaux. As in Paris, protesters marched peacefully, except for Rennes where many degradations were committed by young hooded.

– Valls tip the ultra-left in violence on the sidelines of events

Manuel Valls is ready to disband groups of “ultra-left” accused of being responsible for violence on the fringes of protests against labor law, he told the Senate , be confident “worried” about the rise of these movements. The Prime Minister pointed to the difficulty of controlling these splinter groups that are not always structured movements. This is according to him several “hundreds of people”, not always organizations “that exist.”
“Whenever we can dissolve organizations that exist and engage in violence, we do it. We did it for groups linked to radical Islam, as we have done for far-right groups. and if necessary, and if the groups are identified, we will of course when it comes to ultra-left “, he assured. The prime minister was responding to those “involve the police and the government as if we organize ourselves the violence to discredit the social movement.”

– The Paris demonstration officially ended

The Parisian procession ends to disperse slowly. The avenues around Bastille are reopened and the police begin to store their device.

– Cazeneuve was to origin of Denials

the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said he offered “personally” to ban demonstrations and had given an account to François Hollande and Manuel Valls, during the session of questions to the government in the Senate. François Hollande and Manuel Valls asked him, occurred after June 14 “extremely serious events”, “discuss with the unions with a device” to avoid a repetition of such excesses, the minister explained. The unions refused to accept the conditions of the interior minister led him to take this ban, which led the unions to resume dialogue. “The unions have agreed (…) proposals that the day before (they) did not accept and which seemed to me to be such as to allow the smooth running of these events. We are therefore able to ensure the reconciliation of necessary safety demonstrations and freedom of demonstration, “said the interior minister.

– from 19 000 to 20 000 demonstrators ( police Prefecture)

the demonstration against labor law gathered between 19 000 and 20 000 people in Paris, the police headquarters. The union FO and CGT claiming 60,000 people. Unless the million protesters claimed by the unions during the day of action on June 14 (75,000, officials), but also less than the previous action days. On May 26, the organizers announced 100,000 protesters in Paris, the prefecture had meanwhile counted between 18,000 and 19,000 protesters. On March 31, they were already 27 000 to answer the call of unions.

2016-06-23T15: 48 "> 15 h 48 – 2 000 police officers mobilized to an event criticized from within

in Paris, 2,000 police officers were mobilized to supervise the demonstration against the labor law allowed on the course around Bastille. Excavations and controls set up by the police led to the arrest of hundreds of demonstrators. Bus shelters were also protected by wooden panels to avoid damage to the street furniture. Some protesters
already critical vis-à-vis the narrow path of the event judged these measures “ridiculous” reports an AFP journalist. The ultra-left movements of the members marched chanting “National Police of the capital militia”, “common sense, this is the wrong way” or “Paris, standing, raises up.” Some also insulted members of the security service of CGT, calling them “collaborators” and “traitors”.

– express Parade and sparse in Paris

the protesters set about 45 minutes to complete the 1600 meters route authorized by authorities. A procession estimated at 60 000 people by the FO and CGT union, much less than the million claimed June 14 (75,000, according to the police). The course does not provide a second round and the first arrivals already demonstrators dispersed.

– Rennes: demonstration “wild” and numerous degradations

The event which gathered between 1500 and 3000 participants in Rennes led to excesses. Tags, broken windows, burnt garbage cans were found. The union procession was preceded by 300 youths, some masked. A second manifestation of a thousand people ventured out of said path in the streets of the city. The wild event went to the central police station of the city, its gates have been repainted in red bins were inflamed. The word “Zad everywhere” was tagged repeatedly.

– The number of arrests increased to Paris

95 people were arrested ahead of the event, according to the police headquarters. In particular, they were arrested for possession of objects can be used as projectiles. Of the 95 arrests, one concerns a prohibited possession of drugs, another a prohibited person to participate in the parade, said the prefecture. “People were taken to police station for identity verification,” said the police headquarters, without specifying their number.

– Cecile Duflot wish to manifest in a “carousel”

former Minister Cécile Duflot ecologist s Housing is desperate to have to manifest itself in a “carousel” against the labor law. “As to be an event in a carousel, maybe we will see a drop tassel Engineer from the Bastille, it is both comical and contemptuous vis-à-vis the citizens vis-à-vis unionists “said CécileDuflot, interviewed by BFM TV from Place de la Bastille. “I will not deny that between the small tour Basin, home with bag searches and barriers, they (the executive) are still a bit disjointed. There is something crazy in the report democracy, “she said.


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