” Progress “, to Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO) “profound disagreement” , Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the General Confederation of Labour (CGT): the intense negotiations between government and unions continued, Wednesday, June 29, at the before the return of the work in committee bill of social Affairs in the national Assembly.
the Prime Minister Manuel Valls receives Wednesday and Thursday the eight unions and employer organizations representative to discuss the reform.
“Deep disagreement,” Philippe Martinez
After a meeting with the prime minister Wednesday Matignon, the secretary general of the CGT considered that the “profound disagreement” with Mr. Valls persisted on the bill, the “small advances are far from the account” .
He kept the “day of action” scheduled for Tuesday, July 5, and said that its terms would be defined inter Thursday. “The disagreements continue, since we still do not have answers,” on the social dumping that will generate the law, he said.
Jean-Claude Mailly gets “guarantees” on the role of branches
Jean-Claude Mailly, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO) obtained Wednesday “guarantee” Government that professional sectors continue to prevail in a number of areas, including salaries, but got nothing on overtime, where the agreement of business will prevail.
the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri has shown a sign of openness Wednesday morning, announcing that the government would file “further amendments” to the project . Act as meaning
Read the interview with Minister: Myriam El Khomri “the 49.3 is not a forced passage”
“We get a priori that, on a variety of themes, branch,
against “that is negative is that overtime, night work and part-time remain within the company,” , says Mr. Mailly. FO, “today it remains a blocking point” . The representative estimated that “This is progress, but it is not sufficient” to a “top out” .
on the next day of action on 5 July, however, he said: “We’re not in logic, for now, to continue protests”
the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), the main trade union support for the draft reform of the Labour code, has for its part called “satisfied” of the amendments made by the government on the role of the branch, said Lawrence Berger, general secretary, following an interview with Mr Valls and M me El Khomri.
This meeting allowed to bring “clarification facing a debate going hysterical on the alleged disappearance of the branch, while this is not the case. It is not at all what was in the text “, said Mr. Berger, the central inspired an amendment Wednesday by M me for El Khomri “reaffirm” the role of the industry.
Meet the unions
Mr. Valls received Wednesday and Thursday the eight unions and employer organizations representative to discuss the reform, which amounts to the National Assembly for a second reading on 5 July.
The Inter including the CGT, FO, the union Solidaires union, the Federation of unitary Unions (FSU), the national Union of students of France (UNEF), the national Union schoolgirl (UNL) and the independent and Democratic Federation schoolgirl (LDIFs) opposes the past four months Bill work. It stands in particular against the reversal of the hierarchy of standards for the organization of working time.

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